Tbh, much though I’d like to get that last Arathi achievement, I tend to agree with you. I noticed my wins counted towards this week’s ‘win 4 bgs’ which is usually really hard to do, but I already have 2 done. That’s not right.
They have decided that any small amount of soul that BGs had left will now be removed. It has been said eventually they’ll roll this out for other BGs too.
Has there been any player support for this feature, I mean any at all? Has anybody ever thought “gee, I wish PvP was more like PvE”. They already butchered AV for that years ago, and that proved unpopular by just about anybody.
I mean the concept would be hilarious if it wasn’t so depressing how out of touch Blizzard is.
Has anyone tested if the achievement “Resilient Victory” can be done in AI AB yet? Only one Im missing from Battlemaster on my main, litteraly ben mising it for years.
Or reputation, people shouldn’t be rewarded a PvP reputation simply because they whacked a bunch of AI.
Then why does it giving conquest, honour, related pvp achievements for that bg and the Marks of Honour?
I tried it today. It was utter trash. Putting that in the pvp tab and rewarding pvp currencies and achievements is a early april’s fools joke.
Where’s my raid rewards for doing arenas? Perhaps get a weapon that isn’t complete trash for my spec?
do they also ignore all pvp relevant mechanics like DR, out of combat etc?
Bonus points if they also have only 5s cd on their 3s stun
“PVP” Most of the PVP was just the general zerging by the AI and always lead to the player team 4 capping. The ai failing to replicate player gameplay and spending most of their time bunny hopping and casting like 3-4 spells and seem to cap flags faster than players and always trinket the first CC. Its literally the people at 1200 rating with 200 games and a negative win ratio.
Would of been a challenge if the hunters CC’d more or was atleast a survival hunter for net, the mage using poly on reasonable targets and DR’d the CC, give them a ele shaman for dat lightninglasso, let them use BL and uncannily make it so every time we see the DH/fury warrior they always seem to have burst avaliable like in normal PVP where the melee aoe mongo classes seem to always do 10k DPS + on AOE/ST with the same rotation.
TL:DR funny ai, would be so much better if they were more proactive/played like a proper RBG/BG team and had full access to their kits/talents/honor talents.
The benefit of the brawl is Alliance can actually win for once!
Didnt i see you in an IoC a few days ago?
For the uninitiated, the Brawl in question involves a team of players vs a team of bots. With that in mind, here’s the breakdown.
(TLDR @ the bottom)
NOTE: Some might see some of these as pros if they’re of a certain mindset.
- This Brawl is eligible for daily conquest reward.
- This Brawl provides reputation from the respective BG.
- This Brawl provides achievements associated with the respective BG.
- This Brawl provides the exact same chest/item rewards as standard BG’s.
- This Brawl is considered a Battleground (for BG related completion quests).
- While the AI could be worse, it is still AI, meaning most players can (and will) abuse this for easier speed-wins.
In short, the mixture of short queue-time, easier victories, reputation, boxed rewards, daily conquest points, and quest eligibility means that if this is going to become common for all BG’s (and those rewards don’t change), there will be little to no reason to do actual BG’s if all you care about are the above things. 0/4 BG ‘completions’ can be done via this PvE. You can pep your 500 weekly conquest points each day with easy wins. You gain the 360il BG item boxes as a reward, thus the materials and gear provided are infinitely easier to acquire compared to standard BG’s, etc etc etc.
- Less team-requirements and only one faction of players (other being bots) = short queues for a match that some may find fun or good for practice. Could be quite useful and a nice alternative (for some).
_ - Handled more like a PvE scenario rather than an actual match. Those who just don’t like PvP of any description will feel at home here. Also less ‘balance’ concerns and no pressure from other players. A good way to practice PvP or maps in a far less competitive manner.
_ - The potential for bots (if improved) could end up being a decent alternative for matches with leavers. eg, if a player leaves, that player-character could possibly be overtaken by AI instead of just disappearing. While not as effective as an actual player, it stops teams constantly losing out due to people going in/out of a battleground, at least until new players arrive.
_ - The presence of this AI-BG simply shows that Blizzard still want to improve on their AI (bot) system. While most mock it right now, do bear in mind that their bots are still in the infancy stage and could be improved in a way that may positively effect the game down the road.
(Example > AI-handled quest-mobs). I’ve just done the vs Alliance invasion quest in Nazmir where you have to take on the Alliance army. Now, picture a quest like that with AI controlled mobs rather than the standard no-brain NPC’s we’ve always had. This could make certain areas a lot more fun even just for basic quests, even if it was just for, say, faction specific NPC’s. That is just one of the simplest examples of the AI potential.
TLDR: They are still working on the AI and hoping to improve it, which could add some fun potential across the board. However, they should not have put it in a setting where reputations, BG (PvP) rewards, conquest points and other factors could be so easily obtained by, essentially, doing some ez short-queue PvE.
I have no doubt they’ll tweak that aspect of it down the road (especially if they translate this Brawl to other BG’s), but for now… Enjoy the easy PvP(E)!
Don’t believe so mate, rare for me to do the epic battlegrounds. I have been doing the Wintergrasp one though when it was the brawl.
I never knew why this wasn’t in the game before. It is an awesome idea. I can’t wait to try it.
It’s both scary and impressive at the same time to see what they can do with AI technology.
Fun concept, but I don’t think the brawl should grant pvp achievements. I feel it’ll take it away from those who did it the hard way. “Win 100 ABs” is for example now just a matter of chain-queueing while the brawl is up.
You forgot that this is an excellent way to farm Arathi rep. Youll win 99% of your matches, meaning 750 rep per game.
It doesnt get faster than this
It’s really, really, REALLY easy. Not surprising I guess, it is called “Comp stomp”, as in stomping computers, after all.
I guess that’s a neat idea anyway. Having an introduction to PvP that’s a little easier and allows you to get your feet wet without having some angry retard yelling at you at the top of his lungs about how you failed to defend Gold Mine against a gladiator rogue you (obviously) didn’t see coming is nice for beginners.
But if we’re going to have an introduction to PvP like this, might I suggest it’s a constant feature with very low rewards instead of a brawl? Brawls are for PvP’ers looking for something different, not a way to get into PvP in my opinion.
It’s both scary and impressive at the same time to see what they can do with AI technology.
Fun concept, but I don’t think the brawl should grant pvp achievements. I feel it’ll take it away from those who did it the hard way. “Win 100 ABs” is for example now just a matter of chain-queueing while the brawl is up.
This isn’t actually artificial intelligence as we know it today. At least I doubt it is. This is just similar to what we had all the way back in 1999, with things like Unreal Tournament. Those were also bots who knew how to run around the map and find objectives, how to work together and team up, and how to use the ~13 weapons in the game, each with 2 firing modes, adding up to 26 abilities.
WoW’s is a little more impressive than that, but I rather suspect it’s the same kind of technology.
Nothing to be scared of at all.
You’re missing the point which is Blizzard having the BoTs look like real players, why that is, is the point.
Which is why you need to convince them that it’s not PvP.
players aren’t having a problem with it
They do, I’ll prove it, instead of having the BoTs look like real players, have them all look like Pigs.
Players know that it’s not PvP but their eyes keep lying to them, which is why…
BGs would probably be a lot more popular if we good always choose to play against bot teams instead of real opponents
… if the BoT team look like a NPC, their eyes can’t lie to them and they will go back to not liking BGs as much.
Which is why you need to convince them that it’s not PvP.
Does it matter what it is?
Playing against bots in a battleground is a new format. In other games it would be called vs. AI. WoW doesn’t really have that format established, so they’ve stuck it in as a Brawl. Seems fine.
They do, I’ll prove it, instead of having the BoTs look like real players, have them all look like Pigs.
Players know that it’s not PvP but their eyes keep lying to them, which is why…
… if the BoT team look like a NPC, their eyes can’t lie to them and they will go back to not liking BGs as much.
So the problem is that people might enjoy this Brawl too much, so Blizzard needs to do something to make it unenjoyable, so players will stick with PvP battlegrounds? What?!
Lol it didn’t replace current PvP options, it’s just another new option to participate, new content, why so hate?
This PvE-Brawl even rewards Marks of Honor.
I do understand PvP enthusiasts are annoyed by the fact, that some of the rewards that where unique to PvP before are now open to complete non PvP players (like myself).
I am thinking about playing a few rounds, so I can earn the recipes and maybe one or two old transmog set. On the other hand the one round I played yesterday was really boring and I am not sure, if the reward is enough compensation for that amount of boredom.
Maybe battlegrounds with different objectives could do better, but in Arathi I thought the first few minutes where kind of enjoyable, but then the AI only tried to hold stables and ambushed another point once.
Zerg vs. an inferior AI is not the most entertaining objective.
they literally come in a conga train to be aoed down.
I read that at work and I had really hard time to prevent laughing out loud DON’T DO THAT
Blizzard, please make VS AI a permanent mode. It’s awesome, thanks.