Mage tower sucks nerf it

Maybe thats the issue, i’m kinda busy keeping npc’s alive in wave 4, so i dont attack the soldiers straight away when mage is dead. Just noticed that when i started dps’ing one of them, the commander and rogue was bashing away on the other one. Several times. No clue what granny was attacking :sweat_smile:

I’m wondering how this is even a healing challenge at this point when you can’t even heal them up or they’ll decide to wipe you by going a random target. :joy:

It probably behaved the same in Legion and I didn’t notice but the damage wasn’t that high so you didn’t have to heal that much between the waves/start of waves, so they went on the right target.

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Ok, tried doing the fire mage one.

What a complete joke. The imps are dying like flies compared to on feral druid. I don’t even know how to play a fire mage, haven’t played fire for any longer period of time since totc and then it was the frostfire bolt spec and icc.

i mean mages are Blizzards fave class. god forbid they have it hard. Lets give the kite challenge to frost mages. Thumbs up

Never did the Legion version, never even read up on what it was about. Not sure what I was expecting, but it really wasn’t this and I have no idea what the hype was all about.

The problem is this (for me) - if I spend hours and hours getting the hang of it, they will then nerf it into the ground before I get the kill and my hours and hours of learning will be pointless. As will the achievement of all the players who actually killed the bosses on this full hc mode.

So we might as well all just do something else until the nerfs come.


The Feral one is actually fairly hard and it took me about 5-6 hours of trying before I defeated it.

The fire mage one I got in 2 tries, and it only took 2 because I had been playing too much classic probably and forgot about Alter Time. It’s available every Toke there’s a lot of imps up.

This is right there :arrow_up: is conveniently forgotten by all the tryhards who tries to defent the overtuned Magetower.
Instead they stand firm on the awesomeness of having to spend tonns of gold, and farm old gear, and that (in their heads) is catered towards the best of the best 3% of the game only, because somehow it will be the bragging right :yawning_face:

It is indeed supposed to be a fun challenge which is doable from level 45. But I guess that cannot get through their egos :stuck_out_tongue:

have guildies who done it on lower level alts.

stop crying and start trying!

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Yeah? On healers?

Post video proof.

why? He was just doing it for his achive, he just needs the healer one for his mount now.

He simply logged on his 50 mage and rogue and did them.

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Ok, so you’re lying.

jesus, it’s really important for you that the tower is harder then it acctuly is huh?

Why would I lie about that? There are no videos because he did not record it, why would he?

It’s SCALED content if he could do it on a 60 char he can on a 50.

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Because this is internet and people do it all the time. I have no reason to believe you when you can’t produce proof of it. I’m his guildie and yes you can do them on level 50s this was done without any cheese gear either…


^ Mr proff here.

For all I know, you’ve done them on another character and equipped it on them.

Video proof.

Honestly with how difficult it is, I rather get the old rewards instead of nerfing it.
And make it doable more often than twice in a year :tipping_hand_man:


87 wipes, best try 37%… Why do this to us… Its sadistic, I wish I’d never installed the game