LVL 1 Orc Race Nethergarde Keep

The people involved do not care about “becoming popular” lol, they just want to have fun. That’s how simple is that.

It’s the kind of answer people deserve for coming in on a topic like this and saying “Every ally from now on should be aware of this race and gank those shreks lol” or “Shame its a on a pve server,its pvp what is fun.”, instead of “GL HF!” and such.

Yeah they didn’t but this vid still become popular. Wouldn’t happen on PvE server.

And this matters… why, exactly?

As you said this vid is popular only among griefers as it happened on PvP server and everyone who did it are the griefers, so this video is popular only among griefers. I do not agree with that.

For f++k’s sake, I’m not asking who this video is popular among. I’m asking you:

Why would it matter that this (i.e. the video becoming popular due to the grief/disruption) couldn’t happen on PvE servers?

Are you gonna answer this question, ever?

EDIT: And before you say “but before you said that only griefers…”. Yes, I did then. NOW I’m asking (and I’ve been asking) you something else. Are you gonna answer, or are you just gonna cling to that point forever?

Because if that would be a PvE server, this whole thing wouldn’t have happened and we wouldn’t have this memorable vid.

And why would this matter to the players who’re just trying to have fun with their event? Why should they want to become famous to you and me by being utterly slaughtered by the opposing faction?

Nothing can have positive effect on everyone. It’s just happened and it went viral, that’s how it is.

So basically what I get from this is that you care more about seeing the event crash in flames and becoming viral rather than people in the event actually having fun for themselves.

Nope. I don’t have any opinion on that matter, but the fact this vid went viral (not only among griefers, but among the whole wow community) is a fact.

Nobody ever denied it. But, still, I’m not sure why it should matter or how is that a reply to the point Miylee was trying to make.

I mean, if I told you something from the news about some hooligans breaking at a wedding and ruining the whole event by destroying stuff etc., would you reply “but that made that event memorable”?

You said this video is memorable only among griefers, I do not agreed.

I’ll keep reposting this until you stop bringing that part of the convo up, okay? Just in case you missed the memo. With that out of the way I repeat:

You don’t have to ask me a permission, you can post whaterver you want.

Okay, I’m done. If you don’t intend answer anything else and would just prefer to litter this thread with “This video isn’t famous only among griefers!” posts, have fun with it.

You’re the one who littered this topic about your PvE realm choice talking

Complains about this event not being on a PvP realm -> gets flamed for bringing this up about a PvE event -> Complains about people talking about PvE realms.

PvP morons logic I guess.

I’m not complaining about this even not being on PvP. I just replied to a gnome “shame indeed” that’s not complaining.
You on the other hand constantly insult me and you judge playesr only by a realm choice. That’s just very narrowminded.

Just to make an example, Bulkzilla above plays on a PvP server, and all he had to say about it was

instead of expressing regret over being unable to disrupt the event and grief everyone involved because it takes place on a PvE server. That’s why I respect him while I think you’re a friggin moron.

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I don’t care if this even happens on PvE server really.

very mature, indeed.