As written in the previous post, I should start from a 21+, make it in time making it 22 and if this depletes it I should start again with a 21 and so on.
It’s a situation that could happen sometimes but it shouldn’t be the general rule just because the Hunter is in a bad position and isn’t invited to the 22+.
Maybe because the key leader sees your Highest Rio was done by Tank rather than dps?
I don’t know, I’m just speculating…
But I, in every group of 22+, ALWAYS seen at least one paladin or even two (tank and dps).
It is almost impossible, therefore, not to see paladins.
I repeat, it’s simply your unfounded conjecture, typical of someone who speaks like a fanatic and points out things that don’t make sense.
For the record, I also talked about the boredom of changing Pets to take advantage of that defensive so-called and this should make it clear that I use it.
But you can think however you want and I don’t care because you derail the main argument by discrediting the way a player plays.
Cut it 'cause you’re embarrassing the way you talk.
You’re not a superplayer (the way you talk you wish you were) as,at he same time You have absolutely not a High Rio which identifies you as such.
Here, I have no particular problems.
Even if in the week of Tyrannical, with more phases of Nova, the Hunter, having no heals over time, and suffers a lot.
But yours, as expected, is not a representative example as it could be, always in Tyrannical, the boss of Neltharus of the forge, and every time the boss hits the anvil.
But that’s ONLY your point of view.
You are one of the very rare people who believes Hunter’s defensive cds work quite well.
Do you think I give more credit to your ideas, often abstract and untruthful, rather than to players who have a decidedly Higher Rio than mine and yours and who complain about Hunter’s defensive cds?
But since it’s a widespread theme shared by many people who have problems in this sense, do you want me to believe that what you assert is true?
You as a minority compared to the others?
Come on…