Macro that can get you banned?

Well, there isn’t a place to ask a gm for this question… So I’m gonna ask here and hope some one can answer me.
I bought a new mouse “Logitech g600” the one that is similar to the razer naga, and this mouse as a programe that let’s you make macros. So here comes the question, I’m a prot warrior and I was thinking of making a macro (on mouse software) that basically does this (starts in defensive stance) change to battle, cast thunder clap, w8 1s and then changes back to defensive. This macro is impossible to do in game because of the w8 function but I don’t know if it’s illegal since it just changes stances to cast 1 ability. I was hoping some one that knows more about this could answer me.

I guess this is a bit of a grey area, likely you shouldn’t do it since it would fall under automation (which is why they removed the functionality from the api to begin with) but since it has to make the inputs to trigger the abillities; how can they know whether it was the player or the software?

Edit: to add gcd is 1.5sec so a 1s wait would likely fail.

It’s almost certainly bannable and you shouldn’t do it


Macros that spam themselves are not allowed, but if you make a macro that will not advance to the next step for 1 second and requires you to manually click to change back to def. stance it will be ok

No it isn’t, the example is clearly against the rules. One button one action and the pause breaks that. If it can’t be done with ingame macros don’t do it out of game.

No way, any pause is against the rules.

The anti-hacking software 10 years ago noticed me using a G15 keyboard and I got a warning. About a month later I spilt cola on it and coudn’t get another one.

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Software implementation of “do not progress” is allowed which is different from “delay” or “pause”

Multi boxers have been using this function in Isboxer and no one had any problems in the last 10 years because the macro prevents sending of keystroke aka disables the key for a certain amount of time which is allowed

But this also means that the key can’t be used for anything else during that period, with the macro active you can’t write in chat normally

So a pause?

I wonder then if autoreplace for text input is allowed?

You can kind of make an ingame macro that does this.

/cast [stance:1] Thunder Clap; Battle Stance

You’d need to macro whatever you want to do after to a similar function that puts you back into def stance before using other abilities.

The general rule-of-thumb that I use is that if what you’re trying to do is a protected API function, you almost certainly can’t use external macros/any kind of automation for it

/e has reported you AFK, type /AFK to undo the report.

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It’s again retail rules, but not against vanilla rules. It seems the #nochanges philosophy is a lot of flexible.
It’s just curious that nobody complained about this deep change in game mechanics.

The rule applies to Classic and Retail.

This is one of the reasons why multiboxing with for instance isBoxer is NOT against the rules and they explain it very clearly in their guide videos that anything that isn’t possible in game with the API (hinting toward cast sequence in a scriptable environment - not /castsequenece). Even in a script macro you are not able to for instance cast spells because CastSpell is a protected function.

That macro would not be allowed but even if it was allowed its MUCH better if you click your buttons on comfortable keybinds and get your muscle memeory to do these things.

Whatever floats your boat. Imo macroing everything to stance correctly and then use the desired ability is the only way to play warr efficiently.
I’m glad I don’t play warr, cuz setting up the keybindings and macros is a mess.

Obvious, but that rule did not exist back in vanilla. Blizzard developers feel that they need to exactly replicate even the 15 years ago high latency implementing spell batching and leeway, but at the same time they removed the possibility to create complex macros.
What a lack of coherence, and arbitrary decisions.

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The complex macros removed the need for (human) players.
I get what you’re saying, but no changes was never the goal. Changes that objectively make the game better should be implemented.

I’d like to see things like gbank, instant mail and no spell batching. And I support removing the overpowered scripted macros that allowed you to do everything you would ever want to do, to any target in existence, in every scenario imaginable with just 1 button.
I would also have liked to see the game with no buff or debuff limit. The content would need retuning and it would be more reforged than classic… Just throwing that out there.

It did. I remember asking about macros programs via a ticket in vanilla. It was a few months after I started playing.

Even if it’s against Blizzards wishes they wouldn’t be able to know that its a macro.