Mage tower sucks nerf it

every single thing doesnt have to

but people told blizzard in hundreds of threadds how they want mage tower back for the chalengeing aspect of it

now it proves to be nothing then lies.

so admit you and thousands of players have been lieing for years and sending falsyfied feedback to blizz and admit yu wanted super nerfed end of 7.3 full zerg mode experience .

Consider your opinion invalidated because you got your mage tower achieve before during Argus.


There is difference between challenging and impossible. Between white and black there are many shades of grey you know?


I think your opinion is invalid because you obviously don’t want the game to have a broad spectrum of difficulty in content, but rather just want everything to be easy with optional tuning knots, not because of when you or I got the mage tower achievement.

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And yet again, you should double check whose opinion is valid or not, because you sound like your fingers and sixth spot is on fire right now from the reality being thrown your way, big boy.

It’s weird because you never cleared it when it was ‘hard’ yourself. :slight_smile: You waited until you outgeared it just like Ishayo, with your Crucible and everything else all leveled up. While you ignore people that cleared it in Legion before you or Ishayo speaking out about the issues currently with it.

I don’t even know what you’re talking about at this point. I haven’t done the mage tower yet. All I said was that there should exist content that only the 1-3% best can complete, and Blizzard intends for it to be this. If it’s harder than that, it’s too hard, if it’s easier than that, it’s too easy, and then everybody lost their marbles through various misunderstandings of my post and most of them got upset along the way.

Nowhere near this hard, wish I had my old account to prove this.

It was doable by majority of players who wanted to get specific appearances. I was one of them as I didn’t feel the need to no-life the game.

Because that’s not why we returned to the game at this specific time. Most people did that already and are long over it.

There is, mythic rading, mythic plus, Tazavesh was quite difficult at the start and required patience and knowledge of mechanics.

As someone who DID this challenge as arms during Legion, I proudly say that this sht right here is NOT how this challenge used to be, that’s one, and this isn’t how a challenge like this should be handled, that’s two. This challenge was advertised as THE thing to come back into the game for and it is utterly broken and unplayable. Worse yet, it is much tougher than it was live during Legion even without the shadow buffs.

Literally who says this? This thread is full of people that say that this challenge is IMPOSSBILE unless you do Rextroy levels of math, not the “I can clear this if I work hard and memorise mechanics” like it was in Legion. Shut your trap and get your head out of your posh pandaren bum for one second.

I will wholeheartedly accept magetower challenges I won’t be able to complete due to my lack of skill. However, I WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT accept a challenge I cannot complete because of developer oversight and broken mechanics. As for design, the games design should be right at the comfortable middle. The lowest common denominators should work harder, while high-horse riding players that grease through the game like you should be able to have your shower contests between each others, all the while the players in between can comfortably attempt these challenges and assess if they are skilled enough.


They’re not even working as they did back in Legion.

In the holy priest challenge, the mobs are attacking the shackled targets. They switched targets in Legion so you could force them to focus mobs, rather than just breaking the shackle.

The mages also do an absurd amount of damage, you could let them go to 2 stacks without worrying in Legion, if they hit 2 stacks now, you’re wiping.


You mean Mythic Raids, unlimited M+ levels, arena, and all the competitions they get into… That they get all the content they enjoy with every patch while others do not? Instead we get poorly tuned, improperly scaled rehashes of old content that couldn’t even be as good as they were originally?

They should’ve just Legion gear templates for these. No cheesing with old trinkets, gems, etc. Your gear, should not matter in this case at all since it’s all ‘scaled’


in ptr guides they doing it so soft and easy why they just buff all the boss’s skills jesus christ

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I think I’ll reiterate this.

I really don’t think you read what I told you. Like, at all. I don’t think any of you did. I very clearly, very clearly said that it should not be impossible but it should be more difficult than many will probably have expected.

We definitely disagree on that - not everything should have the same difficulty. Good players deserve content that they have a hard time defeating, and so do the mediocre players, and so do the bad players, and so do the all new I-don’t-even-know-what-a-spellbook-is players. We all deserve a next step - and these steps should be different ones so there’s progression!

Now, you’re making the point that it’s much harder than the 7.2 version, and if that’s the case then it is too hard. I said that right from the very beginning.

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Might I suggest that different people said they wanted the challenge vs the people who are today saying they didn’t want to have to farm all the legacy pieces, learn the strats, and practise it several hundred times?

It wasn’t lies, it was just different portions of the community.

For myself, I will give the tower a poke. If it feels like I’m getting nowhere, I’ll just ignore it. If it feels like subsequent attempts are a learning experience and it can be conquered with practise, then I’ll give it a bit more effort - to the limit of my patience, at least.

But I’m not going to dedicate 2 weeks to it, and I’m definitely not going to farm legacy gear. If I can’t reasonably feel like I’m making progress and that I will eventually beat it, then I’ll just walk away from this one.

Whether that’s what Blizz intend is for them to decide. If MT ends up having very small participation, it’ll probably be nerfed.

They changed the fight from how they worked in Legion, that’s the problem. If I shackled mobs in Legion, the allies you have in the holy priest challenge didn’t break it. They switched to a mob that wasn’t shackled. Now? They just run up to it and break it.

The mages also do an absurd amount of damage compared to in Legion, you could let them get stacks and now you wipe if they have 2.


That’s obviously broken.

No, I don’t. I don’t mean any of that. None of that is content - it’s just rescalings of content for lower end players.

Tell me - did Naxx improve or degrade vanilla? Did Black Temple or Sunwell improve or degrade tBC? Did the existence of these dungeons take away from the experience of most players who played those expansions?

And, in that line of thought, does a hard mage tower make Shadowlands worse?

Those are the kinds of questions that I’m asking.

You mean back when most of the playerbase hadn’t reached Max level yet? If you want to talk, then we can look at Classic Ishayo. Further, those were not a ‘limited time event’ and had absolutely NOTHING to do with scaling NOR were they rehashes of old content but simply made harder due to bad scaling?

You seem to love chirping about topics that you actually don’t know much about including your own admission of having never done the mage tower around the time it first released and haven’t even tried this one but you’re sitting in here arguing on the forums to be a contrarian instead.


I think what people should be asking is, am I that good enough to complete Mage Tower. Limited people have completed it, which means it’s definitely doable. I did MT on my Warrior back in Legion, I tried Ret a few times today, but I’m not sure if I can bring myself to learning the tactics, right build n stuff and spend a lot of time doing it. Probably not good enough for it since I barely came close to 70%

There definitely seems to be some indication to me that some of them are just plain broken, but most of the people here are complaining because they’re giving voice to that little feeling I had back when I did it on my feral in 7.2 (where most people called Feral nearly impossible as well) that said: “Dang. I thought I was a better feral than this. I always considered myself a pretty decent one, wtf?”

Turns out I wasn’t as good as I thought - got myself a good beating, learned it, and came back with a vengeance.

I’m sure I’ll get the same trip later today - but I don’t come here and complain about it - I relish in it because this is what the mage tower is for.


Live video of an Arms Warrior doing it. It’s definitely not impossible, so Ginir… sorry man. :slight_smile:
It still might be too hard though, but you’re saying it’s broken and impossible. It’s not.

Notate their gear, and their consumables. Almost all gemmed. It’s just like how all the level 19-29 twinks all have socketed gear despite any scaling going on, gems are very strong. So, best to use all the consumables you can and all the gems you can get your hands on along with enchants.

But, so far, for anyone that’s casual? Anyone even inbetween 50-60 will struggle simply because of their gear because they didn’t do templates for this challenge.

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