I think we all know where you pulled these numbers outta.
Blizzard dev’s once again making content for the minority, then wondering why the sub numbers keep going down. It’s not rocket science.
I think we all know where you pulled these numbers outta.
Blizzard dev’s once again making content for the minority, then wondering why the sub numbers keep going down. It’s not rocket science.
No, it is not. There’s content you can’t do because you can’t find groups nowadays, and now we have content that is ridiculously overtuned beyond belief. Xilem as arms was one of the easier fights in legion - it is impossible now with the borked scaling.
Personally, I think there supposed to be another way of getting this set. I mean, challenge is good and all, and it should be challenging. Except if that challenge would be atleast fair in terms of the legendaries and other gear that was avaiable at the time.
Game mechanics changed on mathematical level, rather than mechanical.
What is this insanity? The dev’s, you might reflect, knew that the players would get stronger over the course of the expac. They knew right from the start that the MT would eventually become something that many players could complete.
Why is their a weird insistence that it was always meant to be super hard. It wasn’t, unless you think - and you’ll need to justify this - that the devs somehow didn’t know we would get stronger.
Such a strange take.
Not all that bothered. I got the weapon from the OG one
Yeah, I pulled them from the stats of the original mage tower before the release of Antorus. Where’d you think I pulled them from, eh?
Look, I just don’t get this complaint at all - from you or Daestra or anybody else: Why is it a problem that, when an event rolls around that has dungeons, M+, and questing, that something hard comes around as well? I mean there’s so much stuff in this event for any level of difficulty you can possibly imagine - right from moving with the mouse and clicking all your spells with your right arm while scratching yourself with your left one, all the way up to incredibly difficult and hardcore stuff, but the existence of this one incredibly difficult hardcore thing is just a massive unforgivable problem.
The contrast between this guild’s Discord chat (where most of us still gather now that we don’t raid or M+ together any more) is extreme. They’re relishing in the challenge and several of them have already beaten it and are showing off their new transmogs, and meanwhile in here it’s as if the world has ended!
Yes, it is. Some things just require you to git gud.
The only reasonable excuse I can come up with is if something has gone wrong with the tuning such that the encounter is genuinely near impossible, but that’s not what I’m seeing with at least 2 of them.
I’m not really sure what you are trying to say but the full quote was pretty self explanatory
The prestige was in getting it earlier when it was harder. Over time it became more accessible to more players because we could outgear it. This is not some oversight on the part of the Devs. It was intended. It’s pretty much how most things in WoW work. Harder with less gear, easier with more gear.
This revamped version ofc does not have the benefit of outgearing because people are scaled down.
Okay, riddle me this - Xilem does about 900-ish damage with every frostbolt, a kick delays a cast for about 4-5 seconds, after which the pummeling commences again. You stun him, delaying again. after that, the walls form which have and additional AOE damage pool. You either have to destroy the walls and heal (impossible as arms as destroying one damages you for more than half your HP) or jump over the walls (25 seconds cooldown). With that, you have to use the 3-jump legendary as the challenge is impossible without it. HOWEVER, you also have to remember, that those frostbolts are still there and they are going nowhevere. So, about every 1.5 seconds you are dealt 900-ish damage. How much health do you have? you have around 6k health as 230 ilvl arms. Excuse me if I say that yes, you are indeed not gonna finish this challenge as arms. It is impossible.
And therefore it should have been a gimmick from the start. Introduce a hard version with special cosmetics for all the entitled players and thats it.
I just want to have fun in this GAME. Ion so annoying and I hate him and his elite philosophy so much. All of the videos for guardians had special trinkets, weapons or old content stuff.
They have two weeks to save my sub and thats it. I can’t take their promises and lies any longer. This game is FUBAR
You forgot to mention that the focusing iris also deals damage and cannot be reflected and is hard to avoid and pretty much impossible because Xilem teleports to the other side of the room, while remaining in the range to cast the frostbolts, while your spell reflect CD is probably still on.
Other than that, pretty spot on, bratan.
oh yeah, thanks for clarifying, bratishka. Totally forgot about that.
P.S. Not to mention the “ring around the rosie” part where you have to nuke the copies or the aneurism inducing final phase.
idk man I found video evidence of someone doing it on PTR by simply googling it:
Hooowever the frostbolts are hitting for less than you claim, so maybe there’s been a buff idk.
Again, it should be very, very, very hard - but of course not mathematically impossible. That I grant - but you’re very specifically saying that there shouldn’t be stuff you can’t do that, and that’s where we differ.
Alot of the encounteres were hidden buffed right before they went live,and we are talking like doubling of values of hp damage,cast frequence,on ptr it was fine now it’s not guess why,when you buff without testing and releasing this is going to happen.
Those numbers have changed at least twice since then and i love how you ignore the fact the Legion one was built with artifact and legeis in mind with those mechanics still there but not the actions to be able to counter measure them.
And who said recently that this was aimed at top 3% only can you link source stateing that Legion TW MT was made for that number please.
None of the towers were built with a particular legendary in mind. They can’t have been - that would mean making a particular legendary dropping from a random loot table with 20+ elements on it mandatory. That would have been outrageous.
No, that’s actually specifically what you said, but if you didn’t mean that then I’ve got no further beef. If we’re talking about something outright broken where it is literally mathematically impossible, then of course that’s too hard. I think between 1% and 3% being able to defeat it is what they’re aiming at. Not 0%.
Hahah you described legion ,sacrolash anybody for affli locks?Panths for prot otherwise you wouldnt reach the dmg in years.
That was about exactly as it went. You were unable to progress the tower challenges without proper legendaries/gear untill the end of the expansion, where you still had to do some min/maxing.
Than what’s the point of advertising it as a big part of Legion Timewalking if a 99% or 97% of the entire playerbase won’t even be able to do it without engaging in buying a boost.
Exactly and here a few quotes from US forum:
“So many people have forgotten that when Mage Tower released when ToS came out, the forums were flooded with “this is impossible” and “this is only for The 1%!” threads.”
“It wasn’t until people outgeared it with Antorus gear the next tier that it became popular.”
"When 7.3 came out everyone was like “yay mage tower is great!”
“7.3 mage tower experience invalidates today’s time walking mage tower challenge”
This shows how far off the devs are with the way people experience a good game. The reputation of MT being awesome came from 7.3 for a majority of players. And somehow they think that the streamers and world first raiders reflect the whole playerbase, which is not the case.
When people where crying - including myself - to return it they meant to have the 7.3 experience to return. I mean how am I supposed to get the book mount at this level? Should I quit my job and learn every class at a level of perfection that I can have it in two years?
Hell, no. The devs should finally learn to deliver content for wide spectrum of the playerbase elitists as casuals alike.
As someone that cleared it on two classes shortly after it came out(In Legion), I can tell you without having certain legendary effects active it’s much much harder than I remember it. I, unlike some of the other people also don’t have a “Broken in Timewalking” set or tons of gear with Gems and Domination sockets to help out like the people I’ve seen in the vids that have beaten it so far. My DPS, and survivability in these things feels like a joke compared to when I did mine in Legion. This is as someone that only pugged normal on my chars prior to beating it.
I knew scaling would mess it up, and it did. Blizzard has NEVER done scaling correctly as far as I’m concerned and this just proves anytime scaling is involved it goes wrong.
To prove a point with this, my level 50 monk that’s in heirloom/greens (All right about ilvl 50) gets destroyed in there unable to self heal enough.