Mage tower sucks nerf it

You said gear and consumable’s so yes i find it very ironic you scream for nerfs now tell others to get good which is rather rude and not very adult of you.

I didn’t, though.

Yes you did but you deleted your post to cover your tracks .
You are a compulsive liar about everything you write on forums its embarrassing to read you nobody takes you serious.

Nice conspiracy, but no, there wasn’t word “nerf” anywhere.


:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: I am crying from laughing


I’m struggling against Xylem as frost DK. It’s usually the razor ice that gets me. Wish the damage and HP could be nerfed a bit.

Do you have the seed pod trinket? It can single handedly kill a lot of waves on its own - likely every second one. You can do it on 4 difficulties and its very very quick to try.

I remind you of this

Bring proofs instead of ‘reminding’.
I said repairs are expensive and consumables are expensive, I never asked for nerfs.

You deleted your post .

Yes, but there wasn’t anything about nerfing.
Deleted because it’s not relevant anymore, why keep something that is wrong?

I mean you lied about having a PHD nobody trusts a word you say and welcome to ignore i hate lairs.

You haven’t proven I’m liar.
You haven’t proven I lied about not asking for nerfs.
And now you’re trying to prove I lied there because apparently I’m liar.
And also you’re trying to prove that I’m liar because apparently I lied there.
Just lol.


Time walking is ending soon. Time to enjoy this thread


Yes, I use it for the first waves of ice and it works really good. On the second I use frostwyrm fury to instantly destroy them all. But it’s hard to deal with the third. I don’t always get rime procs, and I have to use a lot of globals and runic power to spam death strike. It feels a bit RNG whether I survive the third wave or not. When I make it to the next frost phase I don’t have frostwyrm ready.

I see from videos people using anti-magic shell for when they have to run and find the real Xylem during the arcane phase. The cooldown is 1 minute, and they get to use it every time. But the second time I have to find Xylem the cooldown for my anti-magic shell is still about 5-6 seconds away from finishing, which makes it much harder to survive. I don’t get how the timing can be so off.

Edit: I think I found out why the AMS cooldown is off. Xylem doesn’t seem to always cast arcane barrage a second time. When he does then AMS will be ready again for when you must find him.

Not that I did it on DK so I’m just spitballing silly ideas but if AMS isn’t back up yet can’t you just kill an add in the little bubble to get its heal?
It worked for me as a warrior but I know the phases differ based on class. Survival you have to flare him out, warriors leap and charge their way across with a 90% slow and so on…

Oh, the bubble heals? I didn’t know that. Will try that.

he means u kill an add and u get empwoered deathstrike heal, also inside the buble u dont take dmg so u can save a few secs

u can also move from bubble to buble to get closer to him