Like, I do a couple +10’s a week, mostly just for the weekly. It’s way too easy loot. Much less effort than raiding heroics.
I can’t get any meaningful upgrades from HEROIC BoD, it’s absurd. I just look at the loot table in the raid and shrug because there effectively are no upgrades for me, makes the raid feel stale.
How can the raid feel stale? You’ve not completed it on heroic or mythic.
I don’t like the loot either it dosen’t even have The Right stats for me i just have to get lucky within m+.
M+ give too good loot too easily.
Any “competent” raider is needed to grind M+ whether they want to or not, just because it is too easy source of good loot.
I find mythic+ loot complete trash, what do you get besides gear that will be worthless in 3 months?
Also heroic/mythic raiding isn’t hard either
I’m currently doing it on heroic, but it’s just… I don’t feel it like I’ve used to. I feel like it’s because I don’t have anything interesting to look for reward wise.
For some people, Mythic+ is their only source of (somewhat) challenging content if they aren’t able to commit to raiding, and they should be rewarded for participating. I’d actually argue that Mythic raiding should get better loot, not that Mythic+ should get worse loot.
As a former raider, I never really found heroic raiding hard. Mythic raiding was where the challenge was.
Heroic has never been too difficult, but there’s always been that reward you’re looking for whether it’s a class set or a trinket. That big boost from the current tier.
But there just isn’t anything interesting loot wise currently.
Yeah but the reward was there, I guess half of the problem is that the reward from raiding currently is very meh. There’s nothing exemplary as a reward from a raid.
Begone jelly fish OP, I like my mythic plus only playstyle and 404 ilvl ( lol not found reference ) on my main.
In five mans m+10 I take MUCH MORE RESPONSIBILITY than you casually dying in your “Pro guild group of adults” consisting of 20 World War I veterans tryharding normal Jaina every Wednesday.
If anything you should get even less for 1/20 contribution imho 
would be nice if keys 1-10 rewarded less loot, and 11-15 rewarded more loot imo.
atm it feels like either 1. I spam 10 and gear well for raids 2. I try to push with comparably less gear and with chance for less loot.
why would competent raider grind gear 15 ilvl below he/she can loot in raid?
When new raid comes out, it is far more relevant than towards the end.
When new tier is just out, M+ gives so much good gear that would take much longer time to pick from raids. Thus you get to progress with much better gear than you would, if you only did raiding and not m+.
This makes m+ mandatory… basically.
Towards end of raid tier m+ is less meaningful since you already got items in slots and to actually get upgrade is unlikely.
I Love m+, I feel like M+ is the perfect solution for players like, we can’t raid because we can’t commit, but we can dedicate a few arbitrary times to just play m+.
However I really feel that M+ and raids should be separate.
M+ gear for M+ and raid gear for raids would be good tbh, it could be done in a way that M+ gear " loses " power in raids and raid gear " loses power ".
This way they can balance them separately, and can go crazy on both sides, they can design dungeon sets, unique buffs etc. and same goes for raids
Dungeon specific and raid specific azerite traits should be a sweet spot.
But what about pvp?
They also must have some specific traits like Sylvanas resolve or Anduin hesitation?
Maybe you should do mythic raiding if you want a higher reward then?
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I feel like resilience as an extra stat on pvp gear makes pvp gear perfect, sure new comers will get destroyed but that’s way better than having pvpers outgear pvers insanely.
Or maybe pvp gear get an affix, ( While in pvp combat, gain X extra stats / X ability does () / gain ( ) ) etc.
I am sorry, dunno how your experience is with arenas… but with my m+10 gear I used to outgear most arena bois up to 1,8 k both this and last season on my main.
in season one everyone was pretty much naked up to this rating. or it was my luck!
and for duelists and above… they are more then competent to melt pve content after watching some guide on YT, they have more then earned their ilvl 
from my perspective it’s more unfair for pvp folk who get to rely only on random slot machine cashes at the end of the match…
but to help OP avoid doing mythic+ and concentrate on abusing Kul Tiran Lord Admiral more often I don’t mind gear separation with affixes or traits specific to content by any means necessary!
You know you could just join a mythic raiding guild right?
The first bosses are pretty much a joke. Even Pugs can straight up one shot the first boss.
M+ is considerably easier this season. But I think that’s healthier for the game. If you really want to grind gear in m+ you should be doing +15s or higher for the extra gear. Which rewards better players.
It’s a lot more time efficient to get good gear by doing mythic raiding than doing m+. For a m+ item to drop 415 the item has to titanforge. Whereas for an item to drop 415 in BdA mythic you just need to get loot from the boss, and you get good bang for the buck for bonus rolls.
All the top m+ players do mythic raiding. Some of them don’t even like raiding. But disregarding the 410 weekly, mythic raiding is just a so much more efficient way of gearing than m+. It’s also the only way for players to get 425 weapons, BiS trinkets or BiS azerite pieces. Since M+ weapons can only hit 420, and that’s if you are lucky to get a +10 warforge from the weekly chest (highly unlikely).
A lot of people seem to think that mythic raiding is some sort of super hardcore thing. It’s not.
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The trinkets and Azerite pieces are BiS for various specs, though not all.
I like that +10 gives meaningful loot and that there is an alternate way of gearing. I enjoy raiding, but it’s a one-day per week event for me. M+ is something I can do with just four people, without much planning and no scheduling, and it’s nice that I can get upgrades that way, too.
Some of the best trinkets drop either from world quests, world bosses or from mythic dungeons. Of course that varies from class to class.
Why would they? Because of better loot distribution. For plate wearers only two piece of boots drop (haste/mastery and versatility/mastery,) one of which is a trash drop. Holy paladins aim to get crit on their gear, so there is no suitable upgrade for boots from there. Same goes for leggings. Only one drops from the raid which is crit/mastery. Not your ideal secondary stats? Too bad.
M+ is easier to do since with a good group you can push them fast, and they give heroic level gear with a chance to titanforge. Raids you can only do once a week where 20-30 people get 4-6 piece of loot. With M+ you can optimize your loot gains by taking 5 plate wearers and then shuffle the gear around when something drops the other needs.
It is also the best way to equip your off-spec gear. In competent guilds you gear your main spec, but if you have a usable off-spec that you can actually play then m+ is much faster way to gear it.
Also keep in mind that with the scaling we have secondary stats are once again gaining strength over primary stats. Take this paladin for example: with my stat distribution I am at the point where strength is one of my worst stats, which means that it will not take long until dropping a few itemlevels is preferable for better secondary stat distribution (just like what we had in Legion.)