Long 1-2h queue time on AV every day on RU realm horde .HYPE AND FIX THIS PLS

Probably referring to:

The cyrillic letters doesn’t resemble the roman alphabet enough to be intelligible.

For example, your name. I’d call it “The one starting with A!” but that makes it kinda hard if there are more starting with whatever cyrillic letter it is that resembles A. There’s a need to be able to call out names more clearly.

But to begin with, xrealm matchmaking shouldn’t be a thing. It’s horrible for the social effects. You won’t see “epic rivalries” or “epic friendships” forming inside BGs like this, without support for the psychological mechanisms behind what makes people more likely to leave an impression on others.
We’re all too easily forgettable like this, and that makes it devolve into a toxic mess like what has already happened over the many years in retail.

The reason vanilla PvPers remembers the “epic BGs” from back then is because they remembered the players they played with and against. Xrealm matchmaking was only a thing in vanilla for the last few months, when vanilla itself lasted for around 2 years.
It’s because there wasn’t any xrealm matchmaking that it became such a longlasting and happy memory.