Mage tower sucks nerf it

Oh yea, they did test it on PTR but then buffed it when it went live, of course they didn’t test the buff though.


Muhaha… Sick!

Hello Diary my 12303129321312 wipe on mage tower today with 12 days of tryin’

Nothings changed I still wipe on Mage tower. Guess what had to buy a wow token to afford repair. But come tomorrow I wish for less struggles.

Best wishes Sam.

I remember doing the Guardian druid challenge back in Legion and it only taking, like, an hour or so. Of all the challenges it was by far the easiest for me.

This mage tower absolutely needs tuning better for certain classes and certain challenges. What we have now is mage tower: Faces of Methamphetamine edition. People saying that it’s the same will make me sharply look down to the giant clownshoes you are wearing.

It’s not about getting something for nothing. People don’t like playing broken content, those who remember the old mage tower are having to do all kinds of crazy and likely unintended tactics in order to score a kill. It’s jarring.

I personally only have DH and Druid MT remaining, I miss my 70% leech demon form that I had in Legion, Xylem has no chill in his magnificent self.


Aaaaaand this is exactly why they are deliberately overtuned it.

thanks you see what i mean <3

And to keep you sub running.

Well I cancelled my sub because of that crap.


Just completed the Mage Tower on Guardian Druid.

I was using only Shadowlands PvE gear. Had 80 attempts, kept wiping at 4 - 10%.

Put on three bits of Timewalking gear.

Completed it 1st try.

  • Mage-tower is overtuned / stats are wrong.

Hi Tyrskorn,

Any further news on further hotfixes to the encounters in Mage Tower?

4 days since the last hotfix…

tbh I’m totally fine that they messed up mt so bad. Maybe people will finally cancel their sub and blizz change the game

You may have missed the fact, that blizz sends their stuff to holidays already. Relax cancel the sub and show them what blizz is doing wrong by not spending christmas in a garbage game :smiley:


Small correction. It’s not Blizz that tests. It’s players in the PTR :joy:


Shame you didn’t have that gear first try, you’d have totally one shot it.


I like having multiple druid transmogs, so I’m rounding 200 tries on the guardian mage tower.

So far in this challenge I’ve:

-Read every available guide on wowhead, reddit, forums and the far edges of the internet.

-Watched FAR too many youtube videos of the fight.

-Burnt about 800 000 gold on outdated PVP gear/lvl 50 gear with sockets, outdated gems, consumables, flasks and food. (Yes, that means spending RL money on tokens. I’m sure your shareholders approve of your tactics to make everyone burn their gold/ buy tokens, Blizzard!)

-Researching obscure min-maxing - because YES - it makes a BIG difference. I’ve tried in my SL gear - getting past even the first group of horrors is …well… horrible!
The normal rules don’t apply any more, so we spend our gold based on vague rumors about ANYTHING that might help.

-Done Hellfire Citadel on Mythic, Heroic, Normal and lfr for two weeks - and NOT getting that 20% drop trinket that makes or breaks the fight.

-Done various Legion raids to upgrade the old claws of Ursoc - because you can only use the right weapon oil on both if they’re a certain level.

-Crafted obscure engineering trinkets as a plan B.

-Found out that a third trinket, Soul Capacitor from Hellfire Citadel, has been nerfed so that only characters lower than level 49 get the equip damage.

-Sat for a few hours at the bottom of the sea, hoping that a 3% drop trinket will get me those last %s on Kruul.

-Patiently doing the fight again, and again - and while I know the tactics to every eventuality - that doesn’t help when the stars align and an infernal behind Kruul punts you or when a moving purple line drags you into a green puddle, while the nether horrors storm, and eye stuck in a pillar punts you, Kruul does annihilate - but you managed to avoid the infernal! And so I die. Again. Kruul never lower than 13%. When so many stars need to align (combined the gear, consumables and on-use timers of the trinkets) - knowing the tactics isn’t enough.

I just want the pretty bear look. A transmog. Not a legendary weapon. No equipment at all, actually.
And yet I’m spending my christmas running this fight on repeat.

This is not fun. You’re not bringing holiday cheer to the pandemic, Blizzard. You’re ruining it.


whats the point doing BT in first place u get 259 gear from it no ?

I guess devs don’t want to let us have fun


Sucks to suck i guess…

I did it and it sucks. Just to also have some voices from people who do not feel empowered by abusing everything out of TW gear, trinkets and pots. :smiley:

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Idk. I had a great time on my mage towers and its easily the most fun outside of dungeon/raid i have had in Slands. And I really hope blizzard doesnt water all content down cuz of people who dont like the slightest difficulty.

Funny watching people in a bunch of gear complain about ‘not having enough difficult content’ but they didn’t even do the current mage tower at level 45 and basically every time have been found to either cheese the event they did the mage tower on or did it on the easiest spec.