Mage tower sucks nerf it


I went into it as soon as I got my hands on the legendary legs on my rogue, still wearing heroic dungeon pieces and killed it. Those legs were legit busted along when feint had no CD, 20% heal every feint. And feint reduces the damage you take. I didn’t even play the mechanics properly due to how much healing I had and the reduced damage.

Never touched mythic raids.

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That’s correct, and on the 2 I did it on early I didn’t even use consumes. No enchants, gems, none of it.

Yes, so outgeared the content. Especially since both your mage and druid got their first kills in… May for the content and didn’t clear all 3 specs all the way until December in 7.3. So you want to talk about outgearing the content, which seems to be the case for what you had to do with both times?

To prove a point, and the fact that you wanted ‘harder content’ but clearly you didn’t.

Doesn’t seem to be the case, bunch of my characters don’t have the gear, enchants, and socketed gear despite that playtime. Did it take that long to get all of your gear or -oh, no? Hmm.

Yeah, it’s just pay-to-win and has nothing to do with skill, but go on, feel skilled for using enhancements that have nothing to do with you character and could just be baseline improvements.

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The mechagon trinket makes a huge difference, now that I gathered more versatility on my druid, it’s blasting like 6k damage in 2 seconds. Can probably get like 8-9k damage out of it if you’re lucky with crits. That would be about 15% of the first phase boss hp in one trinket use in the guardian druid version.

Just wanted to see what kind of damage it does when in full versa gear.

So here is my take.

I started tanking in Legion with a druid. The best I could achieve back then was 1 single M+2 clear in time in Dark Heart Thicket. But with the gear (legendries, etc.) and leveling ALOT I clear the MT on my druid in 156 pulls. Very chuffed to get the bear.
Since legion I have main’d a tank, predominantly my druid. Where I stand today I have been able to get myself to a place where I can tank and clear 15’s.

Yet now in the MT sitting at 113 pulls, I am yet to see phase 2 of the fight. If we are just being realistic about this one would see that the balance is somewhat off.

In legion artifact weapons, legendries etc. you can build a MT kit with, here today you don’t even have some of you rotational abilities not to mention the powers you worked on for an entire expansion thus far.

There is a lot that the better players can say around playing better, doing this, grinding that, but like so many other has also said, that takes time, and time is not always on your side, especially in a 2 week window.

I do not expect them to make this a walk in the park by any means, but if your character cannot kill mobs with a cooldown and proc’ed abilities with in one cc cycle, something is a bit off.

Well off I go for the next 113 pulls…


Sure, maybe give us more time and work faster? in legion players had better gear+ powers+ legendary powers and now?

9 hours combined now focussed on the Disc/Fel Totem. I just wish I’d never bothered installing the game, its completely and utterly broken me. Best attempt after 13 minutes was like 20% health left. my neck is in pain from trying and failing so hard. This is just utter nonsence. PLEASE fix this…


I did give up also, there is a delay on spells like just some and that makes it even harder.


This is where you got it wrong. This was advertised as a piece of gated content, that you would be able to do in your lvl 45 alts, with a little bit of effort and determination. I don’t mind the challenge, by all means, and of course it’s doable, as people have been doing it, but this is way overtuned and Blizz didn’t think this one through. They’re recycling a pice of content where you had classes with a toolkit that there’s no longer present, with items that helped out greatly in this (more towards the end of Legion), and now you can’t have any of that. Even when players find a way to go around that, they still prefer to nerf old items instead of properly tuning MT… I mean, what’s the point of testing things (for free, I mean, they have some of the best testers, and they do it FOR FREE, because it’s obvious by now Blizz doesn’t test their own stuff), if then when it goes live you have adds that move from a ~70k to ~200k health? And that’s just one example… Most of what I see, is people getting frustrated because they do not have the time to try and try and try this, over a small period of just 2 weeks, and to aggravate that, Blizz recognizes it (good, they’re communicating) but then goes silent again, and we don’t know what they’re planning (if anything). I don’t see people asking for this to be nerfed to the ground, but there are challenges where you have adds that hit like trucks, insane health pulls, RNG mechanics, bugs, etc. Even most of the people that have done it, say it’s pretty hard. Even people who have done it in Legion and have done it ow, say it’s way harder now… this is the same old same old (or in other words SSDD), in an expansion already frustrating for most of the community, and after a rough year for Blizz, but hey, they must know what they’re doing right? =X Just my 2 cents on this dude, nothing against you =)


I’d like to add to my complaint that it kinda sucks that the npc’s dont target your target. Having 2 soldiers at 50% health cause some of the npc’s are bashing on the other one is not fun. The damage is already out of whack, i’d like one of the soldiers to die asap!

Yes that’s how i did understand it also! If they just said from the start that it would be just HC-mode then i don’t think we should have this threads at all! They don’t communicate with us properly and implement systems before a real testing phase!

I feel the same on my Resto Shammy. I don’t consider my self a bad player at all (far from an elite MDI one as well). I cleared M+15 (highest was +17 I think) and do it on healers/tanks regularly to help out mates or just for fun. I’m currently playing it more for PvP where I sit at 1800 (not high at all, but it’s just for fun and farming saddles). With that being said, I’m sitting on way way way over 200 pulls and only got to phase 3 once… Too much RNG + too much spike damage I feel, or maybe I’m just not cut for this challenge. Will keep trying though XD


Just to illustrate:

He’s shooting the commander for far more damage than he shoots me for and he shot me with +1 stack on the buff from the shot on the commander. Logic would dictate a subsequent cast of a spell, that has gained another stack with a +% dmg increase on it, should hit harder than the previous cast but it’s almost half the damage when it hit me, despite having a higher +% damage on the buff.

Exactly, it hits me for 2,2k damage but the npc’s loose 75% of their health. Commander has 10k hp. The others are even more squishy it seems.

Watch them increase the damage it does on players instead to match the damage it does on the allies. :joy:

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It wouldnt surprise me at all tbh…

You are doing better then me, i still havent gotten through p1, almost had it a few times but it seems very rng. Probably sitting around 80’ish pulls now, i havent counted but its alot of time spent in there and i can still loose npc’s on wave 3 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: i’m very close to just giving up.

I always struggle on wave 4. It’s where I feel there’s most of the RNG happening. Sometimes I get the two soldiers coming after me right when the mage dies, sometimes they start casting knifes right after the mage dies, sometimes I get one casting and one chasing, it’s usually never the same thing twice in a row. Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I cannot figure it out to save my life LOL. It’s frustrating because P2 is very easy, I have 2 out 3 there and the one I died was because I was stupid and killed 2 eyes at the same time, so in all honesty you don’t need that much practice there, but I can’t even get to P3 regularly to train there, so I’m losing my mind, because when I got there, I died in like 1m after he casted that green stuff on the ground =X

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We’re waiting!!

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Yeah for sure its wave 4 that is the biggest issue. My latest grief with it is that the npc’s seems to just go for a random target so i suddenly sit there with two soldiers doing their blade dance at the same time for the 3rd time both at 50% hp. It is not fun.