Long Topic

the problem with that, is that you get a reward into this. If they don’t want to fly, ground them. But don’t force people who onjoy flying to stay on the ground, because it gives more Rep/Gold/Currency of the day. I never enjoyed PvP, but if i don’t want to gimp myself, Warmode is mandatory because of the reward.

You are being facetious, cantankerous and obnoxious now you are selfish and want to ruin the game for others because YOU don’t like .

In classic over half the 6.5 million subbed players at the time begged for flying because its an adventure and fantasy game .

Sick and tired of whiney people asking for stuff to be removed how about using the grey matter in heads and improve things for a change or is that to hard for you to grasp ?

and you say

when disabled players like me have to live with things like that …


what if the reward were random chests in hard to reach places? and those chests just had a chance of a few war resources or a random mog or something?

Wait what? Even on the slowest of mounts that is not a “long ride”. Sheesh, just how impatient are you?


wouldn’t the sense of wonder and exploration with these chests be reward enough, even if flyers get the chests easier?

I haven’t twisted anything. Someone made a suggestion that would not involve more splitting with shards and I asked how they felt that change that they suggested was necessary. I don’t know if it’s your alt or whether you just decided to jump in.

You are the one who made the strange comparison. You only have yourself to blame if you don’t like the conversation that came from this.

There is no need for this hostility. There are always going to be people who don’t agree with your point of view no matter what the subject matter. There is no need to lash out at them.

I have spoken plainly throughout this discussion without the need to resort to anything. We do now have the ability to ignore/mute others, you can find the setting under preferences:-

I go back to my original answer:-

Nothing like have to deal with physical how can you be so obtuse

Neither is flying about YOU only I need and want flying so go to classic if you want none flying but don’t ruin the game for others for your selfish and obtuse needs .

You cant even compare dyslexia to losing an arm never seen so much thoughtlessness towards other players you sir/lady are ignorant to the world outside of your little bubble .


How old are you? xD

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If you only have ground mounts as favourites or bound to use then you can not summon a flying mount unless you specifically go into your list of mounts and select that mount.

That is self control.

I haven’t been passive aggressive at any point, nor have I twisted any words. I have merely discussed flying vs non flying and the various suggestions made within this thread.

When I said

I still mean that. I honestly thought the person I responded to would come back with some reason about why they thought this option was needed or how it would work.

I did not expect some comparison to people not using a specific limb which does not actually explain the need to have a forced grounding.

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You answered your own question .

Contempt breeds contempt and you have been nothing more than contemptful in all your posts you are rude and self centered and I will block you as its like talking to a brick wall ,


You seriously think that makes thing easy I am lost for words you have no idea how hard it is what so ever so please excuse me whilst I laugh at how foolish and ill educated you are !

why is that even relevant? is this some kind of dig at me? You’re not supposed to ask a woman her age or weight you know… but I’m 40 if you must know.

Ah, sorry then! Thought you were a teenager or something.


You are wrong.
I have not been rude at all.
I have not been contemptuous.

You are creating a strawman. stop it.

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I understand what you are saying, but then you must have expected others to comment about their experience of flying, isn’t that the point of posting to get feedback both good and bad?

The player base is split on those that want flying and those that don’t, if it was not in game already I can understand you would want to put forward your reasons for it not being brought into game. But it is here and has been for a long time, and I still say that a compromise has been found, even though I know not everyone will agree. At the start of a new expansion nobody can fly this gives us the time to explore the new content, later flying is added this gives those that love flying what they want - so each get a turn if you will.

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I’m sorry, I just feel a bit like i’m taking attacks from all sides right now. my brain is starting to sizzle.

Please don’t tell me how and what to post when you accuse others of being passive aggersive when you are doing the same yourself .

I have said nothing strawman at all its YOU who said losing an arm is easier then dealing with dyslexia.

I find you obtuse and rude and your posts inane .

I will have my say about flying and I will not be told disabilities are easy .
For a woman of 40 you are very naïve and not educated at all about prosthetic’s.

It’s a controversial subject and will always have those for and against :slight_smile:

I didn’t say that. there is the strawman getting bigger.

Then you have the option to not read them and get lost.