[Loyalist Hub RP] Sylvarus, the Stygian Star ✴

Was she wrong? Was she wrong, I ask you? As Warchief, the Dark Lady ruled graciously - treating all those who stayed loyal with dignity. The war was ours - Stormwind would be a ruin if not for the meddling of traitors!

Half of the Horde turned its back on its finest Warchief. A Warchief who would have brought them peace and plenty. A Warchief that would have ended war.

They are nothing. They were always nothing. We are free now.

There are greater things at play here.

Lordaeron is a land of the dead. The Living will never dwell here again!

The Ebon Blade … they meddle and they meddle. Enough.

Behold, Sylvarus! Let all those who scorned us tremble under HER shadow!

For the Dark Lady, always.

Latest news

After a heated conflict and many weeks of hard-fought battles and profane rituals, the loyalist remnant has managed to raise a hastily-rebuilt necropolis into the skies, having cobbled together from the broken bones of many such citadels toppled during the war against the Lich King. Rumours spread of it being sighted among Alterac’s forgotten mountains …


With the flight of the Dark Lady came great change. The old loyalist institutions were forced to swear a new oath to the Horde and to deny their old soveriegn - yet it is said that old habits die hard.

A group of roaming fanatics, die-hards and bitter Fourth War veterans, the Embers of Loyalty group will be a travelling community hub for characters still loyal to Sylvanas Windrunner mainly focused on the traditionally undead lands in the north of the Eastern Kingdoms. At the moment, the dominating theme is battling Alliance partisans who hope to use the Forsaken’s fall from grace to take back their ancestral lands and gathering necrotic artifacts to assist in baleful rituals in the name of the Banshee Queen.

There’s no sign-up and any character is welcome to join (although infiltrators et al should be aware that attending implies consent for IC conflict/consequences, if they’re exposed in some way through roleplay)

If you’re joining on a loyalist character, you should be aware that in general this is an antagonistic / conflict driven role and we’re open to bumping heads in unplanned with the many enemies of the hated loyalist faction (as long as they’re in good standing with the PCU, of course)

Currently at: Alterac, PM Skabb/Morsteth

This isn’t a guild community and unguilded gamers are welcome to swing by, but here is a list of the participating loyalist-aligned guilds:




What an incredibly cool gang of gangsters and big ups on continuing the loyalist storyline whereas blizzard has stated a disinterest in doing so.

Where/how would one find/contact these amigos?


will the PCU ever stop generating EPIC roleplay?!?


very cool initiative, if i do say so myself :smirk: would be SUPER fun to meet with more loyalists outside of the rotgarde and the grim gest!


Once again something based has been made by the epic PCU. Best of luck with this!


Very excited for this! I can’t wait to see what sort of extremely high quality RP this will produce!


Can’t wait to meet all the people united under the same cause: Thinking Sylvanas is rightfully epic.


I look forward to seeing events related with this group.


Get off our lawn :fire:


I actually think this is v cool. Already done an event or two hunting down some loyalists. Wondered when people would start something like this up.


I’m curious about one thing… with this initiative kicking off, what’s going to happen to the Saurfang Legion? Is it not going to be a thing anymore, are the Rotgarde and Grim Gest going to leave it, or is there some other way the storyline is going to go?

Based and Loyalistpilled. [This message was sponsored by the PCU]


the Saurfang Legion still exists, but its just a case that the rotgarde and the grim gest are no longer a part of it

in fact, there are plans to have the loyalists and the legion clash at some point


Thank you!


Some of the best role play the Grim Gest ([PCU] [X-FACTION] North & Void RP -- The Grim Gest ☠) ever had, I can say so proudly :O)

It feels like it’s a never ending campaign !


OMG Perroy I fking love you! I need this!
Sign me up with all my characters and add the battlegroup to the list as well


is still chasing you, pray to not get caught


Sounds like a group of people u ought to avoid

Chased a bunch of Ebons off yesterday. I even got to shoot the messenger.


Shadows will, brothers and sister…
Her Majesty protect. Always.