Mage tower sucks nerf it

I timed a lot of things wrong when I did the guardian challenge, didn’t cost me a try. You don’t have to play perfect in it to make it. You can make a load of mistakes and still pull through.

I hope you are acting stupid on purpose because if you really think this is what I meant, you really need to improve your reading capabilities.

Everything hurts in stage 1 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: i’ve concluded that i’m just a trash player though when i see ppl who say they did the shaman one in 3 tries :sweat_smile: but at least your tip about bfa consumables seemed to help, gave quite a boost to my int.

Oh well, i needed 14 hours of trying myself. Ellesmere did it in 5 tries. I suck too :hugs: But yes, for me the consumables made me do the dps race in s1, so i got consistent through it with those.

I do it differently.

I stun one then just alternate repentance and turn evil. Those little blighters never even get a channel going long enough to cause issues.

I am just asking that you said basically more dps requires less fight time and the extra 15seconds of DPS you contributed is 15 seconds you dont have to heal.

Whilst I understand this concept I am asking as to why a DPS Check is implemented in Tank and Healer challenges when DPS only has 1 task to do ? No one can seem to answer this sensibly and saying “DPS is a GROUP issue” is not an answer or “You have to contribute DPS” is also NOT an answer

Lets look at the Holy Trinity in MMO and unless I am mistaken this is still a setup that applies to WoW.

The MMO holy trinity is a gaming trope where combat revolves around three different roles: the tank (who intercepts the enemy’s attacks and survives the ensuing damage), the healer (who keeps their allies alive by healing damage) and the DPS (short for “damage per second”, whose job is dealing damage to defeat enemies) …

If the DPS is not doing enough damage it SHOULD not fall back to Healers and Tanks to make up the lost DPS surely that is the whole point of taking a DPS? As stated i play a DPS healer of sorts as a holy pally but some others like resto druid or holy priest might not want to DPS that’s why they chose a HEALER to HEAL people not to damage things.

and what point does this state a TANK job is DPS and a Healer job is DPS??

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But this is not true at all lol. This is your personal interpretation of the challenge.

Dps, tank and healer are basically required to do the same things.

They have to:

  • Handle movement mechanics.
  • Use CC
  • Use defensive and what you have to alive.
  • Dps

If this is the case (I,ve only tried healer and tank not the DPS one yet) then why do we bother having 3 roles they may as well just make us all 1 role and be done with it. xD

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Because it’s just a specific solo challenge and not the entire game?

You are really stretching this at this point.

Why have healers in the game? They have to dps while questing, might as well remove the role since is not needed, following your logic.

Thats just a massive oversimplification.

Theres degrees in this. People know that your primary role is healing, its just good play to optimise and do other stuff (damage) when time allows it.

The way you’re carrying on I’d fully expect that if you were the only person alive in a party and the boss was on one HP you’d say its not your job to dps it or something.

I just get tired of stupid stuff in the game like for example if i decide to do a TANK test I expect to basically have to face tank something and use mitigations correctly to prevent being 1 shot to protect my NPC team and maybe interrupt some dangerous casts which coudl 1 shot.

But no what do i get some stupid test where the mob you have to kill you cant even stand next to, mean while having to “kite” some stupid infernal around which knocks you off the platform and interrupt the entire phase 1 is NOT even tanking unless you count the 4 adds which spawn for you to interrupt.

I know people will say “I done it in 1 try Git Gud brah” its not a case of Git Gud it’s a case of I feel that the challenge is not designed for the class you are playing hence why most tanks in bear form spend phase 1 in Boomie form…

I have no idea how Warriors, DK’s or Monks would get on in the same challenge tbh as they do not have a 2nd form they can use to gain DPS.

This is whats making me mad tbh.

LOL I contribute DPS thats why I chose a holy paladin and play Venthyr because I enjoy doing damage as a healer and even can outdamage some DPS… I just hate it when I feel that theres an imbalance in the challenges ie…

I feel there is too much emphasis on DPS in ALL the challenges and this makes the challenges which arent DPS even harder.


It’s a tank test because phase 2 have exactly the mechanics you are asking for:

  • kick twisted reflection
  • plan mitigation for annihilate

Going back to P1:

  • Infernals and eyes are simply environmental threat that you have in a lot of boss fights. It’s a tank challenge but that does not mean you can ignore everything happening around you and just wait there to rotate cds and use a kick.

  • Horror are another simple add pick up with yet another simple cast to disrupt.

  • The P1 boss is not tanking for you? Seriously? Having to manage your max health and your stacks to ensure you have enough hp to survive damage while also damaging the boss is not something a tank can do?

Just because it is not only a matter of “sit there doing nothing while waiting the big cast to go off to use a cd” does not mean it’s not a tank challenge.

Again, dps is important regardless of the role, its too much focused on dps because it is overturned atm so make dps extra important, but dps IS important as a tank.

Ok, I need to put these feelings somewhere. I know I’m not the only one feeling like this.

Call me a puritan but, I believe that the mage tower should be a challenge of how well you know and can execute your class.

Instead of users trying to do this, they are trying their best to cheese this with items from various sources, be these: armour, gems, flasks, feasts, scrolls, enchants, drums. You name it, people are trying it in order to beat the tower.

The question I would love Blizzard to answer is: Should players be able to complete the mage tower with their current gear and without needing to rely on any additional items?

A fairly simple question which would tell us the intention.

If they wanted us to go about farming old crap and doing all this other cheese stuff, they would know that old content items would go on the AH at inflated prices, driving more users to either spend the currency they earned just at a hope that they might be able to beat the mechanics. That currency could also come from Wowtokens. When we already pay to play either in time spent on the game farming or with a sub.

If they did not want us to do this, and it to actually be a test of the player’s ability, knowledge and execution. They have to admit that they got it wrong, that they forgot that the tower (whilst meant to be challenging) should still be possible without things that are not available as standard to the spec. For instance, mage and shaman should be more challenging in a bit where they will need to use their specific skills of timewarp or heroism/bloodlust. No other class should need to or be able to use drums. If it required interrupts, there should be sufficient time between the casts to allow all different specs completing the challenge to be able to use theirs. It’s more complex yes, but if its challenging to us, it should be challenging to code and ensure it is fair over all the specs.

Sure you could feast and flask, but let the current content work better than old.

I hate how I have started to question Blizzards testing, if they even do any in house or if we are always going to keep being expected to do testing for them. When even we do not know what their intention is. They are now running about trying to stop people trying to cheese but not addressing why we need to

Thank you for reading my TED text, I’ve been Toto, sorry for venting.


These challenges are very hard, but they are also very fun. It is basicly best designed single player content from entire wow. All encounters are very unique and very well thought. So far i only beat it on WW monk and it was about 90 tries but every one of them was fun experience. Without any guides and gear farming, just Shadowlands gear and consumables from AH. On other alts i had not kind of success and best tries were between 50-60 % so very far from completion, but it was very fun regardless. I have yet to try these challenges on my main characters (subtlety rogue and frost mage), but it will be pure fun. So don’t worry about perfect gear, just enjoy the ride, these challenges are true gems. And again they are very hard so don’t worry if you don’t beat them, rewards are crappy anyway, Just play for fun.

My answer to this is “NO” because why else would they reintroduce something that was implemented at the time that players had 2 legendarys to hand and then they bring it back and not let us use any legendary powers/covenant abilities or anything else, They should have either scaled it UP for our current gear and level or at least reimplemented / allowed us to use our Legion legendarys if we have them and people who dont have them can still go and acquire them through the same sources we did.

Blizzard dont care



Torghast is way more fun than this unless tanatophobia is one of the torments.


39 atempts and u give up? :)))))))) since it opened played everyday 4-6h and havent done it yet…the closes i got was 2nd boss at 14% and rng kick in adds/line/infernals/anihilation… but not giving up…im not happy with the recycle content but i want that bear form…


Torghast is fun too, i like it, but boss fights are very simple.

I spend first 30 sec or so in boomkin form with HotW nuke. After that I am 90% in bearform for the rest of the encounter. Only shift out to regrowth or sunfire tag nether horrors

If you want to play tank or healer at a min/max level, then squeezing out extra dps is part of that. The problem with current iteration of MT is there is too much focus on meeting very strict dps checks. It was the same problem back in Legion, except you could eventually outgear it.

If Blizzard intended this to be doable for just a small % of the community then current tuning isn’t too bad. But if they want the average player to be able to do this on their main spec/class at least then they are pretty far off with tuning. A blue post clarifying who exactly this is intended for would probably be a good thing.