Loving the Arathi Brawl against bots

The context in which you’re using the word different it means better.

  1. I’m saying they provide a worse experience. Worse is good.

  2. I’m saying they provide a better experience. Better is good.

So a more skilled opponent provides a better experience, is what you’re saying, right? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

And if that’s the case, which it is :face_with_hand_over_mouth: you will have a better experience against players rather than BoTs.

What?! No! Just…No.

The boar, Argus, and the Brawl bots are all great in their own way, and the game is better for having that variety in gameplay experiences.

I think we should end this “discussion” here. You’re trying to force a logical conclusion that PvP with skilled opponents is definitely superior to anything else in the game. But your approach is not logical at all, despite how much you want to try and deduct your way to that conclusion.

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Today i was in AB brawl where i saw something that i wish i would have not seen.

People losing to bots and actually complaining about it.

It was so sad that i had to leave or else i would have probably just either way just alt-f4 and gone to bed it was so sad to look at.

Well, to be fair, many of us got these achievements when you could still queue up with full premades or when games started with 5 vs 15 in the off hours. Some achievements are much harder to get now than a few years ago, so this event gives people a temporary chance to also get these achievements in an easy way.

I felt the bots were harder today, or maybe people just bring out their ungeared alts, not sure, but I actually had some pretty close games (still all wins).

When you want to pvp but the brawl is a pve :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Do you earn marks of honor for fighting AI?

Watch this :smirk:

Here :point_up: you’re pointing out the skill difference between the two as it relates to BGs

The Boar is different (as in variety, I think not :joy:) but would be worse in BGs because of skill or lack thereof.

You’re the one that’s saying skilled opponents are definitely superior in BGs, remember the Boar won’t crowd control. :man_facepalming:

But here’s why your logic is flawed:

Your presumption is that a harder opponent is a more fun opponent. But there’s no basis for concluding that.

No, I’m saying the Brawl bots are a cool, engaging, and awesome. But them being all of that doesn’t take anything away from the other aspects of the game – they too can be fun and awesome in their own ways. It’s not a zero sum game.

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You’re getting confused, it’s not my logic, it’s yours.

See? :point_up:

3 - 5 minutes games reward 200g + marks of honor + 8 conquest and a total of 370 honor. Can as well and does regualry give blue 360 gear, pots/herbs/fish etc.

Have yet to see a game where bots aren’t aoed down on farm or starter gy.

No. Again, you’re presuming that because the Brawl Bots are more complex in their design than the boar, then they’re automatically superior in every sense to the boar.
But that’s not really the case. There’s a place for everything. The boar fits perfectly within Elwynn Forest just as the Brawl bots fit perfectly within Arathi Basin, and the variety in the gameplay offered by having both is superior to only having one.

I’m getting confused what this string of arguing is about beyond me trying to explain my sentences 50 times over, so let’s leave it at that.
The Brawl is cool in my opinion. If you don’t like it, then don’t play it. Queue for Arathi Basin as per usual.

Boars, do they crowd control like Brawl BoTs? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

If I’m not mistaken you said no, but that’s not the interesting part, which is, why point out the Boar deficiencies?

They were a lot harder today … I kept getting killed by ‘pets’ such as mindbenders and fel hounds. Probably because I was ignoring them, presuming they’d hit like wet spaghetti. It also wasn’t safe to leave all 4 bases once they were capped to go to the farm as there were stealth capping bots well into the fight, not just at the start.

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Guys please, can’t you see this comment is definitely underrated ? Come on…

Well let’s recap this stupid boar argument, shall we?

So why point out the boar deficiencies, as you say?
Well, as the record shows, then it is to point out that different gameplay experiences in WoW are different and not interchangeable as you suggested.

Do You mean like Brawl BoTs replacing players in BGs? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I would be ok with that less whining and blaming others from their mistakes.

Also it already feels like playing with bots most of the times atleast on alliance side.

Only thing that reveals that its the real person behind the monitor is constant crying when they die after charging 1v15 against horde.

Alliance has too many lore fanboys thinking that they are like the faction leader from the cinematic while they try to comprehend the concept of pvp.

Did they hotfix them? Yesterday was a joke, today they actually split up and stuff, and the healers are pretty good aswell

Yes. As many others have pointed out in this thread, then it’s a PvE experience and not a PvP experience like a regular Battleground is.
Even if it aims for imitation, then it feels different and plays different, because it is different.

So using Brawl BoTs to replace players in BGs isn’t right,… right?

Keep in mind :point_up: :rofl: