Mage tower sucks nerf it

Yes, did it today, needed 2 tries on the last stage to work out the sweet spot for my hp then i got it down on the 3rd. Was tight though, floor was filled with the grren stuff, i died and ankhed, managed to get an earth shield and a riptide on jason before i died again with boss at 1,2% health. It was a race about who dies first, boss or jason. Luckily my earth shield and riptide kept jason up long enough haha.


For you. The problem with the MT is that it’s all or nothing. You either win (feels good man) or you fail, no progress to work on. So at the moment it’s basically making a tiny minority feel good and …to the rest.

Not sure what you mean by this?

If you don’t kill a boss in a raid, you don’t get his loot. If you fail to finish a m+ dungeon, you get no loot. And there is absolutely progress. For Xylem I first had to learn to get out of razorice. Then I had to learn how to do arcane phase properly. Then I had to learn how to do phase 2 properly, both boss and adds. Similar in other challenges.

And there is something to be said for difficulty of things, too. I will probably remember doing these challenges for a long time. In Legion, we could hilariously outgear them to the point where they were faceroll-able. I have the paladin tank weapon transmog for Legion but I have zero memory of doing it. For retribution one, pretty similar, though I had already done it as enhancement. Also, holy paladin challenge was a complete faceroll. Truth is probably somewhere in the middle though. Should MT right now be nerfed? Somewhat, to a certain degree. But people also need to get better. On Xylem challenge for like 10 tries I died within the first 15 seconds until I made a proper CD rotation for razorice, otherwise you die in 3-4 seconds (and no amount of gear will help you). The rest of timewalking content is already very easy, why can’t this one thing be a challenge? It neither affects character power, nor is it a roadblock in anyway, plus the transmog is just a recolour.


I couldn’t do it, tried for two hours, frostbolt just wrecks me even in meta (despite the videos say leech through it) . I get it is doable and many have. I’m not good enough :cry:

I’m afraid I need nerfs or an infusion of ‘git gud’

I’ve been «gitting gud» since last wed, so i do get the frustration.

Yeah, that Blizzard don’t know how to tune properly. :joy:

To make a comparison of holy priest challenge allies, Legion and now…

Legion: Nuclear bunker. You pretty much had to neglect healing them for them to die.
SL: Bowling pins. You don’t even have time to heal them because they just fall over like bowling pins.


36/36 Legion MT AND 36/36 Timewalking MT.

Very fun challenges, they only hard ones were Holy Priest, Affliction and Prot Paladin. My total pull count was somewhere around 200 for all 36 challenges (most notably ~40 holy priest, 35 prot paladin, 25 affliction).

I only wish there was some title/extra mount for the FoS

Honestly think Kruul still needs a life nerf for guardian druid.


I have to agree on this. Either need to drop his HP or reduce the spawn timers of the adds.

This is really ridiculous. After 302 pulls I still cannot progress past the first 5 - 10 sec of P2. I did this exact same fight in Legion and back the I was a brand new tank. After 156 pulls I killed him. Now after tanking as a main since Legion it takes double the pulls and still no where near a kill. I have spent close to 100K on consumables and repairs.

Seriously have I gotten worse over the coarse of the expansions?

I think the worst of it all is all the “suggested gear”. Some of the SL trinkets (scale from DoS) I have not seen drop in any of the DoS runs I did. So if your RNG sucks from the get go, the RNG in the fight is even worse.


What’s the problem with his hp? I killed him just after the 4th annihilate.

No idea, I am just very frustrated. :slight_smile:

The more I try the worse I seem to get. :smiley:

3/7 here… struggling again as per… overtuned! help us pleeeeeease <3

You’re not alone brother. I have had that many pulls its becoming embarrassing xD. Far more than you. I am in P2 every pull but my god I cannot get a grip with what’s going on. 8% is my best attempt so I’m close but oof, its ugly. Keep pushing and you’ll get there!


Me and All my PvP friends did it something like third try.

Guess thats because we see whats happening on screen and can adapt to whats happening because we dont rely to 1k addons.
Without gear those where easy as a pvp player (since we never have good gear or sockets anyway :slight_smile: )
-Mage as Fire-Arcane
-Warrior as-Fury
-Priest as disc vs the worm (as sad as in legion honestly)
-Windwalker same story with the worm
-Rogue as assa
-Oh and retri paladin was an absolute joke vs Sigryn aswell, so mybe they should buff it instead of nerfing it tbh.

In general i would say it was super easy, but then again i know how to play my classes and dont just sim my gear and rotations.
Problem with magetower is that its actually content thats CHALLENGING? (sorry laughed hard because its not)
which is hard for the general PvE community because thanks to addons, simming, easy rotations, wow token to get boosted to have gear/or the content you cant clear in the past 3 addons and regressing on every mechanical level and ofcourse

no 2IQ To CC properly (probably not even in your interface)

All the while thats a pvp players every day life + having to fight gear gaps of 30k HP every day. So of course we are better at challenging content, blizzard decided for us that pvp itself has nothing to do with skill and instead added 5000000k layers of barriers of entry to pvp. Because being the worse player + having to fight on low ground against someone with 3000% more basestats is fun for the new player.

Ion would tell you to “git gud” . And as harsh as it sounds, if us pvp’ers had to “git gut” and adapt to it you can too. Have fun getting your skin in half a year when legion timewalking is up again

TL:DR Magetower was supposed to be challenging but, if anything, it was just a gold sinking joke that was easily to finsh if you buy 1 or 2 wow token.

Side-Note: My friend told me yesterday that you can craft the MoP-PvP crafted blue gear on every class for mage tower. They have 1,2sockelslots each and only require base mats to craft.

If you dont manage it with that though and dont have the guts to improve (for once), just quit the game or become a wow-token or mount farm in old content andi :smiley:

As i said, all of the pvp players i play arena with every day, had mage tower first and second day. Because it is that unchallenging for people that dont just rely on being 1out of 20 ppl. We are always 1v1 or 33% of 3 people in rated environments. cya

peoples still doing MT ? :rofl:

How? Your gear gets scaled down to ilvl 50.

u forgeting tier set bonus and secondery stats says the same :stuck_out_tongue:
i have like 60% Ver on my ilvl 272 rogue in ptr :stuck_out_tongue:

You think they’ll allow tier set bonuses when everything else in there is disabled? :joy: also, stats also get scaled down to ilvl 50…


still 120% mastery scalse down to 80% mastery :stuck_out_tongue:
ther is meny meny ways to brake the scaleing system :stuck_out_tongue:

Look at this… Just lol. How broken guardian mage tower can it be?
a less than half geared tank pally range 1x attack and eye dies instantly, while me as a full shadowlands geared guardian need to moonfire spam 4-5 times to make it die.(most of the times it starts to cast its second channel if i dont try to kill it asap)

He stands still on the decayed zone UNTIL 11 STACKS ; which you could never kill the boss this way in original boss fight ; (even after nerfs)

He also got knocked back several times and stood at the end of platform; miraculously he didnt get knocked of from platform ; meanwhile i got knocked back from same angle like probably 20 or more times in same position. His knockbacks looks very suspicious.

Btw ; guardian druids could cleave with thrash from like outer ring of that decay zone during legion. Now we cant because our talents got nerfed after legion.

Also we dontt have magic reduction cd as guardian now ; we dont have rage of sleeper, we dont have artifact damage; or artifact levels to cover our loss damage.

We also cant ‘‘MEAT TANK’’ the damage because of terrible optimisation of Shadowlands timewalk scaling. And dont have even half of utility of prot paladins.

It is also a timewalk ; but all legendary powers are disabled LOL.

:japanese_goblin::clown_face:PeRfEcTly bAlaNcEd :clown_face: :japanese_goblin: :no_good_man:(not)