Mage tower sucks nerf it

If memory serves, there is a very distinct glimmer where he is, and the bubbles the copies leave around are safe-zones

its funny that even cosmetic and transmog gear, that are supposed to be casual content, have all the “complex signature” of wow dev team

Besides mage tower, I tried Path of Ascension (Kyrian) which is unbelievable grindy and difficult for something that should be a casual long term goal (transmog). Just fire the elitist jerk (Ion) or not even Ion family will left to play the game at the end


to be honest, Path of Ascension was immensely overtuned compared to the other sanctum activities, and only very late got nerfed. Some encounters on Humility straight up couldn’t be done without cheese strats

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oh so it was even more difficult? omg
 even as it is now seems impossible for me. I am casual player, never cared or whined about my gear power
 I play for transmog, cosmetics and story
 but I find out that filthy casuals are not worthy of these anymore


Don’t worry, Blizzard doesn’t like it when you’re not Neurotypical either :slight_smile:


Some challenges were downright unbeatable, even with mythic gear. I haven’t tried it after the nerf to be fair, so I don’t know the level of difficulty it is now, I’d assume it’s still very tough.

but you fight with your soulbinds
 does your gear matter? does it boost their abilities?

Oh sh*t, never mind, I’ve been doing too much mage tower recently and I am pretty sleep deprived atm
 No you are completely right, your soulbinds don’t get scaled by your gear.

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they were just unbeatable. I think I used Pelagos on every single challenge, but even with full uptime of the haste from the doubt manifestations, it was not doable before hitting enrage

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If you are doing this as assasination rogue. The challenge is The God-Queen’s Fury.

The very same piece of s i spend over 150 tries as retri pala back in the day (before it was easy @ end of the expansion).

Tbh The God-Queen’s Fury is maybe one of the hardest dps challenges if you don’t do everything right. Can believe that sockets wont help much as its still overtuned for sure.


Well, does cosmetic & transmog gear always have to be easy to obtain? The MOP & WOD challenge mode gear wasn’t easy to obtain. I think it’s nice to have some rewarding, challenging solo content.


The MoP gear wasn’t hard to obtain, it required doing it with people on voice chat for a few tries for every dungeon and then you had it nailed down.

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not touching this anymore till they nerf it 
 just a waste of time


I was late to the party, but managed to get the MoP set back then for my mage in a couple of days. It was much less stress than farming 3 mage challenges now in the TW Mage Tower (which I have already done now, but it is exhausting and I don’t know if I want to continue since all other encounters are nightsmares to me).

I was never done. I just cleaved and spammed victory rush. And then with full hp ran around first beam and with ignore pain+spell reflect charge through second to get him faster.

Got my spellbound tome last night. Some of the challenges were very difficult, to the point where really perfect play was needed. I think enhancement shaman challenge is around what all of them should be, for most people to complete them - it requires decent positioning and spatial awareness while also doing decent dps. Xylem (as frost dk) was absolutely brutal and took me by far the longest, both phases are very unforgiving; I actually tried it on a havoc DH first but after some 15 tries nope-d the hell out and switched to frost, where it still took me 50+ tries.

I’m of two minds when it comes to nerfing this really. On one hand, some of them are way way too brutal compared to Legion, especially with all the class changes between then and now (cough shadow priest cough). On the other hand
 it felt really good having some challenging solo content in this game. I agree with the poster far above at the start of this thread, sometimes having something that is more difficult is okay.

Also, none of them required some obscene gear pieces that no one can get. I’ve done most of them with Shadowlands gear. I did twins one on my level 51 frost mage with whatever blues I could craft (and without all the power ups you get from leveling 50-60), and the windwalker one with random mix of leveling greens and blues. I did use some things I don’t usually use, such as frag belt during resto shaman challenge, and for Xylem I got seed pod trinket from the first boss of Emerald nightmare but if I were better at playing a DK that probs wouldn’t have been needed.

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people apparently get really angry when they don’t get rewards thrown after them.
for once there is something actually challenging in the game and people are mad about it xd

I am not even going to use the reward :thinking: It is not about rewards.
And some challenges are way harder than others.

nothing is ever perfectly balanced in a game like this. one class is always better, one challenge always harder. deal with it.

I think people are definitely allowed to give feed back about the differences. And their thoughts about the MT in general.