Mage tower sucks nerf it

You already need to heal in dps challenges or you’re going to die.

Heal yourself maybe but not someone else like an NPC.

Idk how people struggle with this, if this is the standard bar of the usual wow player then it is indeed shocking


Dude, every healer in higher keys and raids do DPS when they aren’t healing, they have to otherwise you would fall short. Yes, obviously they don’t do top DPS but Mage Tower challenges already account for that.

DPS don’t have skills to heal other NPCS, healer classes have the ability to DPS. That’s the main difference.

How would a warrior or rogue even heal an npc? Lmao.

Well, yeah.

I don’t agree that tanks shouldn’t have any dps requirements at all. Part of tanking is also managing your dps rotation. However the dps requirements on these specific challenges are way overtuned. I finished it on Druid today, but it was extremely close and I admit I probably wouldn’t have been able to do it before the 10% nerfs went live. I can’t say anything about the other challenges, but so far the tank challenges felt way harder than in Legion in terms of tuning.

Phase 1 seems fairly well tuned at the moment, but I think P2 needs more work unless it’s intended that only a tiny % of the community are able to do it. Either nerf the HP of Kruul or nerf annihilate damage and frequency.

Again, I’m wondering who Blizzard made these for. It’s obvious that most people can’t do it, and making Mage Tower one the major selling points of 9.1.5 seems weird if they exclude 90% of the playerbase from being able to do it.

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I really hate people with this attitude.
In low keys you see this healers doing no healing at all (because is not needed) standing still, being afk, jumping around then you watch the dps logs and it’s actually 0.

An healer in that situation can usually pull at least 2k extra dps for the party instead of doing nothing because “not muh job”.

Same goes for tank, overstacking defensive on completely trivial content.
Why exactly?
Defensive should always be “enough defensive to not die then dps”.

Dps is the best healing and mitigation, because if the boss is dead 15 sec earlier thanks to your contribution, you don’t have to heal those 15s or you may not need an extra defensive as a tank.

Saying “it is not my job” is really silly.
The job is to kill what it is in front of you.

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I do agree with that, but i am afraid the priority of the mage tower is dps, not healing as a healer. That seems off for me. Shouldn’t we expect a healing challenge?


Isn’t the same for every class anyway?

Dps have to use a lot of extra sustain in this challenges compared to normal gameplay.

The only tank things tanks have to do in that challenge is basically the annihilate.
The rest is self sustaining and dpsing.

Thing is, in the healer challenge, you trade GCDs between DPS and healing AND CC on top of that, plus movement / kiting and positioning issues. Sometimes the trade-off is just bad. I don’t even think about doing this challenge right now, I still have one DPS and one tank challenge to do.
I only have a very limited time where I can concentrate on playing 100% so the extension to 4 weeks will probably not be enough since holidays are coming and I will not be able to log into the game for at least one week.
If they want to keep this difficulty up, then the Mage Tower should stay available at any time. If they limit it to some weeks in a year, it should be easier.


I have to heal my rear end off in stage 1 of the healing challenge, so its not like there isnt a healing challenge (for me at least), but it also contains other elements like dps and using your cc’s and so on.

I need to check the shaman one again :slight_smile: I have to say my motivation for other classes is very low now with the thought how hard it was on my main. It is possible the MT is tuned for more healing needed for shaman since shaman can heal more, and more dps is needed for pala since pala can dps more?

The damage from the arcane blitz is at least tuned higher for us since we can purge the buff afaik. We cant let the mage get stacks of it.

Bandages can heal others.

Let me guess you spent the entirety of Phase 1 in Boomie form ?? Because there is NO way you can clear Phase 1 in Bear form in a timely manner before being over run by infernals.

Sorry I play Venthyr Holy Paladin as main and do do DPS as I have to to generate Holy power.

Lets see how that works if the tanks use zero mitigation (I,ll hit Mangle instead of Ironfur shall i?) on The Eye in SoD during Deathlink when a portion of the tanks taken damage is split to the raid.

And as said like the others I need to spend GCD,s between switching forms Boomie/Bear as well as SHARING GCD,s with various other abilities.

DPS Challenges ONLY have to use GCD,s on DPS. This is another reason why Tank and Healer should NOT have DPS Requirements.

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Bandages are part of the tailoring profession, why would a rogue or warrior have tailoring?

You can still use the bandages created by Tailors so no need to craft them yourself.

Yeah, we have to stun him when he casts when he has stacks. And then it is a dps race since stun is a 1 minute cd. Every pack is basically kill the mage ASAP and cc the knifes with turn evil. On the wave with the mage and the double souldier use blinding light on the channel of double knifes and kill first mage asap and then a soldier since you have nothing for another double knifes. Everything is kill asap :sweat_smile:

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But you can buy them, just like all the other consumables. :wink:

Yes and bandaging gets interrupted by any damage and adds a debuff that makes you unable to bandage them again.

So, how would you heal NPCs with bandages?

Oops, your mistake then. Timed wrongly… just like all once wrongly timed spell costs you a try in those challenges. I don’t say it would be a good idea: but how absurd using banages sounds just shows how absurd the challenges are in general. Not “challengeing” just a skript to learn and then follow like a bot.

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