Mage tower sucks nerf it

For you. The problem with the MT is that it’s all or nothing. You either win (feels good man) or you fail, no progress to work on. So at the moment it’s basically making a tiny minority feel good and …to the rest.


High difficulty or limited availability time would have been fine.

The combination is what’s bothering people. Lot of folks feel like they can’t possibly git gud enough within the 3 weeks left, and that’s entirely reasonable.

That and people were hanging on for MT to bring back some interest in characters they haven’t played much of late, and that kind of falls flat if it takes many hours of gameplay that they aren’t really interested in, just to get the mog that they thought would spark them into action again.


Mage Tower need a 33% Health reduction across the board for the bosses and mobs.


You… Don’t say?
The progress to work on comes from failing and trying again to improve based on what you failed previous attempt.

Why everything must give a consolation prize?

“oh poor you, you didn’t kick the only cast that needed kicking, here have a 10%damage increase for next try”

The tuning is poorly done, especially regarding the scaling of gear and some bosses are too tight dps check but holy hell this type of complains are really annoying.

Everything must give “something” even if you did fail these days for some people.


people need to understand that not everything has to be designed in a way that its a breeze for every single player in the game

I know of at least two people, who loved mage tower back in the day, and now quit/unsubbed though. I also loved it, but this time around its just brutal and way overtuned.


imagine unsubbing cause u cant finish mage tower. i mean please.

i m also too bad to get gladiator or rank1 in pvp. but its something that i can work towards. people are just too used to easy peasy content for free loot

if every single player would be able to finish the mage tower challenge how is it a challenge anymore? it would instantly lose all its appeal

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Every single player is the opposite of only 1%. There is definitely something between those to find.


Finally did the bear tank challenge I think I clocked it between 40 to 60 pulls total and downed it in 4 pulls last night, felt awful to do and it randomly kinda just keeled over for me more than it did any other day.

Definitely is a struggle glad it’s over with looking forward to just chilling now😂

Imagine a game that only 1% of the player base could actually complete. Its like selling a product that doesnt work, you are going to get complaints… It’s just common sense… People are paying a subscription for a game, that has features that are clearly broken and need a fix. It’s completely unacceptable, yet it fits in completely with the out of date Blizzard model.


MT the return was sold as an inclusive activity. This 1% can do it is just a big fail. If they needed to why not make the current an Heroic version (as it is now with a special colour set so they can feel ‘big’ and ‘superior’) and a ‘normal’ any-thing-allowed version same challenge but everything works so you can wear as much or a little borrowed power as you like.

The tri-hards can do the ‘pure’ version and everyone else can do the any thing goes version.


Well they wonder why 9 million players stopped playing… The whole Mage tower ™ sums up their logic.


the game does not revovle around the mage tower challenge. it is supposed to be a CHALLENGE. you can continue playing the game perfectly fine without completing it

Yeah sure the problem is no legion legendaries. Mage tower was heavenly relied on that and those mechanics are still build around Legion legendaries. Event is limited to a few weeks each year. Something so limited shouldn’t be harder than a M+15. Another day with no nerfs in sight :frowning:


I know you are not responsible for tuning MT but the recent post highlighting the current nerfs is minimal and only touched a few of the encounters and none for Warlock.

Is there going to be additional tuning to the other encounters or am I going to have to cheese this limited content?

Very true. IMHO, a big part of the issue here is how little new content there’s been in the last two years. Nov 2021 should have been 9.2, with 9.3 in six months time. Instead we get a largely pointless 9.1.5 now, then 9.2 in a few months and then nothing at all until who knows when. We’re all desperate for new content and stuff like TW Mage Tower has ballooned in our expectations as a result.


Yes i Can. But there is nothing to do in The game right now and The mage tower is overtuned for most of The players. So no need to stay sub as it is now


Finally did it. Almost 400 attempts. Around 100 times at 3-5%. Still panicking in 2nd phase. But I am finally done and do not want to hear about mage tower in centuries.
It is ridiculously hard, but doable even in SL gear mixed with few pieces from old content. But old consumables really needed.
GL to all.



The holy priest one is nothing like it was in Legion, that’s what peeves me about it.

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Well none of it’s the same as legion, its overtuned to the teeth.