Mage tower sucks nerf it

After 120 attempts guardian druid I had 1 chance to beat him and RNG killed it…
I wanted to break my keyboard that moment…
Everything is too hectic and its actually not fun at all. There is no progression since most of the times you die due to bad luck.
Imagine that I have cheesed my gear with any possible bonus i could grab and still its so stressful and disappointing.

I remember original Mage Tower and it was not so hard at it is now, maybe scaling? Maybe we dont have prydaz? I want to succeed but its a sad proccess and I am thinking to skip…


“…granting players who previously missed the original incarnation of the Mage Tower challenge a way to obtain the Bear Form appearance”.

Keep on dreaming…


no wonder i keep failing when even pros fails with mage tower …


When i see a player like Supa taking 12 hours grind, 80 tries for the guardian challenge and admiting it’s the hardest thing he did in this game, i know it’s not even for the top 5% of the playerbase. Probably only the top 0,5% or less.


rader be the 0.5% of gladiator 1 then some silly mage tower …

Thank you :blue_heart:

U are 100% right, fu lazy blizzard employers!

Well I have not enjoyed it. It is not the Mage Tower from Legion anymore. They changed the encounters so some strategies are not longer viable.
I have beaten Frost and Fire Mage challenges, but the changes in Arcane are just digusting. It hast been a totally different fight back then. I don’t even want to try any other character for now because these are alts and thus I will have a harder time.
Also playing crippled characters is not fun as well.


On all guides from legion as guardian druid adds didnt hit so hard and they were dying from one moonfire, sometimes 2 if the player needed to help one of them to die ( u need kill all 4 of them after a aoe cc).

Now i must ****** attack them 2x moonfire+ like 3-4s attacking them with meele.

I did only 30-40 tries but i did get max till 60% of hp, dying mostly of chaos and rng not my lack of skill.

( I am not pro, i am pretty sure i am at last a good player and it’s impossible for me to be done.


The challenge in getting the mount is to best all 7 encounters. It’s a challenge in itself with so many people who don’t play that many classes / roles regularly. No reason to make each and every fight harder than it was in Legion.


Did you follow any guide on how to get install done ?

Because it was still kinda dipping in frames? :frowning:

It seems that the gpu is being used as well.

Proven to be way mathematically harder.


first you should rename your character to easymode :slight_smile: looks like you dont like hardmode content.

TL:DR for the thread: Majority of players hate the scaling of the mage tower and do some calculations to show that it’s broken. A pandaren mage and his/her tryhard friends inhale gratuitous amounts of “IAMBETTERTHANYOU” juice and try to argue that the challenge is “not broken at all” and “wasn’t made for you” despite it being the sole reason why Legion Timewalking riled up the entire community to at least consider a resub for a month.


I’m firmly on the side of those struggling - They need to implement sweeping changes to make things easier imo. I really hope Blizzard are taking this seriously. It’s to hard ‘as is’


As someone who has argued about this previously I can say this: It’s doable, but holy moly is it luck based.


First, you HAVE TO leap the first ice barrier (jump first, then leap). No matter what. This needs to be done in order to CD it for the third barrier. The second barrier needs to be broken by bladestorming in avatar with ignore pain and rallying cry. AND THIS IS WHERE THE LUCK BEGINS: IF Xilem is on the platform directly opposite of you - you are done. You cannot charge him as this means certain death from the eye, while going around THE ENTIRE PLATFORM is a guaranteed slow death sentence. IF Xilem teleprots to a platform that is adjecent, you are lucky and you can charge him with victory rush and heal up. Continue to beat him sensless. After 3 barriers phase 2 usually starts if you dps adequately.


You better beg Yogg to give you crits because you are going to need them. Phase 2 is when Xilem becomes invisible and leaves many copies around. You are getting damaged and the copies are casting bounceback spells. you need to find Xilem, using safezones the adds leave their death to heal. In reality, YOU MUST GET TO XILEM IN 2 CHARGES, darting from copy to copy. Truth is - the copies are too beefy, so good luck killing them. I know my 225 ilvl warrior with full enchants, good trinkets and pots barely can, so any and all of you saying it isn’t broken can go somewhere else. Now, once you find him and damage him, he becomes visible with 1 of the 2 possible modes: arcane mode or frost mode. If you used your leap and he is in frost mode - good luck next try. If you accidently kicked anything other than channel power on arcane mode - good luck next try.


Pure dps race with adds mechanic. Keep the void thing close the edge of the platforms slowly and gently kiting him as he leaves pools behind him, leap away and stay as far away when he channels at you as 3 adds will appear. You need to kill the adds before they reach him or wipe, basically. If you didn’t kill the thing before the platform got completely covered in pools - good luck next try.

Also, to Ishayo, the video you sent me shows all of this in detail, especially the titanic amounts of luck the guy had in the first and third phase with his procs. Yes, It’s doable, it’s just insanely luck based. I mean, good right? We all love ourselves a luck based challenge where your skill can be nullified by rng, correct? In all fairness, I believe some challenges are more/less broken then others. Druid ones are just shattered at this point though, no denying it.

The reason why Legion MT was good was because it was a challenge that allowed you to make minor mistakes. Even before the overgearing during 7.3. you could allow yourself one small mistake and bounce back, because noone is perfect. Hell, even after 7.3, with the overgear, Magetower was still a challenge. Definately easier, but nowhere near as “steamroll” as many would suggest. This is what made it good, the fact that you knew that it was hard, but it was fair. It allowed you room to breathe and figure out your mistakes, it allowed you chances to bounce back from them and turn the tide back at your favour. This MT does not do that. This MT is a non-stop pain train from start to finish and you bet it has no brakes. Some people love this kind of stuff, but they are not even the 1%, they are the 0,1%. And if the devs will only cater to 0,1% - the game will die. Like I said, the game design shouold sit at a comfortable middle, where tryhards can have thier little community contests, the low-skilled players are elevated by the community and the game to strive for better and learn from their mistakes, while regular players understand that while some of the content may be difficult, it WAS made for them, it IS possible, and it IS fair, all you need to do is practice and belive in your skill (Not even remotely anything even near this has been released by Blizzard in the 2 expansions after Legion).


just delete magee tower it was a bad idea bring up old content peoples cant have fun just complainig and dramas …

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It is a good idea but badly implemented. Story of blizzards life, unfortunately.


why even try peoples never happy they are ungreatfull children with no maners …

of course thats what i think too

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