Login Issues

I’m currently trying to login on the wow classic server Noggenfogger-EU and i’m getting stuck on “Logging in to game server” for a few minutes and then getting disconnected. anyone experiencing similiar issues? I can’t seem to find any updates


Experiencing the same issue. Have gotten error codes WOW51900319 and WOW51900102.


Mograine-EU same

Same. It happened yesterday for several hours too.

Same here. Blizz, please respond

I’m getting the same message.
Trying to log into Nethergarde Keep.
Blizzard is squeezing our money to pay their fat-cats instead of server stability.

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Ye, second day in a row :rage:

Same is happening here, over and over again.
Whats going on Blizzard?

same here, dragonfang

Same thing here (Shazzrath-EU), just went to check on forums what is happening. My sub expires at 5th, but it is still active so… Anything??

can’t even log into my battlnet account atm. Trying witout the launcher also doesnt work. Even tells me my account have not been found.

Same problem here, “Logging into game server” then disconnect with error.

Can someone who works for blizzard respond for ones and tell us whats happening and if we can play tonight, instead of watching silently leaving us in the dark?

Same here :frowning:

this is silly if even bnet has a que and it keeps on hopping back to that que . try to login without bnet and im playing usa servers ??

I know it’s a 15 year old game but that doesn’t mean you have to use 15 year old hardware Blizzard


They should post here whats happening and not freaking twitter, who the hell is even on there anymore?! stop using out of date platforms and use your own services!

Trying to get in for 20 min now to Noggenfogger-EU and getting this error. I even tried to get on retail Kazzak-EU but it gave me the same error.

Fix your game already Blizzard! too long man, too long.

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