Lore Tidbits Thread 5

Welp, since the previous thread was locked (again), I thought why not create a new one?

Mainly because I found a tidbit about orcish age and when they’re considered adults etc.

Mother Kashur remarks that Durotan is a full-grown adult when he is twelve years of age. He becomes chieftain and mates with Draka a year later.

~ Rise of the Horde , pg. 158

Also, there seems to be a slight inconsistency with (Zandalari) troll ages.

Rastakhan has ruled for more then 200 years, which according to Talanji is many troll lifetimes, but yet Zandalari are said to be “long lived”. Does anyone know more about this that could clear it up?

And any more tidbits people know that might be uncommon?


Less of a lore tidbit, but more of a lore fridge moment on the subject of Rastakhan’s age.

He is over two hundred years old but only had a single child 18 years ago. That is elven levels of modesty when it comes to propagation.


Doomguards used to be the arcane-regulating “police” on behalf of the Titans, until Sargeras went and corrupted them into demons.


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I’ve yet been able to find where Talanji says that, but considering trolls live roughly on par with humans; if not on average a bit shorter due to their violent cultures and lifestyle, Zandalari could still be “long lived” and yet fall short of Rastakhan’s life. He was blessed by Rezan with a long life and amazing strength, and begins ageing rapidly after Rezan’s death.

No, this is an issue in general with WoW characters - rulers especially. At the time of his death, Terenas had ruled Lordaeron for 50 years; it’s worse if you only played Warcraft 3, as that tells us he ruled Lordaeron for 70 years, but his heir was only 24 years old at the time, and his daughter was 26. Lord knows how old Genn is, but he is presumably as old, if not older, than Terenas; his Warcraft 2 artwork doesn’t depict a young man, after all, and his hair is already grey during the prologue for worgen. This prologue played out shortly after the Northgate Rebellion, which in and of itself begun during the Third War, and by the time of Cata, his hair has turned white, but Tess Greymane is in her early 20s.

lifetimes can end from other things than age. Maybe that’s related the cause of this statement.

Genn is in his 80s, isn’t he?

My father believes he is indulging me. He has ruled for two hundred years, many lifetimes of trolls. In his mind, de threats that face our kingdom are minor.

I have seen too much to believe that.

So since my father and his advisors would not help, I turned to someone who would.

Your warchief needs our fleet, and I needed her champions. So here is what we need to do.


That said, you both make a good point about a lifetime falling short because of other reasons then old age. I just made an assumption I guess :sweat_smile:

I still wonder how that works, esp since the Titans themselves aren’t shy of using massive amounts of arcane magic (and their blood is apparently literal arcane?)

The Haal’eshi Gorge and Den of Haal’esh are implied to have been transformed into a Burning Legion controlled citadel by the time the Traveler books occurred, evidenced by its position south of Falcon Watch and its connection to the arakkoa.

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The new novel provides some clarification on whether or not Turalyon and Alleria are able to touch one another. In the Thousand Years of War audio series, a touch hurt him something fierce.

This is not a spoiler of the story itself, have no fear.

It is explained that they are perfectly able to touch one another under normal circumstances, yet if Alleria assumes her void form, a touch would burn Turalyon “like a brand”. Curiously, it specifically seems to only hurt him however, with no ill effects on her part.


From the same novel, there’s a Lightforged Draenei, Senn, who steps through a Void Elf Rift without suffering any ill effects, except for being clearly disgusted by the experience!


This one I found interesting when reading it!

Ion has revealed how time works in the Shadowlands in an interview. It is not a static passing of consecutive moments, but a manner of perception. He compared it to a dream: you can fall asleep for six hours, but you can perceive this as either five minutes, five hours or however long your dream seems to last. But in reality, it is still six hours of sleep. So a soul can train to become a Kyrian Ascendant for what seems like centuries, but they only died three years ago. This explains why Uther is a Kyrian: to him it was a long time, but for us it was a decade or so.

No timeskip then. Very good. I can keep RPing a non-elf without fear.


I think a timeskip could be done well… But there’s a great many ways Blizzard could do it not well, so we’re better off this way.


Interesting… got a quote on that, by any chance? I would like to read it.


This is the part

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Thank you. I feel like I should buy and read this book. It has a lot of interesting stuff in it!

Lore facts revealed in Shadows Rising. Minor spoilers. Credit to Mimiron’s Library for the list:

  • Saurfang’s late wife’s name was Remda.
  • The name of Thrall’s young daughter is Rehze.
  • Flynn Fairwind won a boat known as The Prowse in a dice game and renamed it to The Bold Arva after one of his old first mates who died tragically in a harpooning accident.
  • Flynn also once had a parrot named B0ng-b0ng, although he lost the pet in a card game to a goblin known as Krazzet the Bishop.
  • Flynn’s mother, Lyra Fairwind, was a thief. When he was but a child, she was caught and hanged. Before Shaw, Flynn had never told anyone about his mother.
  • Mathias Shaw’s grandmother, Pathonia Shaw – infamously known as the “Silver Cutpurse” –, was also a thief. She was caught three times and eventually given the ultimatum of either joining the Stormwind Guard or hanging for her crimes. Valuing her life, Pathonia agreed to work for the crown. She would eventually pass her trade skills down to her daughter – Shaw’s mother – and Shaw after her when his mother died. Pathonia was known to wear an inordinate number of rings, although for some reason, she bore only a tied red string on her right ring finger.
  • Shaw likes to spend his free time whittling bird statues.
  • Shaw once had a small private cabin in the Arathi Highlands.

The Zandalari

  • Noble houses with connections to the crown’s former spymistress, Yazma, were punished for their ties to the traitorous priestess. That said, families who could prove that they had not been involved in Yazma’s schemes were absolved of any wrongdoing.
  • Apari, the leader of the rebellious Widow’s Bite organization, is Yazma’s daughter. She was once one of Talanji’s closest childhood friends and was held to be more desirable than the princess herself. Despite her familial ties, Apari sided with Talanji when news of Yazma’s treason came to light, only to regret her decision when the princess inadvertently left her trapped under a pillar that had fallen on her during the Battle of Dazar’alor. The injury she sustained from the pillar wounded her grievously, preventing her from bearing children.
  • Neither Talanji nor Apari ever wanted to have children.
  • Loa draw their power from worship. Destroying the shrines and idols of a loa can weaken them severely.
  • Because of the bond her father made with Bwonsamdi, as the loa weakens, so too does Talanji.
  • Although the Necropolis may appear somewhat small on the surface, many tunnels run below the great mausoleum.
  • New Zandalari mothers traditionally bring their infants to the Great Seal to sit among the waters there, which are said to be formed from Rezan’s own tears and capable of blessing one with health and longevity.
  • The prison in Dazar’alor is made of gold, much like the rest of the city.
  • While many of the details surrounding blood magic are still vague, Apari and her followers were able to power and command a magical storm using the blood of a lone Zandalari troll they ritually sacrificed as fuel.

Miscellaneous Lore

  • The Void naturally seeks out and reveals deception in others.
  • With the power of the Void at her disposal, Alleria can sift through another person’s memories and thoughts, although the process proves to be quite painful for the person having their memories plumbed.
  • The Old Gods are said to be able to use the smallest thought to drive any person mad. They can also wrench any information they want from anyone, no matter how willing the subject.
  • Shaw despises sailing.
  • When the armistice was signed between the Horde and the Alliance, the Alliance ceded control of their encampments on Zandalar and abandoned them.
  • The Proudmoores have a gallery in their keep that hosts a grand collection of maps, charts, sea-faring gizmos, nautical artifacts, and even oil paintings depicting members of the Proudmoore family and beloved friends, including King Anduin Wrynn.
  • The Pandaren from Wu-Song Village have a saying – “the oldest ginger is the most pungent”.
  • Thrall can understand Thalassian.
  • Shaw knows some Zandali but is not fluent in it.
  • It takes approximately four days to sail from Zandalar to Stormwind on a Zandalari vessel.
  • Although all souls now head directly for the Maw, Bwonsamdi has the power to seize and save the spirits of his followers, which he did with King Rastakhan.

Tauren ruminate.

Which is kind of odd because they are also shown to be omnivores.

According to Ask CDev round 3, high elves with fel tainted eyes would be surprisingly common, considering how few high elves even remain alive. To quote below, as it plainly states, if you were a high elf in Outland, you were around fel energies. And if you were around fel energies, your eyes turned green.

You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstrider, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green


TIL Zandalari have noble houses.

Zandalar house guilds, when?