Mage tower sucks nerf it

No, it just doesn’t make it better. A hard mage tower will just be another feature with low player participation. Bit like Torghast, really.

Thing is, SL could really use some things with high participation. During this low ebb (and indeed player exodus) you’d have thought they’d have tuned MT so that people felt that ok, this is tricky, but beatable with practise. That doesn’t seem to be the opinions here, where it’s running more along the lines of “have the perfect gear from older content, or don’t bother”.

That said, maybe the people who are actually trying the tower over and over to get better don’t have time to post. Those who are complaining have had all of, what, 3.5 hours so far? That doesn’t seem like the timeframe the MT was ever meant to be beaten in, and it does make me wonder how many of the “unavoidable oneshots” were avoidable had the player used some sort of button that isn’t an attack.


Some indication?

I’m just peacing out from the mage tower until they fix the problems. I don’t feel like playing something that wasn’t the case in Legion. They should make it like in Legion or just shut it down again until they have remade it in the image of how it was in Legion. It’s just stupid hard as a holy priest when you can’t make the mobs focus the mages by shackling the other targets, especially now that their damage seems to be absurdly higher than it was in Legion.

Also, just checked out the elemental version vs feral.

Agatha has like 30k hp less on elemental shamans vs feral druids even though it’s easier as elemental, due to being ranged.


I see you are running out of arguments there.

Boost buying won’t get you out of this one.

So many people arguing over old rehashed content with inferior rewards that is still somewhat limited time only.

You literally couldn’t make it up.
Its trash and a poor attempt. Isn’t the same as the legion version for various reasons. Wouldn’t be an issue if lots of content had been delivered but in the expansions current state its just another facepalm


The shackling thing sounds like a bug. It makes no sense for your allies to be punching out your CC’s. So you have my sympathies on that one - I hope they fix it.

Oooooh, well then; I better get my stuff together, haven’t I?


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I haven’t tried it myself yet, but it seems strange to me that there’s already so much complaining only a couple hours after the release. It’s supposed to be up for two weeks and it’s supposed to be challenging, so if the average player could finish it in the first hour, it wouldn’t really be much of a challenge, would it?

I’ll wait until I get a shot at it myself before I judge, but I’ve already seen people completing it within the first hours, so I don’t believe it can be that bad. After all, it’s meant to be finished just once in those two weeks. I don’t know what you expected, but if you thought you’d just waddle in and beat it immediately, you were definitely wrong.

I spent a lot more effort on the old version back in legion.

Got this one done in about 10 tries.

Honestly people need to stop shifting the blame they are clearly doable unless your version is bugged. :man_shrugging:

Focus on learning the mechanics before you try to just brute force it.


I expected it to be like in Legion, not changing things around.

As it stands, you can’t CC properly as a holy priest because the allies just run up to them and break your CC. You also can’t let the mages reach the amount of stacks they could in Legion, they will now one shot long before that.

Let’s hope they can hotfix the npc behavior

It is harder that it was when it first came out in legion. Speaking as someone who easily did it the very first day.
They should just not turn off covenant abilities and legendaries and it may become ok.

without the artifact weapons, legendaries and such it will never be the same experience and its not even for the same rewards someone kick ion out of the freaking building already and his team of inept cronies need to move to like starcraft or something where their careers can die

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I guess the only hope there is comes in the form of Blizzard seeing the numbers and adjusting accordingly. Probably won’t happen this appearance of the tower but the next Legion TW event a nerfed tower appearing is more likely if it shows that only half a dozen players managed to complete any of the challenges.

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I did 36/36 back in the day. I tried Xylem on my 201 arms warrior (ignored character, no gems etc.) and I got the ghost to 25% after which I died because the whole room got covered. Somehow I still got the achievement and the set. Kinda confusing, but the 210k does seem a bit high regardless. It should not be necessary to grind like crazy to finish this.

However, I did not use pots or BL so might be more doable with that.

They took some random values to begin with, adjusted them once without properly testing the scenarios and it seemed somewhat completable. They weren’t ever going to fine tune it so their fear of people clearing the content the same day made them overbuff everything.

There is literally no room for error, despite the lack of possibility to eventually overgear the content, and without powerful legendary effects. The frustrating part aren’t the mechanics, but the scaling which makes any small mistake unforgiving.

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Tried Xylem few times now but didn’t get Corrupting Shadow past 40% on my best try (that is with drums and everything) before running out of room which is definitely a gear issue on my part :thinking: Not sure if I should bother with farming fancy legacy gear and things or wait for it to be nerfed slightly.

Really doubt they intended this to be only for people with either 250+ ilvl or crazy amounts of legacy gear (and/or cheese trinkets).

don’t worry they will find some way to nerf the legacy gear too because that’s all they do now they nerfed the fun out of the game

If it’s not about preparation and purely about individual combat skill, how about showing us that you can do it before calling everyone a n00b? I bet you haven’t even tried any of the challenges today.

The only 9.1.5 (live, not PTR) Mage Tower success videos I’ve seen so far require tons of preparation in terms of farming all kinds of legacy gear/enchants/sockets and consumables that scale insanely well, or using old trinkets with invulnerability effects to cheese mechanics.


I’ve not tried the MT yet myself either. But I do enjoy a challenge, and it will be something I work on regardless.

However, Timewalking is usually a bit of a look into the past, to remember the good time that were had. So I think a lot of players look at the return to the Mage Tower are look to remember the good times.

So if they’re entering and failing miserably, they’re not remembering the good times they had. But on the other hand, it certainly needs to remain a challenge.

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I haven’t called anybody a noob. At least not in public. x’D

I’ve been at work. I’ll do it later. But… suffice to say, I think I’m to be finding it perfectly doable.

Hey, I’m not ish but I completed it today while having a broken shoulder.

It’s doable.

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