Long Topic

Why isn’t their room for nuances in this conversation? I don’t have an all-round approving disposition towards OP’s position. Saying you’re sorry when you’re not sorry, is being passive aggressive why do we have to discuss this?

As far as I observed, OP tried reasoning with people that she feel this way and then went on to talk about her human nature for which she was ridiculed by several people. Most people get emotional when backed into a corner by others who have no intention to hear them out or listen to what they have to say. That’s why I take pity on her and that’s why I can’t help but to antagonize people like you. Wasn’t there someone who mentioned the good old “Contempt breeds more contempt” or something along those lines? If you really feel wronged by her telling you get out, then why do you reciprocate the behavior with more of the same? Does that make you feel better to stoop to the same level or?

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Did you just compare dyslexia to losing an arm?

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You think I post on alts?

Knock yourself out, I have never hidden myself and am easy to look up.


She did yes .

I wont be talked down to by a person like that who is acting a victim when she bad mouthed others before they themselves became hostile back .
If you have a problem with me report and ignore me but she doesn’t need you to defend her inane posts .

You’re probably posting on multiple accounts. You elves are known for being sneaky.


Dyslexia is just an excuse to justify their laziness and from my experience (when i was in school) most ‘dyslexic’ students were just class clowns.

Inb4: how dare you.
Yes there are some real cases of dyslexia but comparing that to losing an arm? give me a break dude

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No, you don’t like listening to what others have to say when they don’t agree with you, I can tell that without you making it all the more clear.

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Then you have this Tukan guy wondering why iam angry when she says things like that I mean I don’t have to justify my views to him but if he cant understand why iam mad when life is “easy” then there is no point debateing with him .

He has trouble understanding your posts cause you know… He’s dyslexic.


DONT tell me life is easy for people with fake arms get that into your head stop telling me how to feel and how to post you have no idea what line that poor victim lady booohooo has crossed I despise people like her in her own bubble talking rubbish .

Right. I think I’ve heard everything you have to say.

Good then maybe you can see she isn’t all innocent in all this life is not easy at all but sure defend her I couldn’t care less what you think of me .

I think you have played that just fine .

Look, you made a comparisment between a choice that is fun and a disability. When people prefer to use ground mounts they are not seeing that as disability. They enjoy it. Dont also forget we had 9-10 months without flying. We did not live 9-10 months without 1 arm.

Just go play the game the way you enjoy. If you enjoy somewhere to be faster and go flying, dont feel bad. You enjoy being faster somewhere. And on another moment go have a fun ride on your horse, because you enjoy it.


That sums up this entire topic and ironically more the person who made the topic who has regularly been hostile to other posters.


It is more like not using a luxury. And addition. Why use the car when you have a helicopter. Both are luxuries. If you dont see having only 1 arm as a disability… ok.

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Yeah. Like I said, that can happen to folks when they constantly get backed into a corner by people who don’t care about what you have to say, just so they can proceed to ridiculing them, which is how ot goes down on these forums more often than not. Looks like people are here to judge the severity of a comparison she made now and how it’s unbecoming for this and that reason.

Triadne just stop if you are at all feeling pressured by this thread. They will never see things your way and make use of any leeway they get to further chide you.

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But there is no challenge. When people enjoy riding from north to south EK on their horse they enjoy it. It is not a challenge. It is the way they enjoy at that moment the game. For the record, i did that. When i had flying available. I had a free day, spended time looking around (i leveled as horde on kalimdor and never was on EK). It was fun. No challenge at all.