M+ Key Leavers

There should be a system of commendation and report clear when some1 leaves a dungeon or when the dungeon is finished .

Both players and devs will benefit from this .

Devs will get feedback + more data and it will be easier to pinpoint leavers /trolls who do that on a daily basis and for players it’s obvious you will get smoother runs and some of the trolls will think twice to abuse this .
Atm the report system combined with the weird names is a joke .
You need to install some addon to copy some ppl’s names which is completely bull .
This commendation system should be done yesterday .
M+ isn’t that much fun and everyone who played enough knows it .
Players need to be more aware and this would fit very good for m+ .

Wdym? I’ve played closer to 500 keys this season so far and I still find it fun.

As a sole feedback which only Blizzard sees and the data is not used to reward and punish people…yeah sure…why not.

The moment its used to give in-game rewards. “WTS commendation boost. /w me for more details”. Don’t get me started on FFXIV mentor programme. Feels like 75% people there are for the rewards than to…actually “mentor somebody”.
Lets not even start what will happen if reports would be used to punish people… Will feel like that the Spanish inquisition was Santa with presents. :latin_cross:

Mentors were some of the most toxic people I encountered in FFXIV, lol.

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To myself, and I would believe even yourself, a 20 is a warmup key. It is a weekly key. It is the key you go to test things.

As such, when in a 20 key, I expect people to know how to WASD, but not the mechanics. In a 20 I expect many for the first time to die and understand something was an mechanic, as before they didn’t kill them nor hurt them.

Again, my whole point here is that the situation could have been avoided by your own knowledge and skill. If you had it, I am not saying that you should, but if you did - the problem would have likely been solved.

This is the argument line I defend for. When the leavers argue yours of “there was nothing that could be done.” When in fact, it could.

Yeah, just let me learn all the specs in the game because someone is in a key above their skill level.


Do you realize how absurd that is?

It is a simple fix, that would do nothing but give you advantages going down the line.

So hey, you do you, but don’t blame salvageable situations for being unsalvageable.

I get you are likely not to see it this way. But experience, knowledge and skill are all key aspects to time keys - to solve any problems. Even those arising from others peoples failure to do so themselves.

I just hope and pray you take it into consideration, then into your stance on this matter as a whole.

How is it a simple fix to learn all the specs at an intricate level enough to be able to tell someone else what they’re doing wrong by watching them play? Do you realize how good you have to be at the game to know all this, for all specs? If you can do that, you’re pretty much world first raider material or at the very least early CE guild material because you’ll be able to play all specs and can alt anything.

All you need is a rough overview, for the situation mentioned, there were multiple solutions to fix the issue. All from my advice to give advice on CD/rotation, from other suggestions to have the tank go out and re talent cheat death; and the possibility for yourself to go tank for that fight.

My point is that you in that situation could have done something to fix it. You might have lacked the skill or experience to do so, at that time. But, now you know and can take that with you further, maybe fixing a similar situation in the future.

What you called an example of not being salvageable, I honestly believe totally was. You simply lacked the means to do so. That is your part failing, in this building pressure of failure points, in this chainmail. As such, he was not solely at fault, the team as a whole failed at multiple points.

Or people could just not go into keys beyond their skill level when they don’t know their class well enough. You can’t seriously expect people to teach someone how to play their class and that in a max reward level key.

I have to agree with Elahra on this one. People on higher keys need to be aware …worst case at least have the basics on what their class can or cannot do.
Its a competitive environment.
You don’t join a swimming team for example and mid-competition go full “oh…I don’t know how to swim, can you teach me?”. It would be perfectly understandable for the rest of the team members to be… cross about it…to put it very mildly.
Since EVEN if they would feel generous and would want to teach you, doing it MID competion is the worst possible time. Then go back to the training field and start from the begining…

you explain what exactly ?

that when totems drops he needs to use personals ?

if anyone got to +20 without knowingthis it means that he was extremly heavy carried in all previous tot runs.

do you seriously expect others to explain how they should play their class in +20 ?

I made it clear already, from my point of view, 20s are the testing ground. It is where people start facing walls to overcome.

So, your view of telling players to go back to content that don’t challenge them, makes 0 sense. It is counterproductive, for all parties.

My stance is, as part of the team, you should do all that is in your power to get it completed - if that is your goal. Simple as.

He basically swims, but never have met a current before, losing control. My solution is to teach him from my own experience. To help him better himself and be able. Yours is to send him back to play in the pool with rings.

Rings must come off. You being in that zone where they come off, means you will face people who just have done so.

I do, and believe so yes. If I want to complete more keys.

and thats why you complain that people leave keys

in +20 people are expected to know most basic mechanics of dungeon and bosses.

if they dont know they should be doing +5.

They know the basics, but mechanics have not before then mattered, as I already have mentioned.

You are simply trying to deny people the ability to improve, for your inconvenience. That being true, you should just invite people with more experience, not the ones still learning M+. That is the simplest fix. Then, when you play with inexperienced players, help them to improve. That is the best way to solve the issues mentioned above.

If you willingly fail a key, just to die on your hill of “inexperienced players should not play with me, so I leave!” then so be it. You do you. Still, that is remarkable unreasonable to press that view onto the playerbase as a whole. Unreasonable to believe the outcome of such a stance wont become toxic sludge to wade through.

All it would do is trickle down, from 20, to 5, to 2, to normal… It is not a solution, it just causes more headaches and more frustrated people yapping.

Again…you are missing the point. We are mid-competion. I cant go ask the opponent team “Hey guys, we got a newbie here. Can you go easy on us please? Ktnxbye” or in the case of m+. “Hey can you pause the timer cause we need to teach the tank his roation?”
Competition is means where everyone brings their A game and the team captain can just adjust the team strategy to make better use of their skills.

My point is, 20s are not mid-competition, the competition has left the kiddy pool a long time ago. You are the angry swimming coach screaming at 5 year olds for not having the right form.

If you point is, you can’t stop mid key to tell a tank to move some CDs to cower spots, then you are silly. Of course, you could be of the view the other player is stupid and not able to absorb the information given. But that is… well, rude at best. Stupid on your behalf at worst. You have the time in a 20 to bring up a 2min youtube breakdown if needed be.

Time is not the issue, effort is really not the issue, it is all attitude of “I should not have to do this, so I rather fail!”

The coach is a bystander. I am one of the 4 swimmers who has already crossed the pool on the side and waiting for 1 guy who for some reason is paddling on the spot.

And I am going to ask it bruntly. *Why not? * Even in real life if there is a project meeting or something with multiple specialists present…for example a visual designer, programmer and an economist/finansist a crude example. So why should a visual designer be also well versed in macro and microeconomics? I am sorry but it begs the question what is the economist even doing there then?

There are people who play solely DPS or only 2/3 specs. In my case for example is tank/healing(last time I touched any form of healing was legion) and currently have no interest in healing so my experience in healers in current m+ is close to zero. So since I am not playing that spec, I will obviously wont read any healer guides cause that obviously doesn’t concern me.
In your view. I have to study and prepare a spec which I have absolutely no interest to play in? Excuse me…but what is the “healer” then actually doing in the group? Is he baggage or something? The team consists of FIVE players. NOT 4+1…

we have mechanics that matter in an 11 as well.
they are not deadly because the healer can pick up the slack.

so you see the mechanic and choose to ignore it because you dont die.
so the pea brain of most people is then what doesnt kill me i can ignore?

people should have the thinking: i just lost 70% of my hp, why was that and how can I avoid that?
if you dont have that mindset you should not try to play in 20s.
the mechanics in 20s are as relevant as in 15s, but you might break the key.

saying i need to learn the dungeon in 20s is bs.
besides from learning the dungeon what is thr excuse that most dps players do just terrible dmg and never use kicks? you also need to learn that in a 30 key?

and yes it makes angry because it wastes my time. i had today a dps player that was legit doing 50k dps overall and flopped from everything.
fun times

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I just had a prot paladin that I had to explain to… To press sotr regularly. Bro had 50% uptime on it through the dungeon up to 3rd boss in tott.

Then he’s pressing steed to run to the totem and giving the boss his back and dying instantly.

Then after finally getting him to understand to not give the boss his back he presses divine shield and runs to the totem.

The guy wasn’t specced into final stand. (the AOE taunt for divine shield)

Can you guess what happened next?