Mage tower sucks nerf it

Please can you show some facts or source on this please for THIS current TW.

prot pala legs
affi slow ring
guardian bracers and chest

i could list more and more legeis needed as i did all 36 please stop talking down to me thanks.


Same as the point of advertising a new gladiator mount or talking about the new Mythic raid encounter designs.


No. It’s pure speculation, although in my opinion fairly well grounded based on my expectations that they’re trying to recreate the mage tower, which was like that.

That is the problem. You advertise cool new skins as a POINT FOR PLAYERS TO RETURN INTO THE GAME, yet you then last minute say “oh yeah, btw, we tuned the challenge for this set to be nigh impossible for you to get, get bent”. Gee, thanks, Gee.


It’s an advertisement for nostalgia towards a piece of content which was known for being difficult. There’s no misunderstanding it possible.

I don’t think I want to put the time in this MT, I tried a few times but the rewards aren’t worth the effort tbh.

Protip as far as I remember, 32% or more of the playerbase got an Artifact appearance from Mage tower; and that’s total players over all time and not just active.

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Difficult, but doable by vast majority. The numbers weren’t exactly as low as 3%, mind you. People were spending good amount of time on these towers because it was difficult but fair. Now, with borrowed power and several abilities removed, legendaries dumbed down and our “meaningfull choice” powers being stripped, it is a difficult AND unfair challenge where you are meant to minmax even harder then you had to during legion.


AS I’ve said before. Wait a week, they will likely tweak it over this week,. Have a go next week or even next time it will be less painful. There are clearly bugs, certain spells that do too much damage.

The problem is that at the moment it’s not even about skill; it’s about exploiting the wonky maths behind the scaling system, or finding some OP trinkets that allow certain mechanics to get cheesed.

For people with random Shadowlands gear, the Mage Tower challenges are currently impossible, regardless of how skilled they are.


1% and 3% isnt difficult: is just for ppl with severe masochism. If for you the game is ok is good. But is this kind of attitude (with some other flavour ofc) that is deleting many ppl from wow.


Lol good one tbh.

Also, mage towers are a mechanical challenge, like a Dark Souls boss is. Just do the mechanics and its doable for everyone.

Or if you are bad at it, you lose nothing, its just a mog


Bingo bango bngo bish bash bosh. THIS!

And here I thought I could have some fun doing the mage tower again… didn’t think I’d have to do a buttload of maths and farming before going inside :slightly_frowning_face:

Oh well, with the amount of negativity it’s bound to get nerfed sooner or later.


Not this time I guess, bro orc - brorc.
I guess we are not the majority.


Yeah, in 7.3. During ToS it was very, very hard. Approximately this hard, as a matter of fact.

No. It wasn’t.

They literally retuned most of Legion. If you think the mage tower is too hard, why not try to get some rep in the old questing zones or doing a +10 or doing the group finder or whatever.

Like this is something I genuinely just do not understand. Right now the game has literally no hard content other than this - it’s just the easier content with numbers changed and a mechanic added. And here is, for once, a piece of content that some of you can’t do, and you lose your effin’ minds. You don’t even think to consider that maybe you can do it in a few days, maybe you need to watch some strategy guides, maybe you need to think a little harder.

No, instead you think that it’s important that not most things, but literally everything can be defeated by you on day 1 or nobody is having fun, and then you tell me I’m living in a bubble for saying that that doesn’t seem to me to be a game design catering to players at all levels of play? It’s obviously not - it’s a design catering to the lowest common denominator.

I can accept there being levelling dungeons even though I never play them because they’re too easy - so why can’t you accept that there’s a mag tower you won’t play because it’s too hard? Matter of fact, I’ve quit mythic raiding because I thought it was too hard due to the mandatory power grinds that I refused to do, so there you go. I accept that. I haven’t called for them to remove mythic raids because I think they’re too hard. I haven’t called for them to remove gladiator mounts because I can’t get them.


7.2 was ToS, 7.3 was Argus which is when you got yours (December) when it released in March. You fully unlocked Crucible on Argus before completing it.

Last time I cleared it, It was April for my main 2017 and May on an alt.

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Hard content =/= manipulation with scaling and dissalowing what was allowed previously in the Mage Tower.

Given the fact, that you regard to when mage tower launched in Legion, you still had an opportunity to get the gear that would help you out and deck out your lego tree (from what i ve heard), where is now you can’t do that and just that some people get extremely lucky with numbers and getting it done - I’d rather go an play real gambling, than gamble for some random crit to pop in the game lol.


sounds like your being a bad tank … clearly its a skill issue - watcher

… what? Hard is merely a measure of how difficult it is to defeat. This one takes out most preparation and social skill sets and you’re left with a pure combat plan execution test. It’s hard.

Well I mean they’ve changed all the numbers. And you can still use the overinflated stat budgets of old leggos.

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I was aware of those when they were the new thing; and it made me decide computer games weren’t worth bothering with because other things were more fun.

Wasn’t until stuff came along with less ‘repeat it til you beat it’ mentality that I got hooked :joy_cat: