Mafia Discords of RMT Boosters Mass Reporting Legit Players

This has become a serious issue on anniversary servers. As a mage, you are not able to decide on your own prices for selling boosts because you will get whispered by a member of their mafia to raise your price to their minimum or get mass-reported. These mass-reports can get you banned and blizzard will rarely overturn it before the ban expires because of the lack of GMs.

They have dedicated channels for mass-reporting anyone they want. Blizzard why are you letting RMTers control your game?


Apparently they can’t ban you but they can get you muted for 1-2 weeks which might as well be a ban since you cannot advertise your lower prices during the mute.
I made a thread on that issue as well but it got locked for some reason, not sure why bringing this up is against the forums rules but I guess locking topics that make Blizzard look bad is fair game.

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Me and a lot of guildies are experiencing the same thing, eventually we found one of the discord servers were they plan these mass reports. All they do is post a screenshot of you advertising and your done for.

Here’s a link to their server;

discord .gg /fu72pVwD

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Well another redditor also experienced this recently. He made a thread 5 hours ago and got unbanned on appeal 3 hours ago (2 hours difference) in a 14 day ban. In that same thread, a lot of players also posted that Blizzard would not unban and/or would be too late but they reacted quite swiftly.

The thing with appealing is that if it’s succesful you will be set back at the previous penalty ladder and the black mark on your history being removed. Blizzard’s way is to penalise first and allow appeals to happen, which worked here.

It is never a good thing that they were incorrectly punished ofcourse. Most false reports are discarded without the reported player noticing anything.

To explain a bit, for social infactions the first penalty is always a week mute if given by a GM. Otherwise if you’re reported a real lot it will be a Squelch e.g. removal of social functions until a GM gives a penalty.

To reach 2 weeks suspension as depicted by the redditor they would need to have been penalised 3 times for social chat infractions. Since they didn’t say what for, I will assume that the first 2 are legit.

boost mafia flagged my comment under this topic. They even own forums, sad.


Very pathetic. We need to boycott these losers.
Seeing as how summoners and boosters are part of the same mafia, we should just start taking summons on random characters and not paying them.

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Agree i guess.

A simple solution is to treat boosting as you would GDKP!


Well Blizzard made it a democracy where paying bots are just as important as paying customers. So the bots can vote the players out of the game…

Back in 2005 it was a real game where you had real GMs and the bot got banned instead of the player if there was a bot. Also the subscription did not disappear so how is it possible they could afford having GMs back in 2005 but they cant afford having them now?


Share holder expect ever growing returns on their investment, so Blizzard is forced to produce a profit that is bigger than the one last quarter.
You can improve your profit in 2 ways, either make more money (90€ mounts, wow token), or reduce cost (fire GMs).
In 2005 the WOW player base was growing massively, so profits increased on their own and everyone was happy. These days things are so bad they milk retail players where ever they can and even re release 2005 WOW for those that they scared off with their monetization efforts.
OW2 is a shadow of it’s former self, SC2 is dead, HOTS is dead, Hearthstone is dead, Diablo 4 bad, everything is falling apart, but firing GMs and automating bans keeps profits at an acceptable growth rate so that’s what they do.


Why not start your own discord server, find these players and get them banned the same way as you are. Fight fire with fire if Blizzard is unwilling to do anything about it.

Pretty sure you guys are in the majority.

I would but last time people did this they got banned after, and unlike these mafia losers with their 70 accounts I actually try to not get banned.

The Spineshatter discord is actively fighting them. But it’s not enough for a few people to do anything, it needs to be a community effort. At the end of the day, if Blizzard doesn’t do anything, the boosters/RMTers will just continue as normal. Not even bans will do anything because they have dozens of accounts and can boost a new mage to 60 in 2-3 days if needed.

Well its not the monetization efforts but the grindiness of old Classsic and the agility in your fingers of retail that make people prefer the old games + a big dose of nostalgia.

And the bots are taking away the nostalgia and the grind since it was not usual to have some mafia grind for you and then try to RMT you the effects.

Also boosting was a thing back in 2005 but it was real people boosting I remember also then having a “poor” warrior and as lvl 60 being asked by alts of ppl with gold to drag em to some item in RFD n stuff but no one did xp boosts maybe cause ppl did not know how and bots and chinese farmers even moar did not know how.

Also 2005 had the big difference of some people being 60 in a month (using paper guide to quests) while others wandered aimlessly in Barrens still not knowing where to go. And that with limited playtime due to parent enforced sleeping and school + parent enforced stuff even in summer for most ppl + sleeping (= no high warlord even with 2,5 month holiday).

Back then the ppl in Barrens joined the guild of the 60 to help em out (you did not even have to say endgame stuff is HR when U helped em by draggin em up by the ears) today everything is botted and paid for with IRL money even the grind is outsourced only grind left is in AV but Blizzard reduced that what bots cant do for people by making low honor caps.

So Blizzard is slowly killing of their 2005 nostalgia and they dont understand that when the people the bots work for stop playing then they bots will also stop paying since why would they farm stuff that no one buys.

Good. Anyone selling boosts deserves this.

Take away boosting completely. No more problems at all. Sad thing to do but since some people decide take advantage of it make big scene of it then make it stop.

That services meta only exists because ppl are buying gold. If they don’t, they would spare their money for more important things and actually PLAY the game.
Those RMT mafias would ofc not exist but you would not sell any boost either, maybe later on during AQ40/Naxx for rerolls but nothing near with what we see since this 20th anniversary fresh classic launch …

removing more opportunitys to make gold just pushes more people into RMT as they will not give up on their consumes.

Just IP ban the entire country of Iran. Nothing of value would be lost


You are lucky that you are able to at least type. A guildie of mine got 7 days game silence for selling boosts, the silence passed, he played maybe 2 more days and now he got banned for another 7 days for selling boosts, he claims he was only advertising in /services
Now he can’t even post on the forums, he can’t log on any version of the game because the ban is account wide. He had to pay new subscription in order to play and he didn’t even receive an answer to the appeal for the first ban.
This is getting out of control. Imagine paying monthly to not have access to your account for over half of that monthly pay, just because some mafia reported you and got banned for no reason.