Mage tower sucks nerf it

for me it was 1 try on arms war 97% on xylem
and one on god queen 93%

Arms seems fine. Dps check at end is hard but you can do it. Maby little tuning needed. Fury was little too easy. That fight maby needs little buff.

Seems some hotfixes went out but a few of them look a bit weird to me. Like they nerfed the HP of Tormenting Eyes for Prot Paladin by 10%. You oneshot those anyway with Judgment… Also I’m pretty sure they originally nerfed/fixed Variss so he doesn’t follow you when you interrupt him with Avenger’s Shield, which is a pretty big problem when you’re trying to reset decay stacks while dpsing him.

I’m guessing we will see 1-2 more rounds of tuning since they also prolonged MT until january. I had decent progress yesterday and could consistently get to Kruul’s second anihilate on my Guardian Druid before these, so it might be enough now with first round of tuning. On the other hand I’m not sure if I want to smash my head into a wall for 200-300 pulls again. I already suffered through that in Legion.

I’m also fairly certain Blizzard originally said they wanted this to capture some of the original challenge without making it impossible for most players. Right now they still have a way to go with tuning before that’s the case. Instead of more % tuning though I think they should have just enabled Covenants + legendaries instead as those are roughly equal to having Legion artifacts + 2x legendaries back in then. That would also go a long way with fixing some core issues with spec/class design to deal with these challenges.

Gratz to those who managed this before nerfs (and without cheating). I don’t think I could have done it myself.


Did it today this morning on my Protadin, and he still follows you after being interrupted/silenced.

You actually buffed it. You didn’t nerf it.


yeah I meant back in Legion I think they did this fix but seems they forgot it this time.

Yeah, I dont remember this happening myself (did it in 7.3, though).

You are just bad, stop crying and try again :slight_smile: Practice makes perfect!

the rision is we lack charcther power …

Don’t hinge your self-esteem on people who’ve made this game their jobs lol. Mage tower isn’t fun this way, simple. Running your head into a wall 200 times to get a, frankly hideous, transmog isn’t fun and it certainly isn’t content.

Pretty amazing how they take genuinely fun things and rip it to shreds in the name of longevity. Very disappointing, but this was the feedback that they got on PTR and did nothing with.

To be clear, it’s very much doable. Just got to the final healer phase and I’m pretty sure I’ll get it soon, but was it fun??


It was not


Im having alot of fun with mage tower so far completed it on 3 classes of mine on to the next!

I’m happy for you, legitimately :slight_smile:

But you see to be in the minority as far as feedback is concerned.


Those wings suit you.

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In that video you died because you jumped into the ice as you double jumped to early, i hope you realise that no nerf would ever help you here.

I didn’t ask for any nerfs for it.

This very much feels like a deja vu with people complaining about the mage tower back in 7.2 .

The main problem with the mage tower isn’t difficulty because it is definitely doable, the problem is that it’s time limited and there really is no good reason for that and it’s the only opinion that should be stated over and over again until they actually see that.

Go do the priest challenge and then watch videos from back then, watch how little damage the mages did to your allies, watch how many stacks they get. Now they just rip their hp away even with no stacks.

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I’m very unfamiliar with the holy challenge but i ve heard from some pretty high end people that its actually harder now so you’re probably right

all i can say is for god queen “challenge” for ret you can step on rune 1 but miss second and you die
or you will last on this fight a good 43 seconds while silgryn is on atmost 93% health

and my arms war attempt on the mage frostbolt+ice adds one shot not fun but frustrating
we even had one player say hc leaping before the ice adds kill him would land a dc
and the boss health and damage are too much