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And you say you are not passive aggressive? lol right ok

You don’t even know what it means as you don’t use it in right context please stop using it ,its cringeworthy .

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

It’s a good job you don’t get to dictate who can and can’t take part in the forums then :laughing:


Forum is a place to debate which you clearly lack skill’s in and I say again don’t tell me how and were to post .
If you don’t like peoples views and want to me a selfish “me” then don’t post inane posts like this that makes you look a very selfish and ill educated person .

To be fair, people having little or no knowledge of medical matters that don’t concern them is perfectly normal and understandable. That said, it doesn’t justify making ludicrous statements, making nonsensical comparisons or trivialising about them.


Thank you for putting better than I .

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This thread is a perfect example of why so many think of the forums as a joke. People can’t just settle for disagreeing with someone so many feel the need to also insult you on their way out to their best capabilities, to a point where even an MVP, someone who’s been deemed worthy of being an example to the community, is being passive aggressive. What an absolute disaster this is.

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Then maybe think before you post and re-read what you say before pressing enter as you have really annoyed the heck out of this lady with you saying its “easy” such utter trash comment to make .

And she was provoked and she wasn’t passive aggerssive at all but sure as always go for the green poster .

Bit like your post and personal attack on the MVP pointing her out then .

That you can’t even see how you’re adding more to the behavior I’m pointing out just makes this all the more sad to read.

And you are not adding to it ? by picking on a single person and there view ? how ironic .

I pointed out they are being passive aggressive. That’s all. It wasn’t even me who originally pointed out, so technically I just agree with, Triadne on that.

And so is the OP but you singled out one person when there is a whole thread of people doing it .I am sorry I find your view wrong and you are being spiteful towards a green poster .
But you fail to mention the OP who told me to “get lost”

You’re not sorry. more passive aggressive behavior.

I’m not entirely sure where anyone thinks I’ve been passive aggressive but everyone is entitled to their opinion. I am certainly used to being singled out and bashed with the MVP stick. It’s comes with the territory. I still think we should post in pink, no one could be so hostile towards pink posts!!! :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

Certain topics on the forums always seem to end up a bit heated where people take differing opinions personally or as attacks.


Im not sorry at all especially like I said when the OP tells me to get lost and life is easy for people with fake limbs . But sure you defend the OP with your inane posts .

Telling you to get lost isn’t passive aggressive, it’s just plain regular aggressive :stuck_out_tongue:


But she is so sweet and innocent in all of this and hasn’t said one bad word according to Tukan its all Puny and me :woman_facepalming:

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clutching at straws now .

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The achievements don’t match up. Even if forum profile is hidden, you can still check their armoury profiles.