Mage tower sucks nerf it

Plus seven socketed TW items + consumables give more / equal stats than a SL geard char without consumables; it’s a joke.

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1 moonfire as it spawns is enough to kill it.

player power at level 60 is a joke . even when u party sync in to a dungon with a frend they so weak … even ur a level 60 DH on ilvl 259 thenu party sync with a level 20 friend in to a DM dungon ur so weak :rofl:

Are you saying we should play lvl 50 class trials for the MT? Get legion gear and have insane amounts of secondary stats? I remember it really got out of hand in legion.

allow MM hunters have 80% mastery like back in BFA i miss my 120 yard sniper/aimed shots :rofl:

Lets just face it there will be those of us who struggle with the mage tower and ofc there will be people who say “omg its such a faceroll…” I personally am struggling with second phase and ofc there will be people who say “just get more dps” this is not as simple as it sounds due to the way the items are scaling and most people are having ot use Hero, Pots, and nearly every DPS cooldown they have to beat phase 2 which kind of implies that the DPS requirement is slightly too high.

I would prefer them to make Annhilate a 1 shot kill with no mitigation up instead of a stacking debuff this would be more in line with a tank mechanic as ANY boss who usually has a stacking debuff would require a tank taunt swap.

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Did it after testing on PTR in anticipation. Ya’ll got a month Blizzard.

Its a shame that so many simply equipped OP trinkets and on use/abilities for extra damage, so because blizzard see 7/7 progress, they assume it’s OK to leave so over-tuned as is haha, they will ofc in time nerf these items and continue to ignore more legit concerns of those who didnt bother to cheese their dps


Ive tried whole day still can’t get past it end up dead by his shadow bolt they made it so you can’t outrange him anymore.

GG Blizzard.

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Not me. I did not like The mage tower in legion so is not going to do it now.

Pls nerf it i have 182 trys aswell the gear in it is absolutely terrible and the scaling uff.


I don’t agree, a number of runs I had to go back for a second and third moonfire as the eye was still alive even after it finished its channeling cast.

Thwarting the twins Raest have way too much health. When will they nerf it? We already have to deal with a 1 shot hammer that has more hp than in Legion and for some reason Raest have double/triple hp depending on spec compared to Legion MT. You don’t have much time to deal with these situations because you have to keep dpsing Raest before Karam gets really fast. Much much harder than Legion MT

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Oh my… I’m 4/7 now, and ive had 80 wipes today playing Havok, seems waaaay more tuned the earlier 4 i did, whats going on haha. Oh yeh, amd comet storm does not ‘wait 3 seconds before damaging players’ - That’s complete bull…

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Exactly what I am trying to do, just need to find a slot in all the other stuff I am already good at IRL.

Guess you still getting good at that part hey?

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This IS legit the worst remake of old content ever! Period. Like do blizzard even test stuff before they think? I don’t think so. Even the twitter cam was better.


They did test it and then sent it out to live realms and buffed it without testing the buffs. :smiley:

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Yeah a troll tells me how it is. Only pet classes are allowed to have fun in content today.

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Remember it’s not mage tower its get bis tower, if u get bis its faceroll to bad blizz stupid on scaling they need to fire peps for these kinds of stuff.

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Fact, they buffed it on release… Fact, it was easier in Legion… Fact, people have cheesed it using over powered procs and trinkets… Fact, Blizzard don’t care, clearly, because after thousands of complains on the forums, its still overtuned on many different classes compared to others.