M+ as a Holy

Not true at all, at a minimum you should be applying shadow word pain to each target that will endure it’s entire duration, holy fire on cooldown, and also if talented your chastise becomes an invaluable stun that can be made available more often with smite casts, and then you have the beautifully easy dps/healing increase through divine star, which I personally utilise as more of a dps option as opposed to a healing one, as once you have FC, you don’t really need something as pitiful as divine star for healing.

Flag whatever you want, like I said, I won’t let you spread false information, so here I am, not only shutting down your illogical comment, but also providing the OP with actual useful information.

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Anyone know the email of blizzard legal department. I have a right to post and not be harassed like this.

Whats next you lot are going to follow me home.

Attacking someone in each thread they post is against the forum rules of every forum. It always comes back to that first thread about FC. I put out my proof. You could not give an argument other than name calling. If you cant substanuate your argument then dont tell people they are wrong.

Believe me, if I could truly have it my way, I wouldn’t have to interact with you at all, but like I said, I will not have you post idiotic comments based on your stupid worthless sims that you run, to people who are actually looking for advice.

The best thing you could personally do for this community is leave, but we all know that won’t happen, so until then you won’t get away with spreading false information.

Enjoy your day, I’m not about to get into a back and forth with you again.

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You are posting on a public forum where people have the right to reply to you, Inukio has been polite to you. No one is harassing you, you are getting reply’s from people who disagree with you.

If you want to post without replies start a blog and disable comments.


This is from the post you linked above in reply to me. Moron is a derogatory term, yes it is name calling.

Please tell us more about who is attacking who.


Don’t worry, I have thicker skin than that and I’m sure Inukio and the other guys who replied to you do too.


Just start flagging his posts as trolling or inappropriate when it is worth flagging, he will eventually lose his privilege of posting on these forums.

Hope you are having a wonderful night though :slight_smile:

You too! I definitely have had some really great entertainment recently.

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These threads are linked, if you need to understand this thread.

My first post that this started. 18th Jan 2021. Its is now 26 Feb 2012. This is the same people. Four threads and over a month.

Been levelling this one tot 60 this reset, as I quite like it. That being said, what are defensive options during certain boss encounters in M+ ?

I raid on my main, but it’s not content I like the most tbf, M+ is my main content.

Also which legendary you would recommend? The one dropping in Sanguine Depths, or the one dropping from Sire?

In boss encounters a priest should avoid the damage. Some of the time like in ToP the boss wont target you. Take the lich and its soul stealing attack. It will only target you if dps are dead.

Trash mobs are a different story. I found them far harder to heal than the bosses. AoE healing is important on some trash pulls before the lich. Some groups need 10k hps at the drop of a hat. Divine Humn on its own wont cut it.

I have had little or no problems with single target healing but quite a few with AoE healing. I would pick a legendary based on that criteria. Remember you should reevaluate your build based on the content you are doing. Its a constant process.

Understood but I think about e.g. the 3rd boss of SD, and seeing that pugs are very hard with the 3 yellow orbs. When I can only take 2, I’m scr***d? :smiley: so many times on my mainI see DPS taking more than 3 orbs.

For defensive options you have fade (with the conduit) that does damage reduction. Also use desperate prayer when needed.

For m+ the Flash Concentration legendary is highly recommended. Together with the Trail of Light talent you are able to keep your group up easy. It will cost way less mana and the HPS is higher than our AOE spells.

Also don’t be afraid to use your holy word spells, don’t just keep them for emergency.

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I use [Divine Image]which wi;; replicate versions of spells you cast, both damage and healing, and prioritise injured allies where possible. You can use this to contribute both damage and healing, depending on the situation.

I have enough healing to easly complete m+ content. I have enough single target and AoE healing. +10 is very easy to heal. I have pvp gear, BoE epics, some drops from mythic+ and convent gear.

The healing feels easy. I can heal a tank in blues and epics with heal. If the tank has the correct gear, spec and talents. Some tanks kite very well and require little in the way of healing. Others will take massive random hits you need to keep on top of.

Flash Concentration sims the same as Divine Image. So I have ignored FC for a more balanced build.

Your build is your own, go with FC or something else. Test your play style against the content. My build works fine, maybe yours will as well.


Without FC you can forget to push keys above 13. Because our FH spam is not enough and we need big ST healing with our Heal.

I love the idea of having Divine Image but without the option to have double leggo. FC will be our mandatory in M+ (unfortunately) .

Blizzard has 3 options to help us to use another leggo in M+, 1) double lego like in Legion
2) Buff FH and we can go back to our previous gameplay spam Flash Heal the whole dungeon, it is not a fun gameplay in my eyes but we can use another leggo.
3) make FC part of our passive. I would love to have it as part of our tools

Yet I just found a holy priest without FC at +20 on raidor io. With my talents for m+. Yet keys above +13 are a problem. His gear is not good btw. Two pvp trinkets etc.

That is probably because he is pvping at the moment and raider io shows the current talents of the player (or a slight outdated version). In PVP it is very common to use renewed faith for example.

95% of the top holy priests are running FC.

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Nope not the case. Gear is not a pvp build, its setup for m+. Appeal to popularity fallacy at the end. You still have to prove your conclusions, reguardless of how popular you think they are.

Statement was made that you cant get above +13. Clearly someone did.

Mathematics for why this is wrong. Tank healing.

Healing Multiplier = StatMultiplier(HealingMultiplier) * TotalHealingTakenMultiplier * (1 + TotalVersatility)
Healing Multiplier = 1.05 * 1 * (1 + 0.1) Aellas
Healing Multiplier = 1.2 * 1 * (1 + 0.1) Inulio for Flash Heal/heal, if not see Aellas.

Spell Power = (Round(StatRating(SpellPower), 0) + TotalIntellect)

Flash Heal = 2.03 * TotalSpellPower * TotalHealingMultiplier

Flash Concentration = Healing Multiplier + 0.03 stacks 5 times

Inulio Stormscale 219 ilvl
Trail of light, you want this for spamming FH.
Intellect 1586

Vers = 10%
Mastery = 32%

Healing Multiplier = 1.32 Aellas = 1.155

Flash Heal = 3,718.6149 healing without FC
Flash Heal = 4,249.8456 healing with FC five stacks.

Divide them and multiple by 100 = 1.143. Thus 14.3 %.

MasteryEchoOfLight = TriggerHeal * MasteryValue(PriestHolyHealing,false) / 2

= 4,249.8456 * 0.32 / 2 = 679.975296

Total Healing = 5,609.796192 healing

Aellas 205
Renewed faith = 10% to healing. This can be kept on all five party members to increase AoE by 10% as well.
Intellect 1492 armoury
Vers = 10%
Mastery = 39% also

10% to healing and 7% more mastery healing. See that this is more that FC’s increase to Flash heal but this is to all healing spells. Thus more balanced.

Healing Multiplier = 1.155

Flash Heal = 3,498.2178 healing + 10% = 3,848.03958 healing
MasteryEchoOfLight = 3,848.03958 * 0.39 / 2 = 750.3677181 per tick

MasteryEchoOfLight = TriggerHeal * MasteryValue(PriestHolyHealing,false) / 2

Total Healing = 5,348.7750162 healing
Divine Image with 20% Chance (percent)
Duration (sec) = 15

HolyWordSerenity, HolyWordSanctify, HolyWordChastise, HolyWordSalvation

see Apotheosis.

If Aellas tries to increase his ilvl towards Inulio by just changing his intellect to be the same. Then this happens.

Aellas 205 increased intellect to Inulio’s.
Renewed faith = 10% to healing. This can be kept on all five party members to increase AoE by 10% as well.
Intellect 1586
Vers = 10%
Mastery = 39%

10% to healing and 7% more mastery healing. See that this is more that FC’s increase to Flash heal but this is to all healing spells. Now we have the same intellect, so we expect higher healing.

Healing Multiplier = 1.155

Flash Heal = 3,718.6149 healing + 10% = 4,090.47639 healing
MasteryEchoOfLight = 3,848.03958 * 0.39 / 2 = 797.64289605 per tick 3 second per tick and 2 ticks

MasteryEchoOfLight = TriggerHeal * MasteryValue(PriestHolyHealing,false) / 2

Total Healing = 5,685.7621821 healing

Now we see aellas ahead. His flash heal does more healing. We see how the other stats have a big impact too. The choice of talents.

My flash heal is likely more powerful for my ilvl. Note the ilvl difference. 219-205= 14 ilvl higher but a 261.0211758 healing increase to flash heals healing value.

Note all values are taken from the armory, they will be close to the tool tip but a very small bit off. Example my Flash Heal = 3,498.2178 healing here but its 3496 healing ingame via tool tip. This is just because of rounding on armory.

Come back when we are run the same keys. Im not doing this again. Keep simming, keep playing your setup. The fact is the rest of the world uses Flash Concentration for a reason.

Won’t reply anymore.