Mage tower sucks nerf it

this game never learns

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I did the affliction one at long last. Without cheating with low level gear, without consumes. This one was actually pretty brutal since when you finally think you killed one guy and now itā€™s easy mode - nope. The other guy starts blasting you with shadowbolts that hit for 1/3 of your hp and keeps spawning runes and adds.
He also has so much hp that it took me 10 min for him alone while being really on the edge since one wrong button and you die to shadowbolts.
It is kinda stupid that some mage towers are super hard and challenging like this one, but some are not hard but broken like arms warrior one. The mechanics are super easy and yet you canā€™t beat the timer by a lot.
Feels like the bosses have too much health. Somethingā€™s off. I am also 100% confident that the last guy as affli back in the legion didnā€™t take me even close to 10 minutes like now.

He gives transmog but not achievment so you still need to beat him properly if you want the mount later

Get them both low and finish the worm first. The other only enrages when the other is dead.

It sucks. I know the strategy, and even if I do everything perfectly, I avoid everything, I attack what Iā€™m supposed to attack, I lose because I donā€™t deal high enough damage.

My gear in SL is optimized for arena, with Versatility everywhere. Now I have to in two weeks time, get completely different gear for this?

I thought scaling would make it better, but it made it worse. Itā€™s overtuned as hell expecting you to have perfect stats AND consumables.

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Is this true? I hope so.
The tuning is way off, I did 36/36 towers in legion, most pre EZ-mode gear (except monk and rogue cause I never play those classes, so cant say on those for difficulty).

I main a druid tank, I also boost ppl in m+, I believe I should be able to do this again; but I have had horrible RNG and do not own the shard trinket as it refuses to drop (DoS).

I feel like having to farm old gear or go berserk on old consumables is a bit stupid.
Also, prices of each have spiked up, so I guess I will have to go craft and farm on my own.
As for getting TW-specific set; my bags are already full.
I play my druid to its fullest (PS; this is not my main druid, I have 3 druids atm) on current content, meaning I have gear for every specc and multiple different trinkets etc for different content - so I cant fit another set specifically for this challengeā€¦

It feels very overtuned and the fact that they ghost changed it from ptr to release is really bad.
Hope it is indeed getting nerfed somewhat.
My attempts so far have gotten me to phase 2 and 11%, but I had some rng luck during those attempts.


The tuning is very off this time round. I have seen a blue post linked from US forum where they say they are evaluating the success rate.

I had a friend who did all his Mage Tower challenges back in Legion at a certain gear level to keep the challenge part a factor for him. It was definitely more doable back then :slight_smile:

Yep, went with some guildies who never played Legion and did some low M+. Was a hoot trying to remember all mechanics. But we managed to get through it and we had us some really good laughs. Felt fun again even if it is regurgitated content. MT however - I believe some people are out shopping for new screens and kb this morning. :smiley:

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It seems to be challenging for the ppl, who can be bothered to farm the bis socket gear and spend dozens or hundreds of thousands on consumables. How exactly are we, who do not have such gear or money, supposed to complete it at all? It seems to be so poorly implemented, like everything in the past few years:X


Yeah, after trying the guardian druid challenge a bit more and then watching videos of the old version.

Yep, itā€™s off as hell. The eyes die so much faster back then.

The adds died in 2 GDCDs when they got to him, now you thrash, swipe, swipe, swipe and theyā€™re still alive. Typhoon them off during the ability. Then you thrash and swipe some more and theyā€™re still alive.

This is just ridiculous when you look at old videos. I never did the challenge back in Legion so I had no idea, decided to check old videos to see what was going wrong and oh boy, completely different than what Iā€™ve been playing now.


It was an interesting evening with Mage Tower and legion M+ (we just got 1 shotted in +20 :stuck_out_tongue: ) :grin:

I got a fair amount of tries on the MT (holy paladin) too, but in the end i get through phase 1.

It is really like getting scripted to press the right button at the right time, stand at the right position at the right time, like kill the last mob of the wave near the spawn point of the next wave, otherwise the new mobs will spread and you can not aoe-stun them.

I feel like cheating since i got warstomp, 1 stun more than no taurens. I have tried to turn evil, but my group is literally instant breaking the mob out. So you can only use turn evil as an interrupt.

Anyway; will try in the evening to get further. It is doable, but it feels overtuned. I got in phase 2 and instant ducked up :sweat_smile:

Their health is insane, you pretty much need to moonfire all 4 before they even reach you.

Plus the boss seems to drain life either when they begin moving or when they start their cast.

I played for 5 hours straight and I just kept getting overwhelmed and blasted off the edge.

Iā€™d never played the MT so I have no comparison, the health of stuff did seem too high though.

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Yeah, this isnā€™t what they did in Legion. Theyā€™re doing the same thing to shackle undead. They switched targets if you CCā€™d instead of breaking it.

I donā€™t think ā€œI killed the NPC accidentallyā€ qualifies as ā€œnot hitting me to death.ā€

Idk if I even can im at 5 percent mana after killing just the tauren :joy_cat:

I also have 0 memory of that being the only way of dealing with the encounter back when I did it in legion

I actually do consider myself to be somewhat competent and have decent awareness. To me it seems a bit overtuned. Maybe i just suck, its completely possible, but to me it seems a bit too much of a challenge considering its only up for 2 weeks and then wont be back again for 18 weeks or something.



No, those mages were nowhere as strong as they are now, in Legionā€™s version of the mage tower. People saying we did it by overgearing it has no clue about the healer version of it, the allies donā€™t scale with your gear and they could take quite the beating back in Legion, now they just fall over like a set of bowling pins. Either their hp is too low or the mobs damage is too high. My bet is on the mobs damage being too high, considering youā€™ll run into problems with keeping them up even if they buff their hp because your heals will barely heal them then.


I tried it ~10 times on my shaman too, since i played shaman back then. I feel like the cast is doing a bit too much. And the meleeā€™s with their knifes channel is only healable by stunning them. Shaman is kinda lacking stuns :frowning:

I am able to get through 1st phase on my paladin because i got hammer, warstomp and blinding light. I stun every ā€˜knifesā€™-channel while i focus the mage to kill asap. Maybe i am missing some stuff on my shaman, of course.

You need to save the cap totem for the double blade dance in wave 4. I struggle with managing wave 3 cause the npcā€™s get so low by the mages cast, even when i purge it straight off and interrupt when i can so when the blade dance starts they just go splat. Ppl have done it, so it is possible, but i still stand by my view that it seems overtuned. Unless its only meant to be doable by world first raiders and mdi people :stuck_out_tongue:


Okay after beating Fel totem on my main monk I have to make some corrections:

  • you do not need chromie time, you can just farm legion raid gear from legion LFR (talk to the guy in Dalaran) and collect all ilvl 50 gear (not the warforged ilvl 60) and look for your best stats and for sockets.
  • I forgot from back in Legion that I had to dps the worm down as soon as he lost his stacks. >_> It helps to get his stacks down in 3 Earthquakes.

I wonā€™t call it easy, but if you find the peace to concentrate itā€™s very doable. I farmed the legion LFR wings for gear and then went to HFC for lvl 47 weapons. Make sure to enchant (google the Wowhead guide for TW MT enchants) and also, make sure you donā€™t buy any gems that have the tooltip (meta socket) if you only have prismatic sockets!!