And there are others like you that just come in and bleat the opposite every time.
At least our side of the argument has a basis in fact and logic rather than the hysterical arm waving you are prone to.
And to add to the hilarity, you don’t even have experience of what is being talked about.
So if the tank pulls like an [explicit word], you should be punished because you’re not putting up with that? Like, I just had a tank pull everything at the start in WM + mobs in the hallway + mobs in the witches room onto the boss. We wiped and the healer left, because of the tank.
If nobody is stopping anything, you should be punished because you’re not putting up with that? If nothing is getting stopped early into the dungeons, it’s unlikely people are going to stop anything later in the dungeon.
I usually play tank, but from time to time I also do dps just to see for myself if people’s complaints about tanks are true or they are exagerating.
Yesterday I joined a +26 AD as dps with a friend and I encountered the worst tank in my whole time playing this game. The tank was a blood dk, the key was his and below is the highlight of some of his actions:
He kept tanking Rezan somehow between the 2 pillars so we lost of lot of time and dps running to safety and when the fixate was on him, he didn’t move. I actually don’t know how the healer kept him alive tbh.
At the trash in front of Alun’za, the warlock died because the Juggernaut charged to him and the tank wrote “lol” on chat and then pulled the boss too ?!? Obviusly we wiped and reset, but at least we managed to kill the trash.
He chain pulled all trash after Alun’za onto the dinosaurs (augurs, the skyscreamers, etc). Thank god we had a lot of cc for the adds and for the affix, but still, a very bad pull with pugs and no coordination.
Bad route on Vol’kaal. Very chaotic and all over the place. After that, I caged the witch-doctor to skip it because we had 100% trash. but he decided to wait 5s for us to pass, then went in them and died solo?!?
At Yazma he tanked it near the spiders and then he decided to soak all the spiders because he saw it in MDI. Obviously he died like a potato.
We didn’t left they key because we were actually good with time and the healer + other dps were really good.
When I tried to explain what he was doing wrong, his response was: “do you even watch MDI bro?”.
He still considers he did nothing wrong.
So in this particular case, implementing a punishment for leavers, will hurt the wrong people. Why should you be stuck with a troll and be punished if you leave for the simple fact that you want to end your suffering?
It is very difficult to complain about leavers and thinking it is a “big problem” when you yourself aren’t doing the content in the first place. So it is just an oppinion based on years of forumposts. Complaining about 95% of the playerbase is toxic in M+ without doing M+ is not going to hold.
Instead of saying “pushish” how about you propose “how” instead?
Figure out a way that (A) cant be more abused than now (voting comes to mind) and (B) does not pushish people that dont deserve it (emergencies)… and the list goes on.
You will on your own figure out that its not possible.
What amazes me is how people on this forum are so short sighted. The problem is not the leaver. Its the feeling of being “punished” for not timing the key.
So. Allow us to upgrade keys with crest and flightstones and voila. Problem solved. You wont be as punished because you will have a 2nd chance. DONE.
If someone is leaving keys within minutes of them starting, they’re basically saying they have no respect for the key holder or the rest of the people in the group - in a team environment.
Also if they are serially leaving keys, how do they even improve their key level? Because they won’t have much chance to improve their own mistakes (because they would have left). Presumably they get carried.
If you’re a tank/healer, you might quickly get into another group and possibly lose a small amount of time, but for a dps it will be harder.
It depends a bit on the keylevel, the dungeon and ilvl of the players, but when you commit every cooldown and bloodlust on the first pull and something bad happens, you wipe and nothing is dead, you lose quite a lot of time. The key can be dead in the first minute.
I agree in your examples that there is absolutely no way to time those runs. But for every one of your more extreme examples, there are also opposite extreme examples.
23 forf AD 9 min left(when wipe happened) on Yazma. Tank had a lag spike and caused a spider wipe. 1 dps from group: Omgez Key dead, bye!
23 BRH - Had a DH leave at start cause the tank genuinely forgot to make a pull timer. Roflzmao?
24 Fall - smooth clear tyran run. Failed on the drake skip(again it was on tyran week), mage went “omgez noob u bricked the key! and left”.
Again those are also extreme examples but sadly from real life experience
As a consequence of not doing high keys only with people you can hold accountable for their actions.
Strangers are like a Russian roulette.
It is quite clear that the majority of players out there do not respect the time of others as much as they want others to respect their own time. So you need something they value more than their time, their reputation, as a collateral (that also applies oneself).
you used the BL on that first pull of Yazma didnt you ? i bet you did
ofc he had every right to be angry - its the same as if you had guardian druid and didnt use pull timer its extremly annoying for people playing those classes . its huge loss to not be in metamorpohiss on pull of key - especialy with how big first pull in BRH is - and you know it.
its 24 - people should know how to skip drake. ofc he had right to be angry .
people in those keys expect certain basic standards. and they have right to .
Annoying yes, but all those mistakes where easily recoverable and did not seal the key’s fate instantly.
While 24s are not "just doing for gear " level anymore. its not “MDI championship” level either. Even the best m+ runners CAN make mistakes cause they are uhm…humans? Not pre-programmed bots…yet anyway.
M+ pugging is a toxic cesspoll as it is. No need to encourage “Dont you even dare to sneeze at the wrong time or I will ragequit” attitude.
People are timing higher keys because they are flexible and overcome mistakes. Nobody is running the 100% script (if there is even any) without mistakes for 30 minutes.
So when you have a dragon skip mistake, you can still kill it and skip some other trash, or you get 1 player through and the other 4 dont release till the 1 person is through the portal. Then people have a new checkpoint for releasing.
And 9 minutes for yazma is enough to kill it, also without bloodlust.