19 paragraphs is not equal to 6 learn to count.
And it’s mutual I was fed up with you from the first time you posted your useless fanfic on my post.
Get lost you clown.
19 paragraphs is not equal to 6 learn to count.
And it’s mutual I was fed up with you from the first time you posted your useless fanfic on my post.
Get lost you clown.
I would say, dps is massively overabundent in quantity. Which means its extremely hard for a person of a specc to feel wanted on the majority.
Yes theres outliers with a higher demand, but most dps speccs are unwanted.
I have alot of characters and have rarely noticed a difference in speeds of being invited.
If u look at raideeio, change it to display m+20 keys, hunters highest specc sits at 3.7%. Which is pretty much where every dps specc is sitting barring 2.
Ur within the average of the vast majority of specxs however
Yes ret and shadow are showing double everyone elses representation, but thats meta. Thats just how it works im afraid it has done every round realisticslly.
But we are all suffering that problem
Mages representation at level 20 is lower then hunters across the board.
Hunters have higher representation in +20s across the board again, 3.7% is rogues highest represented specc, and urs is also 3.7%.
Ur other speccs hold higher representation then rogues to stack.
Theres also higher, druids at +20 is at 3.6% at highest specc. Which is resto, other 2 speccs are below 2% in representation
Barring shadow and ret none of these have higher representation then you at +20.
I mean +20 keys are easy enough to the point where it’s literally just about class population. Hunter population is extremely high so of course when it comes to weekly keys, hunter will have decent representation. It’s not till higher keys 25+ where your class actually matters.
Ret isn’t even ‘meta’ like you say (depends on your definition of meta I guess), it’s literally just incredibly popular, and decent enough to do higher keys. That said, it’s not exactly played in the highest of keys.
Well yes but every classes popularity barring like 3 speccs tanks compared to meta.
Granted DKs warlocks and Hunters do seem to be the absolutely lowest when hitting 25
But at that caliber season to season it changes. If u looked at SL 3/4 you would have seen survival hunter and destro warlock at rhe peaks.
At that level is when u start to see every runs comp being identical. Whjch is why i dont tend to look too far into it at that caliber, they just xhoose the very best 5 and run with it on repeat. Because eventually even slight advantages would win out games never gonna be balanced enough for otherwise.
Even if the dps difference was 5%. U will reach a m+ level where its demanded, someones always gonna end up the bench or rerolling.
Ret could i guess fit a pug meta.
Ret being so easy to play, while being able to work rly well in all situations. With so much sustain options. Makes it a safe choice for sure. Very few manage to go wrong with the specc since its rework.
I just dont rly get invited regardless so i gave up on this i jave a Hunter, Mage, Evoker, Deathknight and Warrior thats ive played over this season. (I do have 12 alts but u know havent rly log those on yet this season)
And regardless to which i log onto i can apply to 15 runs and not get a single invite even at a point of +10-+14s. Granted tho. I aint got a main with 2700 rio or anything think my highest is just under 2200
This is in general but when you intend to climb over than 20 keys there is no place for the Hunter and other classes.
Sorry but that value doesn’t interest me because Rio considers the range starting from M 20+ and I was curious to know the percentage from M 22+ where this is where I am absolutely not invited as Hunter.
That 3.7% is pumped by the Hunters who make the M 20-21+ Keys and it is no coincidence that I have not found the same problems at this level of keys unlike the 22+ as written several times.
There’s no need to go around it…
Anyone who plays Hunter and wants to go up to Rio making 22+ must resign himself unless he has a premade behind him.
You must also be particularly friends with the premade group because
the Hunter in general is in really bad shape.
Hey, look at the character name. The guy told you everything you need to know about himself, so I wouldn’t bother even responding to him if I were you
I read your whole comment, and I think most of it is spot on.
I’m probably too dense, and my native language is French, his name looks “average” to me.
The only thing I find strange is the “10 Kul Tiran Hunter” in a thread about content restricted to level 70.
Well ofcourse it is because the moment you go higher, speccs have less then 200 players. The people going above are a handful. So your likely right 20/21s pump the numbers upwards.
Sadly tho a class will always fall last, blizzard already admitted its half intentional to keep people rerolling to reduce burn out from staleness.
His name is a micky take of activision Bobby Kotick, and yeah, i wouldnt worry too much from players who post from level 10s. In alot of cases theyre not geninue.
Ofcourse not all are that way, some get a char to 10 on eu accounts so they can post on eu forums as american players. But there arent many who are genuine
I don’t even know who or what Bobby Kotick is … and I don’t feel like using my Google-fu for that
Hes a very hated man i wouldnt bother googling him haha
I got invited in a Tyr +20 and make it in time yesterday
Last week, in Tyrannical, I was unable to make any 22+ because I wasn’t invited by anyone.
I said to myself, okay let’s try this week in Fort.
As expected ,although I have all M 21+ done and tried to join 22+ at least 100 times, I was absolutely not chosen.
in group formation to make the 22+ I always see the usual classes :
Bobby Kotick is the CEO of Activision Blizzard, the company that owns WoW, but the significant part of the poster’s name is the part I put in capital letters here: BobbykoTHICK.
In British English (I’m not sure about American English), ‘thick’ is slang for ‘stupid’. The poster is effectively telling you ‘I’m stupid’.
I live rent free in your head sir.
There is an amazing solution to all of your problems, two infact:
Very simple way to increase your score, there are plenty of people doing this to the m+ title, i’m sure you can do the same
There are plenty of solutions out there nowadays that i’m fairly confident that pugging progress keys are more of a detriment than a benefit. At least, imo anyway. Again, cant speak beyond 20’s, but this has been the case time and again.
I don’t exactly know what the drawback is to joining a community, guild or gathering like-minded players to warrant the headache…?
At least, when I enquire about it all I get is radio silence much of the time.
Hm…Also not :
Like finding a needle in a haystack…
It is not easy to find groups to push keys.
You should find people who all have to start from 22+
and that they are also willing to bring a class that is also not much desired.
I tried it in the first season of DF, when I managed to do only 5 M22+ and I wasn’t invited to Pug to bring all M+22 in time.
I know but I currently have a 21+ keys.
So,I should create group to bring it to 22+,recreate group to make it in time.
If I deplete it, do I have to do it again 21+, bring it back to 22 and try to do it again in time?
All this because Blizzard puts me in a position to be out of the Pug because they don’t intend to change things?
Like throwing your head on the rocks
No, it’s not easy. But apparently you get into keys 0% of the time, so surely the number is greater than that and a better option.
Yes. This is how pushing keys works. Not every single key is a score key. People who actually push keys level up keys literally all the time.
Because of community perception, not blizzard. Hunters can very easily do +22 keys, so not blizzards issue But sorry, I know you prefer your pity party rather than actual solutions outlined above.