Mage tower sucks nerf it

I was considering doing this MT on my Panda Mage and looking at your Panda it’s an absolute no brainer. Looks great!!

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I consider myself an average to a good player. Certainly not WF skill level. I currently raid at around WR 400, highest key I’ve done this season is 16, i am dirt poor (150k gold) and I work full time with a 2-year-old kid waiting for me when I get home, so my free time is essentially non-existent.

This prologue was necessary in order for me to point out that I have not done any old content to farm gear, not bought anything from the AH, and only played with a flask and food buff. Yet I completed the challenges with no issues, separated in two days.

It took me 8 pulls for the fire one, 7 for the arcane, and 12 for the frost one.

Yes, I’ve done them in Legion too, first was arcane done in week 1, but back then I had more time and I grinded my butt off. Took me 35 tries for Arcane. Fire and Frost I did with NH gear, as soon as the MT came back up in it’s rotation. It was certainly easier with NH gear and it took me 20 tries for Fire and 25ish for Frost.

The point is, your gear or not having access to all those min-maxy stuff is not the thing holding you back. The difference is quite minimal and if you die to enrage, it’s most likely a problem of downtime and playing your class better.

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Perhaps large parts of the playerbase hadn’t reached max level because it was actually the meat of the game and took almost 300 hours to get from 1 to 70?

Perhaps it was good that there was this sort of progression. Not everyone needs to be at end-game.

As for limited time events, I actually do agree with that criticism. I’m not a massive fan of putting the big challenges in timegates and putting all the trivial garbage up all the time, but I’m more of a fan of it than not having anything like it at all.

Sometimes you truly do astonish me.

I do not know at which point I supposedly admitted this, nor do I know why I would admit such a thing, because I did do both of those achievements when they came out. For some reason it doesn’t show up on my achievements page online, but in-game I have the appearances, including the werebear. You’ll also note that I’ve often posted with a white/golden variant of my current transmog. That’s the Tomb of Sargeras mythic set, collected by me during 7.2. So… obviously, I played then.

As for having not completed the mage tower at the time I made that post - no, it’s true, but I had watched several others do it and thought the challenge looked completely appropriate and when I got home I did indeed complete the challenge and my mind has not been changed.

The only thing that was news to me was that the feral was harder than the mage one, although this was incidentally also the case in the original and I still don’t think the feral one was out of line - so… yeah.

I was trying to be a counterweight because I saw all these people complaining about how a piece of high-end content advertised as such was being too hard, and then at the same time on the other side of me I’ve got people 1-shotting it and defeating it with a broken shoulder and things like that, so my immediate instinct was OH NO THE COMMUNITY IS GONNA MAKE BLIZZARD NERF IT AGAIN PLEEEEAASE NO IT’S THE STORY OF TORGHAST AND ISLANDS AND WARFRONTS DON’T LET THEM DO EEEET and it looks like my instincts were spot-on based on the blue post.

Please, please, please stop asking Blizzard to nerf everything. Please.

At least u get to brag u finished it pre-nerf, so thats something :blush: then when the pro’s are done us casual plebs can have a go aswell :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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They changed the priest challenge. They need to make it like it actually was in Legion, not this overtuned garbage.


I didn’t have that playtime to get to 70 sorry, but again comparing this to a raid which was around for the rest of the days to get whatever people wanted later on is poor form.

A harder mage tower simply because of not finding the right ‘broken gear’ and using all available enchants/consumables while the people playing the markets get rich off of the AH instead of using templates and having it be EQUAL for everyone?

That was what I was pointing to, 7.3 wasn’t even ToS it was Argus. Again, you didn’t do it ‘early on’.

So you just admit to outgearing the content? Little confused which route you’re trying to go here.

You’re using old items, full enchants, and gems so I’m not sure what point you were trying to make? That you can outgear it for a second time and cheese it at some point? :3

Please, please, please stop using ‘tricks and tips’ and enchanting your gear, using gem slots and everything else to make content easier for yourself then complaining there’s not enough ‘hard content’. Try doing content in less gear.

In fact with Blizzard currently nerfing ‘tricks and tips’ that made it very easy/trivial for certain people to complete it already… It’ll look better for those to complete it later on after all those fixes go through.

It should’ve been templates from the start, currently the only way I’ll be able to respect anyone doing it as they claim it’s not ‘gear related’ is doing it in heirlooms with no enchants/consumables used.


Ah, the priest one I made an exception for in most of my posts which are now obviously buried in an avalanche due to how long this thread got.

It was obviously bugged. Your allies are not supposed to be running around destroying your CC and you’re not supposed to get 2-shot. THAT was definitely a legitimate call for a “nerf”.

But the OP is a rogue and most of the people who spoke about it were not priests or even healers. If you can be arsed to read through it again, and trust me I don’t blame you if you can’t, you’ll note that as soon as I was faced with the priest saying it was breaking his CC I immediately swayed my opinion and said they should fix that.

We don’t get 2-shot. The allies do, even though that didn’t happen in Legion and they don’t scale with gear and people are trying to pin this on “overgearing” it in Legion, even though that wasn’t possible to do.

Doing it as a druid, the difference is as clear as a day, the damage is substantially lower on a druid. They can take MORE hits than priests one did even in Legion.

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This is my experience from the shaman one aswell, unbuffed arcane blitz removes about 70-80% of their health while it barely tickles me. I dont know if that is intended or bugged or what, but its really really hard to keep them alive if they get targeted twice or when the blade dance comes right after.

Yeah, I can’t even get past phase 1 reliably on my priest. It’s so RNG if they’ll kill the mage or not. If they don’t get the mage, just leave and go again. If you end up dispelling the mage, you’re just throwing GCDs on dispelling it while you’re doing no damage or healing and they still blast your allies even with no stacks, lol.

On my druid I don’t even have to care if they go the mage first or not, because the damage is that much lower. I can reliably get past phase 1 on it.

When I encountered the mage first time this time around I was like “well, this should be easy”. I get shot. Get another shot on me. A third shot. Chastised it to let the buff fall off. Next cast goes on the tank. Next cast goes on the tank AND HE’S DEAD.

But I wasn’t really making any sort of comparison like that anyway. My point was that the presence of something hard does not mean that there is less stuff that isn’t hard.

Oh come on, you literally need 15 hours of playtime from level 1 to get ready for the mage tower. Level up, your equipment’s already good enough, get enchants and consumables, the gold for which you have through levelling up, talk to the tower NPC, and go. Feral is allegedly one of the hardest ones and I did it without farming any special gear whatsoever.

Well you didn’t read it properly. I agreed that over 30% of players could complete it as of 7.3, not that I did it in 7.3.

No, I don’t. You’re simply confused because your reading comprehension isn’t quite there.

I used a Heart of Azeroth and Cloak, but I could’ve easily done it without that. The fire mage challenge was downright trivial.

Why? WoW’s layers of skill are social, preparation, and execution. Getting enchants and gems and consumables is not a very high skill requirement, and other gear generally doesn’t make a difference in there.

Potato potaato. Fact of the matter is that it was bugged into becoming much too hard. I don’t really care about the details too much, I don’t plan on doing that one. I suck at healing :stuck_out_tongue:

I need to purge when its one stack, cant let it get to two, then they die for sure. So while i should be healing them up i have to spend time purging instead. I havent even made it past wave 4 yet. And i realise i’m not the best healer out there, i dont play it perfectly probably, but so many pulls in and i still have tries where npc’s die on wave 2 or 3. Something is not quite right imo.

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Making a piece of content harder and poorly scaled to appease those that want ‘harder content’ but still get new ‘harder content’ every patch with unlimited ‘harder’ dungeons doesn’t mean there is less stuff that is hard. :3

Doesn’t seem to be the case? My max level and level 50 chars including the ones I did in Legion even the ones I did super early on without any raid gear didn’t require such things then and shouldn’t now. People are gouging on the AH because it’s a time limited event, so again no there. It’d cost me roughly 50k per char/gear set to do so.

I did read it properly, you’re the one that didn’t read properly and didn’t even know which patch was which.

Yes you did, actually. If you were in heroic/mythic raid gear on it’s release then you were already ahead of people and therefore had the advantage in gear. Others had to wait to be able to catch up.

Wonder why you didn’t do it in heirlooms with no enchants/consumables then? :3

Entire guides and so far seeing everyone doing it in specific gear (Including you) disproves that notion. The nerfs to some enchants and items already, disproves that notion…

We’re not getting harder content! It’s just a system making the easy content hard.

Sorry, I’m confused. Are you telling me that you didn’t need enchanted gear to do mage tower when it came out in Legion?

If so, lol @ you.

Or are you telling me that you don’t need it now? In which case I’m not even sure what your beef is.

I do know that 7.2 was Tomb of Sargeras and 7.3 was Antorus, thank you very much. I was a bloody mythic raid leader in both of them; I remember them well.

The mage tower was designed to be a challenge for very good players - the sorts of players who would raid mythic. It was expected to be completed by around 1-3% of the playerbase, incidentally a slightly smaller amount than the amount of players who do mythic raid bosses - so the expectation was that a mythic geared player stepped in and that was not overgearing it, that was simply being prepared.

Because why would I purposefully make it harder for myself?

If you level up without timewalking you literally get one of these items for free, and the other one is locked behind 2 hours of questing. So okay, if you want a character geared pretty much as well as mine for that blasted tower, maybe you need 17 hours.

Citation needed.


If you have a druid go in there on it and see the difference. At 3 stacks that mage does 25% of their HP in damage whereas on 0 it does 75% for shaman. It’s insane.

Yeah i laughed a bit when i saw the dbm had a “show warning when 4 stacks of arcene blitz” :joy:

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I remember it back in Legion, it took me like 5 tries only to complete it on my disc priest and prot paladin. Didn’t try any other because I had no eligible characters but it does look waay harder right now than it used to be.

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Lol no! It’s supposed to be a challenge yes but 1%? You’ve gotta be joking, right? This kind of elitism ruins the game “I can do it so it’s fine for everyone”. If you think alienating 99% of your playerbase in a feature that’s atm the only content in 9.1.5 (and a much requested feature to return) is fine then you’re part of this game’s problem.

They have literally said some of these are overtuned. Yeah yeah you’re a mythic raider, we get it. Hard content should be in the game, but you already have that in the form of your precious mythic raids you spend 4+ night a week on I’m guessing. Not to mention m+ 20 keys you can do at your leisure.

A limited event that was hyped up so much should be at the level of HC raiding, not mythic. Oh guess what, 99% of the people think so too, including blizz, so you’re objectively wrong.


It was not advertised as something that would be doable only by 3% of the playerbase. If it had been i would not even have tried it because i’m not intereseted in tryharding stuff. But i went, and i spent hours wiping and spending thousands of gold in repairs because it was advertised as “doable by a lvl 45 character”
Which it isn’t