Mac client - can't update WoW

Battle net tries to update WoW Shadowlands but the Agent fails to do so. Even with admin permissions, reinstall and chmod changes. I can not enter the game and this is a serious issue affecting a lot of people.

As mentioned in the separate US forums, I have the same issues


they posted a possible solution to this error in the US forum and there was also a possible solution posted in a german speaking thread in the eu forum.

You can try this solutions and hopefully they will work as they worked for me.

Here the link to the US forum:

If you are familiar with the command line try this command:

sudo chmod -R 777 /Applications/World\ of\ Warcraft/Data

Best luck.

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Iā€™m also a Mac user affected by this issue. The problem with all the workarounds/solutions posted by users in the US thread is that none of them are permanent. If I reboot my Mac or quit and restart the app then Iā€™m back to square one.

Fortunately I can play WoW by bypassing and running the WoW apps directly.

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It seems youā€™ve missed my mention on chmod. It does not work. I already checked the permissions for the complete directory, the shared agent and moved the application to my users folder to try circumvent any administrator privilege f*ck ups from the client but to no avail.

Oh sorry, youā€™re right.
I was so happy that this solution worked for me, that I overread the chmod part of your postā€¦

Seems this fix doesnt work for everyoneā€¦
Have you tried running the WoW apps directly? It seems that the updater reverts these chmod changesā€¦

Yes, I can. Thats a workaround for now until a patch is necessary to play. I hope Blizz will fix the client until then.

Iā€™m running WoW via Wine and had the same problem on Ubuntu. Tried various proposed solutions on the US forums, including sudo chmod, with no success. Then I tried the one with the addons and it workedā€¦ temporarily! My method is:

  1. Open the launcher and donā€™t exit it (minimising should be OK)
  2. Move the AddOns folder to a folder outside of the install folder (keep it on the same drive so the operation doesnā€™t take much time).
  3. Press the Update button in the launcher and let it finish.
  4. Move the AddOns folder back into the Interface folder.
  5. Launch the game.

Not sure if it works for Macs but you should definitely try it if the other methods didnā€™t work for you.

Somebody has posted a fix which appears to be permanent on the US Blizzard Mac forum. In my case, the file was completely different but deleting it worked:

If you are happy using CLI commands (i.e. the Terminal app) then this will quickly find the file causing the problems:

Make sure you quit the app first.

cd /Users/Shared/

grep -i agentasadmin *

You will see a (probably long) list of error messages saying ā€œAgentAsAdmin failed to fix the file permissions of ā€˜Some file nameā€™ā€.

Delete that file with:

rm ā€˜Some file nameā€™

e.g. rm ā€˜/Applications/World of Warcraft/classic/D:/_work/gfx_cvars.csvā€™

(that was the file in my case - will probably be different for you).

After deleting the file I started the app and all was OK. It didnā€™t ask for an admin password and started updating all my games as usual.

Iā€™ve confirmed that rebooting my Mac doesnā€™t break this fix - still working nicely for me.


The fix posted on the US forums works.

Here it is for convenience:

  • Find your agent apps. Users/Shared/ There will probably be a few folders named something like Agent7531 and Agent7581
  • Open the Agen7531 folder and locate the Agent app in that folder, but donā€™t do anything with it yet. You just need to have it open now for below when it says ā€œIMMEDIATELYā€ you need to double click (start) this app quickly.
  • Start Activity Monitor
  • Start
  • After starts, youā€™ll get the error, close the error message
  • In Activity Monitor, find the Agent process and force quit it (select Agent and click the ā€œxā€ in the upper left)
  • IMMEDIATELY double-click the Agent app in the 7531 folder
  • In, start an update or hit Play

This may just be me, but Iā€™ve found if I just ignore and instead go directly to the wow folder and navigate to the application itself then it will open as normal. Requires you to manually enter your login and authenticator details but no other problems. Playing classic generally so dunno if retail also opens that way without issue.

This has to be repeated every time you quit the app or reboot your Mac. My post above has an easier and more permanent solution.

Yes I noticed this.

Mine was the gfx windows file in Classic as a culprit, for others itā€™s the game controller file in their PTR folder.

Delete the rogue file and problem goes away but the mind still boggles why Blizzard hasnā€™t applied a fix for this themselves as of yet.

This worked for me too, thanks for posting this, it was also the same file causing my issue.

Tried everything excluding sudo and nothing worked. However, starting and then immediately stopping all updates in the Download arrow worked perfectly. Now I have 3 paused updates and see the button Play and can enter the game.

Same client problem as OP, mac OS Mojave 10.14.6.

edit: the sudo chmod -R 777 /Applications/World\ of\ Warcraft/Data trick worked for me, at least temporarily

I still cannot launch the game :hushed:

I have even uninstalled and reinstalled the game, but STILL this happens. Also tried to locate different files etc that have previously been suggested, but with no successā€¦ Please Blizz or anyone, help!

The chmod fix worked for me, but it does not seem to work for everyone.

In the meantime, you can launch the application directly and bypass the app. In the absence of a fix this will work until the game needs updating.

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Having the same problem on my mac.

Weirdly it was gubbed last Wednesday/Thursday but on Friday through the weekend it worked fine WITHOUT me doing anything to any files. But again today Battlenet keeps giving me an error message.

TBH I dont see why I should be messing about with files when the problem lies with Blizz, they need to get their finger out and sort it.


Thanks, worked for me as well, though in my case it were symlinks I created quite some time ago.

Exactly. Iā€™ve seen a lot of people discussing ā€œfixesā€ which mean people need to mess about with files they donā€™t understand when itā€™s not necessary because this issue is on blizzards end, and blizzard need put out a fix.

They used to be really good at fixing things like this promptly but itā€™s been over a week now with no fix or updates from them :woman_shrugging:t3:

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