Long Topic

We did this recently but slightly different method, I enter pet battle with bounty, when I leave the battle I got swarmed, then everybody else left the pet battle in my squad… surprise!! :grin:

I enjoy the bounty system overall and the sliver of nyalotha, actually I think BfA has had one of the most healthy WPvP scenes I have seen, at least since timeless isles MoP, with just a few pitfalls that I don’t really mind too much (like moving between layers)

Would love if there was an actualy system in-place so we can place bounties for gold and it accrues until they are killed, not sure how that could function with the WM toggle and such however, but fun addition to current system perhaps.

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I have been massacred by one of those sneaky ‘we hide in the world quest’ squads before :rofl:

It wasn’t a bounty but people were just doing CTA. There were two five man parties hidden in the WQ. I did my tort quest, came out and it was like SURPRISE!!! We gathered a few friends and it was a fun fight. Sadly I could not withdraw into the WQ because I’d already done it :laughing:

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Man… Stories like that make me so glad I have a choice not to ever turn on warmode. Stuff like that would make me SO angry. :no_mouth:


If you don’t like flying then try walking or use ground only mounts. Nazjatar and Mechagon was the worst experience for me without flying. I hate every second wasted those zones. Now I got flying, at least I can quickly do dailies and get back to normal zones with less anger.

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But if you have a PvE realm with 50 people, and a PvP realm with 50 people, and merge them with the option to go in warmode, then there will still be 50 people in each mode. The numbers remain the same.

Treat flying as helicopter, that allows you to fly over traffic jams during rush hour. I.e. saves your life resource from just wasting it. Yeah, traffic jams can be fun for first time, but not on day-to-day basis.

There no PvP or PvE realms now. There are only RP and Normal realms.

All realms now have the option to enter the world as WM on or WM off. To turn it on you need to be in Stormwind for Alliance and Orgrimmar for Horde. You can turn it off in any rested area.

You are not necessarily put into a shard with players from your own realm. I also find I am either in a shard full of Alliance or there are next to none to be found. Balance is something they definitely need to work on.

RP realms aren’t mixed in with Normal realms. They have their own rulesets. People from RP realms can join others’ groups and go to Normal shards though. Just like RP players can invite Normal realm players to their shard.

to be frank, I don’t see those players who are up in the air anyway, so how would it divide the playerbase exactly?
I mean how would it be appreciably different to how it is now?

discounting warmode, I severely doubt that when I’m in Boralus, I am seeing EVERY player in the entire EU who is in boralus at that time.
We would just see a different way of dividing and combining groups of players.
And if players find that the area is too quiet for them, they can always choose to turn flying back on. THAT would be real player choice.

especially if we had no flying zones.
If I remember correctly… there was a point where Dalaran was no flying? was that in wrath? yeah has to be, I never got pathfinder in Legion.
I think that worked well.

So if we had that type of thing, no flying areas, then out in the world and in small settlements etc. we have noflying mode or flying mode, and those peeps can’t see each other, but any time they enter a no flying zone, they are merged and everyone sees each other. ?

Instead of resorting to shards and separating the playerbase even more why can’t there be a mob that you can talk to who just magically grounds you, similar to the NPC in Orgrimmar who just makes you stop gaining XP. I think it’s a more elegant solution without involving more and more shards.

Why do they need to speak to an NPC to ground them when they already have the choice not to use flying?

I’m just curious why :slight_smile:


I don’t know where you got that merge from…

Anyway Puny gave a good explanation, so I’ll leave it at that.
I play on an RP realm btw, just for context.

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It could be someone from the bronze dragonflight, disguised as a groundhog named Bill.

Puntable Bill
Helper for Those Without Self-Restraint

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It might not make you feel any different, but if you were in a multiplayer game then it would definitely make others feel different.
That’s why they have anticheat systems.
And it’s why one of those games is now matchmaking suspected cheaters with other suspected cheaters.
Honestly, I’m not against cheating in all games, except when it effects other players experience. therefore, even if I choose not to do pathfinder, I can still see other players flying and that makes me feel inferior. This is why I believe some kind of sharding thing could be good.

Oh of course. I wouldn’t even try to cheat in a multiplayer game, out of principle.
It was just an example of why for me the result is what ‘makes me feel good’. Not how I got there.

I really enjoyed those zones. up to a point. It’s the fact of daily quests and world quests constantly, all the time, having to farm them, that would make me want a more convenient way to travel, but I don’t believe that these world quests should be a thing if they make me or anyone else feel that way. if there were no dailies or WQ in nazjatar or mechagon, I guarantee most people would not feel that way.

The area’s are terrible without flying. They are made with flying in mind with even points where you can not come without flying. And then it is even a requirement for flying for whole bfa :grimacing:

So lack of self control?

I don’t know why you can’t just come out and give a direct answer.

But that is a weird comparisment. People like going on ground mounts so then it is not a punishment. Not using 1 arms is… :thinking:

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You are basically saying that having no flying is like having no left hand. It’s the most bizarre thing I’ve read on the forums. If ever there was an argument to prove flying is good that is it. Let us fly it’s like having two hands!

I would not find it hard to ground myself. I would simply change my favourite mount list to all ground mount and I would never be able to take off again.

I simply asked a question as to Sunbursts thought we should have an option to ground players when they can already do that. I genuinely wondered what their logic was behind the need when it is something that is already possible.

I’m sorry for expecting a nice reasonable explanation.


Ya be doin’ a good job womon. Keep it up, da dedication be most impressive.