Mage tower sucks nerf it

Blizzard dont care if most people cant do it. This is content for the elite top M+/Mythic Raiders… Gladiators etc, with the reaction times to master it. The top 0.01% of the player base requested it, its their’s… so let them own it, let them complete it and quietly walk away. Sure, things like this cause subscriptions to get cancelled, but I dont think if Blizzard cared about that.

The video is in Russian, but here you can still clearly see how to pass the first phase. It is very important to give the Capacitor Totem at the right moment. You can turn on subtitles.

Thanks! I know when to use cap totem, thats not my issue. I struggle with keeping everyone alive. But i will just accept that this challenge isnt meant for me and move on to something else to bash my head against (hello painsmith!).


It is also very difficult for me, but after this video I have inspiration again :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: yesterday I sat there for several hours. Today I will try again with a video :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I almost got through the 4th wave today, had last soldier on 19% when i died. Just feels like my heals just tickle, so i get frustrated. Kept going for 2 hrs today but i dont have time to sink in so many hours each day. Will see if i try again over the weekend.

I believe in you :hugs:

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Just wanted to highlight this post from the US forums for visibility:

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for your ongoing feedback about the Mage Tower.

We are currently evaluating the data regarding Mage Tower success rates, and we have identified that some of the challenges for certain specializations are more difficult than intended. We will return once we have more information to provide on what changes we have planned to bring those specializations more in line with the rest.

Thanks all and best of luck to everyone still battling away in the Tower!


Can we expect an extension of the availability of the Mage Tower based on when the changes are made?
Another week for it to be available (or forever really) would be really nice, to be able to knock out some of the challenges on alts as well.


LMAO - Oh really? Bless… Love that they suddenly realised that some are more difficult than intended… Surely they wont fix it! Hilarious…


Sudden realisations happen a lot when you don’t do internal testing for all the specs…

Seriously. Which developer sat through them until they beat them? And I mean after the hp buff that happened somewhere between the laughably short PTR, and it going live.

Tbh, this feels reminiscent of that time they buffed some mission table troops by 100%. You can’t need that level of buffing if any human has ever sat down and used the system. It’s not possible to be that far off in your play testing. If you do any.

This, imo. With the mage tower’s current tuning, it really needs to be a permanent feature. A lot of the salt the last few days is likely because players are feeling the crunch of “get it done now or never get it done”. Tell them they’ve got until 10.0 (so about 12 months) and there will be some degree of calm. That’s loads of time to farm the optimal TW gear, sort out gems, stockpile consumables.

But tuning it so that 95% of players can’t do it if they’re not running BiS TW gear, and full consumables, and only making it available for 14 days, without having done any real testing… that’s just a recipe for player unhappiness.

Don’t even get me started on how Blizz would really like to not have to test the last bosses in the 9.2 raid… 1000g says I can predict right now how that’s going to go.

Yeah, permanent would be ideal.
I don’t like hurrying, i want to go at them at my own pace.

Did ret yesterday, today i’m on my shadow priest (i only lvl alts to do old raids so idk how to play them).
On the SP i went 5-6 times at the encounter, and got to p3 out of 5, no enchants or gems on my SP, just random korthia token gear.
Now i’m doing some legion raids and spamming Drakheart Thicket for random proc gear, it’s pretty fun to see those procs ngl. :))

I just wish i had more time…


So people like you yesterday braging how they are skilled, if blizzard only can restore challange so they can prove their worth… now those same people beging for nerf ! what a nice stance toward gaming, thats just awesome

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Who are you replying to? xD

Overal commenting entire topic… I know people will beg for mage tower challange then plea for nerfs afterwards… what a shame what a shame, so called masters of WoW

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I never ask for The mage Tower. Did not like it in legion and still dont like it.

Well Blizzard already admitted that some of the specs challenges are harder than intended.
So you can’t say that all of them are wrong.

I completed the ret one yesterday and i think it’s overtuned based on what videos i saw from Legion, where it was easier to do.

This too.

So much of the grief in SL has been because of the “do it today because you can’t do it tomorrow” treadmills. The mage tower, open for 2 weeks, gone for 6 months, back for 1 week - it’s just another treadmill to stress over.

I will go in this weekend, but it’s a weekend when I’d rather have been doing something else. I won’t be there because I want to be, I’ll be there because I’m afraid to lose the chance.

But make it permanent, and it becomes sensible to farm those legacy items, if you want. It’s ok to have your herbing alt go round the right places and sort out consumables. And when you go to the tower, it’ll be on a day you wanted to go.

(Side note; I might go next weekend instead of this. I’m still hopeful for, if not a nerf, then some balancing such that getting the one and only werebear option available in the last 3 years won’t be considered one of the hardest challenges in the game. I’m not that good with it. I don’t think I can play on a level with my guild’s main tank, and definitely not in the time window available.)


All fine and dandy… In the meanwhile, all your company is getting is one of two things:

  1. People who keep trying and failing in overtuned challenges (it’s like they’re not even tested… go figure…) and getting more and more frustrated because this is clearly not what was advertised nor what was shown / tested for free (LoL) in the PTR
  2. increasing amount of players not playing anymore because of frustration - see above.

We don’t have an ETA nor do we know for sure what’s wrong (my guess is neither do you guys, but you’re probably testing it now, instead of before release), we don’t have an announcement saying your company will extend the challenge, nothing. I guess a “We’re listening to your feedback” was good for a couple of weeks. #BlizzardTheBiggestSmallIndieCompanyOfThemAll #MultiDollarCompany


yeah they’re just thinking of changing something, I guess they will finish fixing it in about 4.5 months with the mage tower coming back once again

Feral Druid was noticeably harder than Fire Mage despite being the same fight. The fire mage one’s mobs had much less HP on the adds. It took me 6 hours in Feral and just two attempts on fire to get my transmog.

Either way, I don’t think any of it was too hard. The mage one was too easy!

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