Mage tower sucks nerf it

Agatha is absurdly easy on fury warrior, 1 shot it with my alt without even using consumables. Meanwhile other challenges are really tough.

They have 3 seconday stats instead of two. That being sais I don’t think they matter at all.

Nice dude congratz :smiley: I spent way too much globals on the adds at first before I got the strategy right. Then spent 10 wipes dying to stupif stuff :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The mage tower isn’t that hard… I went in there without consumables, without checking any guides, and without farming any special gear. I still completed it on my second attempt.

If you can’t complete the mage tower right now, it is probably better to work on your own skill than to call for nerfs. It is perfectly doable, but you must play accordingly to overcome the obstacle. That’s how it should be.

Not everything has to be a walk in the park, but to be fair the mage tower is not far from it.

Ok, go do it as a holy priest.

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Wait when you do it as druid bear

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Tbh, mechanically it seems fine (other than when stuff randomly all spawns at once), it’s like the timewalking scaling is really weak

The point of it (in part) is that you CAN farm gear that is specialised for the challenge. This is the part that should be left alone.

Not everything in this game will be completeable by everyone - the mage tower does require you to be somewhat competent with your spec and have decent awareness.

This is not an old raid where you’re supposed to just walk into and pick up your loot…

Should we ruin the experience for those who wants to work towards this by nerfing it?

After all, you’ll get a much bigger sense of accomplishment if you really work at it. And you’ll be more proud of the set :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: I also want to add that the Mage Tower should propably be permanently active if they want to stay with keeping it on the harder side.


How do you farm gear for a challenge where the gear is pretty irrelevant to the survivability?

Except not all of the challenges are equal in difficulty…

Blizz has the data for which challenge has lower success rates and they’ll do nerfs as they see fit.

For example… the fire Mage challenge seems to be one of the easy ones, according to the forums.

They are looking into it guys. They have indeed found that the tuning is off. Now lets just hope they will fix it within the 14 days we have it open

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It was in Legion, at least. Agatha is generally easy. I’ve only done 2 attempts on her, once as elemental and once as feral. I gave up on my try as elemental when I noticed I had forgotten to spec into ancestral guidance and was going to die as a result when I had her at like 40% hp.

Ok mister pro player, tell me how you can outplay this:

  • Annihilate ( - Uninterruptible tankbuster that stacks a debuff on you that makes you take more damage from him by 110% per stack. You will eventually die to this if you don’t kill him quickly enough. You can technically interrupt it with Holy Ward, Sigil of Misery or Imprison but he will recast it immediately afterwards.

It’s basically a DPS check, DPS you won’t have with current BIS Shadowlands items.


I had him down to 16% on my best try but I killed the NPC accidentally, pressed typhoon by mistake and typhooned the mobs right into the NPC. But I use the mechagon trinket, rest is SL gear, using blood spattered scale as the second trinket.

I don’t think disc priests can do their challenge or if they can its down to a wire, for perspective.

the tank one i briefly touched but died in like 2 seconds like it was shadowlands pvp or smth

the sigryn one was interesting…they enrage and do 500% damage all three of them do if you somehow manage to pool too much damage into one of them, never seen that before.

agatha was just a struggle due to the hp pools and your damage in comparison

got the rogue set, would of had the priest one if the worm on the fel totem encounter didnt over kill at full hp by 3.5k for killing the tauren first, like you’re meant too.

i refuse to touch xylem’s encounter given everything else so far has given me a wretched head ache, the pure healer fight is also a walking disaster as the damage output is actually insane compared to the OG.

Isn’t he bugged and grants the reward even if you fail?

Does he? I’ll go check in that case…

Idk, I saw people discussing it on a discord server I’m on. Saying people got the rewards even though they failed.

Tank Druid is possible but i wiped 5 hours straight maybe 50 plus pulls. 1st phase just boomkin then you pray to god