Current Mage Tower is all about exploiting legacy gear, enchants, and consumables. If you go in with normal Shadowlands gear and don’t use consumables, you’re not going to deal enough damage/healing to get past phase 1, even if you’re a good player.
I’ve watched a guardian druid video where the guy used legacy gear, enchants, and consumables and he takes a few % of HP with every hit. With my druid, I have to hit the boss for several seconds to take him down just 1%. Because legacy gear makes you more than 2x as strong and the encounters seem to be tuned around that, I think the whole event is .
Not everyone could do the Mage Tower Challenge when it first came out in Legion either. There is also no way they can totally replicate the experience we had back then, the game is different, our talents are different, gear is different, no artifact weapon or tree etc etc. It’s a scaled version of something old.
It’s going to be a lot of banging your head against the wall. It’s a bit like those old skool platform games were you die over and over and over and over again trying to get through one particular level.
Tried it on my druid, got all the mechanics right, but the gearlevel just feels undertuned compared to the damage you take even if you avoid everything that can be avoided/ interrupt everything that has to be interrupted.
Oh well.
That may well be the issue here. I’m personally not excited by the transmog appearance. I never liked the mythic version from the raid, only the purple one which came from LFR difficulty and I mass farmed that on all my plate wearing characters.
Found clears from
Guardian druid.
Prot war.
Prot paladin.
Guides are available and people have the sets.
Only tank with Major issues seems to be BDK and its a DPS throughput issue, they can’t meet enrage.
You can get one shot in LFR failing a tank taunt switch it doesn’t prove the content is overturned it proves the player handled something incorrectly.
Either it was a bug , or you failed a mechanic / misplayed a CD - if the former use the but report feature.
And what at least I expected was a little fun for two weeks some transmogs and thats it. I had the hope that a limited 2 weeks event could be up just for fun and now they introduced a torture.
Why does every single content has to be a major challenge where we need several strokes to compete?
Again: Good luck farming the whole set in two weeks. The tower should be doable with any gear. Gear as a limiting factor and cheesing enchants and trinkets is flawed
Exactly. They’re now offering this thing in a very limited window of time, with rewards that are simply bad. This thing has no right being hard. It should be tuned to be like how it was for most players in 7.3.5.
Not that I personally care. Nothing to get there that I want anyway.
Do you comprehend english or are you just trolling for the sake of it? They made it harder than on release,i have the achievments from FIRST WEEK of mage tower and second week for PROT which was the only challenge (the tank one)that wasn’t doable since the prot paladin bosses had twice the hp of any other tank bosses ,bar 1 guy getting seraphim permanent bug no one managed it first week it took second week for people to get prot when i got it aswell.I was in full nightold mythic gear to say i want anything to be facerool is being mentally ill or not understanding the english language.
This is beyond hard compared to what was there on mage tower week 1,i havent attempted prot yet cause ret has left me with a sour taste,but if ret which was the easiest of the spec back then is just a slog it’s just not worth it,i won’t waste hours either progging through the fight or waste hours gearing and searching for multi gemmed old gear.
Oh please i did all 36 specs pre antorus in Legion i know the fights inside do not try and demean me thanks there is problems but you seem to want to defend it and say its a skill issue which is pretty toxic of you tbh .
Goes to show you didnt read my post i said an NPC got one shot when it shouldnt i advise you not to comment at me again thanks.
To be fair the Mage Tower was meant to be a challenge. It only got easier over time because it was not scaled and we could outgear it. And rightly so IMO.
I have not tried this iteration myself yet, I’m not quite ready to start endlessly bashing my head against a wall. I am not someone who enjoyed this kind of content during Legion and I hated the Ret encounter with a passion.
However I don’t expect it to be a walk in the park either. It’s the first time this content has been available on the live game. Granted it may need some tweaks but this is probably the first mass testing they’ve had. PTR take up is never huge.
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Tried 4 of the challanges , they cant even tune some old content hahahah
Can just unsub and play dark souls instead of this
Well, let’s hope Blizz will nerf the encounters this year. Because if they don’t, we’ll have to wait nearly half a year until we’ll have a fair chance.
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Honestly… Most people don’t WANT a ‘fair chance’. Most people, me included, just want to do the content leisurely. Doesn’t mean we want to ‘one shot’ stuff perse, but we don’t want to smash ourselves over the head with a brick continuously either.
Blizzard should KNOW this. They can’t tune content for a small percentage of the playerbase and expect everyone else to just ‘take it’ and keep quiet. This thing will only get more and more complaints. Timewalking content should NEVER be tuned like this. Never. Ever.
Blizzard added mount as a reward from doing all 7 unique challenges because otherwise most pople woudn’t bother with mage tower
First of all this stuff wasn’t even close easier till everyone got their supercharge artifact power then it was easy, in the first week mage tower was hard tbh. If you cannot provide your time to it don’t do it then.
I would, for the sets.
I’m no healer though, so I wouldnt get the mount to begin wtih.
I can understand the viewpoint that casual players don’t feel they stand a chance in this first cycle, which is also the only extended cycle of timewalking Mage Tower. They will have to wait a long time for it to come round again.
Imagine if a TW raid was introduced that the bulk of the playerbase could not complete. Or TW dungeons.
mage tower its more hard than original without original rewards … :’(
To be completeley honest, even following guide provided by Wowhead seems to be very far fetched, than what it actually really is in game.
I didn’t want to spend my evenings gathering stuff specifically for this raid just to sell it off later, and now the flasks and other enchants for this mage tower may hike in price, and some of us do not have capabilities of buying tokens, let along 6 month subs on top of it all.
It just gives me slight edge, that I was waiting for it to happen this long and was wondering back in BfA if it will ever come back, but even after 10 tries I just realize that my abilities as someone who is suffering from ADHD and some other mental issues to fix myself on so many things at once.
Well, can say goodbye to this set.