Mage tower sucks nerf it


Unfortunately the game has not been developed this way the past two expansions and certain covenants are practically advertising for certain classes to excel in damage even as healers looks at holy paladins and Resto druids


Yeah, but there’s an entire DPS phase in the healer challenge which is unnecessary. Makes it feel long and boring. Kill an eye, heal to full, kill and eye (repeat 8? times). It’s not exactly anything like healing in literally any other kind of content which I, personally, find annoying.


No, it’s really not. We get 3 of the dumbest NPCs who will just randomly AFK mid boss fight or attack the wrong target for a good 20 seconds and we have to keep them alive whereas a DPS has to only keep themselves alive and execute mechanics.


I think this sums up my entire feeling about the Mage Tower it is nothing like the actual content that we do in the real “world” like I mean how many druid tanks do you see pulling stuff with Boomie form? thats right NONE.

I feel its a completely different playstyle to what is expected from the community as the other guy said “I spent 30 seconds in Boomie form” I bet anything that he spends 0 time as Boomie as a tank in a M+15
 So why is it necessary in the mage tower?

Ok, I can accept that maybe the tank mage tower should have a small DPS requirement but for it to almost require people to use forms not designed for tanking to meet these checks surely shows how imbalanced this current iteration is.

I am currently getting Kruul to about 14% as Guardian so it,s not even phase 1 causing me issues atm (Because I can use boomie form to just about beat that DPS Check) just the DPS requirement in phase 2 now (Have to kill before the 4th annhilation else it,s a one shot), If only I could tank in Boomie form I might be able to meet the DPS requirement of phase 2. lol


Wonder when they will nerf the hp of all bosses and mobs? Perhaps never :cry: Almost everyone are struggling at this rate, a wide 20-40% hp nerf to all bosses and mobs will increase player happiness.


I mean, is not like weaving into other forms it’s exactly how guardian player maximize dps.

The fact that you don’t see a lot of people do it its because is hard if you get catched off guard, and a lot of normal player resort to not do that.

But HotW+ Convoke is used by tanks, quite frequently I would say. And before that was catweaving while off tanking.

You are mistaken that Blizzard actually care about what the playerbase want. keeping the customer happy hasnt been a part of Blizzard’s plan for a LOONNNGG time. (Pretty much since Activision got involved I kinda feel)

All they care about is keeping people playing for as long as possible and things such as the Mage Tower and the currency grinds/time gating/ and various other things are just all time wasting mechanics to keep you playing.

After 16 yrs of playing WoW there has always been timegating and rep grinds but it just feels that they add more and more time-gating/currency grinds/ rep grinds with every patch instead of every expansion.


I usually catweave when healing as resto.

This* Its hard if you get caught off guard which is why it,s not generally an adopted playstyle, I,m sure you would love it if your tank in a 15-18 key decided to try to switch in and out of boomie form in the middle of tanking then proceed to say “Oh I thought I could squeeze in some extra DPS” to only get facerolled by a fortified mob.

This is why I say it’s not a good design and the fact the 1st time around the tower was designed with 2 legendarys which basically gave you extra power in there to only remove those to artificially increase the difficulty is complete bs tbh.

There is no reason why it couldnt be scaled up to 60 and allow covenant abilities to be used or scaled down to 50 and allow you to use ONLY legion items. There is no need to disable all the borrowed power systems that the tower was designed for.


Sure but because as a resto you risk way less, in keys you have 100 % uptime on tanking so the moment to weave are brief, in raid you could pretty much weave into cat every time you are off tanking (unless you have some dangerous debuff going on).


Admitted as resto you risk less but I certainly wouldnt risk my entire group switching into boomie form just for a bit of extra dps in the middle of a 18 key or something (I dont generally tank on this guy in M+ for the record) but i do know someone who does tank 22 's and he NEVER comes out of Bear form to go Boomie.)

Well, simply see it as a higher risk Ironfur VS Maul kind of thing.

For example, during the First boss of tirna is pretty silly not to HotW+ Convoke

And don’t forget longer cast times for all enemy spells (and cds between recasts).

Some encounters (like Feltotem and Raest) require ppl to interrupt as soon as the cast starts, otherwise the interupt isn’t ready for the next cast
 which is utterly silly, since there’s a cast time for a reason: to give time to kick before it goes trough, not the moment it starts. Insta interrupt works maybe if you have only one target, but if you weave between different targets or lack dps it can easily cost you a try.


Its not fun. That really summarises it.
I got it done pre-nerf on Guardian, but I did not have fun.
Being dragged through nails with saltsprinkles and having ten thousand kids screaming like spoiled brats is not Fun.

Fun = Solution.
if 1% of people think the above scenario is Fun, it should not be catered to those.
it should be catered to the normal people who enjoy something sane.


Even if hate torghast i Will run that instede of The mage tower. The mage tower just is not fun as it is now


I would guestimate that I have now just about 500 deaths in MT with my lock and I finally got one of them down to 50%. SUCCESS!

After alot of wipes on the tank druid challenge i manage to beat it after i had shaved my beard. So my conclusion are shaving my beard made the difference.


Right giving this a go now, just shell out 21K on consumables (hopefully I can resell some of them)

Despite it being a ‘dead game’ early on a Friday afternoon near Christmas there is a huge crowd outside the tower.

Havoc is just praying you can either leech enough hp or generate enough souls to heal up. It’s a terrible design and no fun at all. So far my best latest attempts have all been dying to not being able to generate enough souls because of RNG

Having to rely on RNG to survive in a skill challenge is just absurd.


Good luck naxxos! I also ended up spending on some bfa consumables, and it was worth it. Made the challenge alot easier to get through for me. Think i’ll be nice and donate it to one of the poor souls outside that tower when i log back on again :sweat_smile:


You finished it? Grats! :tada:

(I might get rich with selling bfa consumables :flushed: )