Lore Tidbit Thread 9

The last one closed last year

According to Medivh, the reason why Dalaran Red became so popular and Dalaran has a notable wine culture is because of the city’s history with acute lead poisoning from its leaded pipes.

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Lore Tidbit Thread 7

Lore Tidbit Thread 8


Speaking of Medivh
I recently learned from a platinum WoW video that Medivh apperently made a giant forest eating beetle that died and turned into a whole island.

Yeah, I am not sure what to do with this information.


Mankrik’s wife is dead.

RPG lore but I think it makes for a nice headcanon:

The Tauren Warstomp is so powerful because it startles the spirits of the earth around the Tauren, causing the earth to heave.

Every lore thread should have this lore bit
“Dwarves, especially Dark Irons, need a lot of rest, and they have a hard time sleeping without pillows.”


In Draenic, “Goblin” roughly translates to Parasite.


Which they are :dagger:

From an old rpg book: The Acid Gun is a weapon crafted by tinkers. The acid is contained in specially treated wax pellets that serve as bullets. When fired, the heat from the gunpowder melts the wax and expels the acid in a wide spray. The acid gun sprays acid in a 10-foot-long cone.

I recently discovered this and will use it for my roleplay! Sounds way cooler than throwing vials of battle potions.


Kel’Thuzad was exiled from the Kirin Tor due to the Council of Six’s fear that the Church, Lordaeron, and the peasentry would start a civil war if they were to find Kel’Thuzad’s experiments with dark magic up north. That, and the obvious fact that they found out he wasn’t just theorising and cataloguing dark magic; but actually using it.

Since the Council didn’t want to make this public, and nobody really knew but them, Kel’Thuzad used this opportunity to flee for Icecrown Glacier, which is what kickstarted the events that would lead up to the Third War.

Naxxramas was created by the Nerubians as a stationary location, in a similar fashion to what the Scourge later did with the Undercity in Lordaeron.

The Scourge was preparing for war before the Cult of the Damned was even a thing, or before Kel’Thuzad had joined the Scourge. They were stocking up in supplies and troops and developing the Plague of Undeath, and were waiting for the Lich King to fully lure Kel’Thuzad in.


In this story, released in 1.11 during Naxxramas’ launch patch, it is also revealed that the Undead enthralled by the Lich King, even the ‘cannon fodder’ zombies, held a certain level of awareness to what atrocities they were being forced to commit, but being completely powerless to stop it.

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