Mage tower sucks nerf it

I will do it for sure! Need the spelltome mount :smile:

… Which will be in about 6 months.
How awesome is it to start farming old content, in the hunt of outdated BiS Gear, Gems, Enchants, consumables and what ever else you might need - to wait for something which will be out for a week sometime next summer, where you might or might not be around because… well summer.

It is timewalking, it shouldn’t be as hard as it is right now.
Sure let it be challenging, but it should be doable in the gear we farmed our rears off for, in SL. It should be doable with what ever food and consumable we use in the present time.

I am even fine with that they keep it at this dificulty, but then they at LEAST need to activate our leggo’s, conduits and covenant abilities.

Eh, I never did the guardian druid mage tower in Legion but it doesn’t seem that hard to me. I had it down to 16% on my best try but I messed up and killed the NPC.

I would like to know from WW monk who didn’t farm old content gear for weeks how they survive the worm after Fel Totem. I just die to his saliva and it does twice as much damage to me as it says in the tool tip. I cannot dps him down even to half before I die, eventhough I interrupt all I can and use all my defensives on cool down. It just eats my health away.

Surely this solo content is not MEANT to be done in old content gear that you need a group to farm. I’ve had enough corroding worm saliva. After 97 wipes I give up.

It might mean that you’re missing something as well. In my first ~10 tries on the frost mage’s brothers challenge I usually bursted it down in the first 30s to around 70-75%. On my last attempts I even pushed him below 50%. You can optimize a lot if you analyze your gameplay.

Isn’t it good to have some challenging solo content?

I assume it’s similar to the “Proven Assailant” titles from the Proving Grounds back in MoP - that was fairly challenging, but rewarding once you nailed your tactic perfectly.

It wasn’t - it was challenging and fun.

This however, Phase 2 hits, and I die at 24 - 17%, no matter what. Even if everything is done correctly, by 2 stacks of Annihilation, he just autos you to death, which is incorrect. In the past you used to get up to FIVE before it got hairy (and required you to then start using the Orbs, which by that point the boss should only be at 20% or lower).

Now, his HP is barely dropping, while yours is getting deleted, at 0 - 2 stacks.

But it is doable. There are people who did it. You just need to focus and play really good. :slight_smile:

This is what I mean.

Fun and challenging, sure.

‘Requiring you to farm old content to stat-scum the system to just BARELY win?’
Definitely not.

Didn’t have to do that originally, don’t think you need to do it now.



Uh, what? I had 3 stacks I think when I killed the NPC accidentally. He was hitting hard but not autoing me to death.

Cleared mage tower today after 12 attempts as resto druid. Didnt use any consumables and was in normal shadowlands pvp gear. Only used a tome before last phase to change some talents. It’s definitely difficult but nowhere near as challenging as some people here make it be.

Resto druids version is ezmode compared to shaman and priest. The mages hit like wet noodles for resto druids until they reach 4-5 stacks if you compare to priest and shaman. They hit like trucks for shaman and priest even without stacks.

Maybe i’ll give it a whirl on my rdudu tomorrow :thinking:

Is the mage tower similar to to the Proving Grounds - Endless Wave 30 from MOP? I haven’t had a chance to try yet, but I enjoyed the challenging solo content we had back in MOP.

Some resto sham buds of me cleared it aswell already, just gotta use your cc and purge or interrupt the mages.

But this is up every x months. Not forever

Yes but only to an extent. I feel the proving grounds were a slightly more basic but longer challenge where a lot of the difficulty came from potential complacency. You got wave after wave and you just end up slipping up somewhere when you normally wouldnt (+ the scare of potentially having to go through all that again).

im done with mine, cba doing it on alts as most of them are 50ish. Their scaling system is beyond trash and has way to many flaws for them to just copy paste it like this. I literally did more damage with ilvl 30 weapons than with my scaled down ilvl 50 from SL. Not gonna go farm old gear with sockets and get old weapons cause the devs cant manage their job.


Agatha or whatever done as elemental shaman after 20-30 wipes. I feel ike it’s probably one of the easier challenges tbh.

I did use some “cheat” gear: BfA legendary cloack and 2 legion legendaries. All consumables were shadowlands ones: flask, food and shadowcore oil.

Do these matter? Do they give more stats or what?

P.S. I hope they start nerfing the challenges now, i want to do them on alts that i have only played during lvling, to get the book mount. xD