Mage tower sucks nerf it

Its ”Mage Tower CHALLENGE”

not ”Legacy transmog blast”

Learn the fight, and feel the dopamine as you finally earn your kill and transmog.


I know the fight.

This isn’t the fight it was in Legion. They changed it.

Honestly, I just gave it ago on my Prot Paladin. Nothing really felt over powered. The only things that killed me were new Mechanics of the fight I wasn’t expecting.

If I worked my way through Path of Ascension, I can work my way through this.

Which 9.1.5 Mage Tower druid challenges have you already completed?

I gave up on kruul. I’m dying when I shouldn’t be. Something is really wrong with that fight.

Guardian, Feral, DH tank and Ret pala.

Edit: Not the 9.1.5. I did it when they were current content and not watered down.

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Yeah, well that doesn’t count.

The problem people are angry about is that now, in 9.1.5, the whole challenge is no longer about purely individual skill, but grinding legacy items, enchants, sockets, consumables, etc. to exploit the weird scaling system.


exactly. :slight_smile:

Well back then it was about grinding items, enchants, sockets, and consumables from Legion, too. :slight_smile:

Back then it was just regular gearing up, which was a normal and fun part of the game that benefitted raiding, M+, etc. I think it was fine back then to make it super hard at launch, give give players a chance to make it easier by gearing up.

Now, gearing up the normal way doesn’t help. Having to farm/craft legacy gear isn’t fun, especially for an event that’s only 2 weeks long.

Well it benefits Legion M+ as well.

But you know what? I agree. I think if it’s gonna be like this that tower should just be active all the time.

Earlier today I talked to someone about hosting too many expansions or whatever - I think it was Tahra but anyway I said I was up for a different way of doing it instead of just hosting 9 versions of the game, and having this sort of stuff up all the time is basically it. Servers can probably be merged as a result when a large part of the playerbase isn’t hopping around in the Shadowlands. but is instead elsewhere doing Legion M+ or gearing up for Icecrown or whatever.

Back in Legion we also had artifacts and legendaries and a whole lot of specs were completely different compared to their current versions. It would have been ten times more broken if they had left it exactly as it was.

I don’t mind it being harder honestly. You have to remember that this one is going to keep coming back every couple months with Legion timewalking. It’s not a one time deal like the original one, so it only makes sense that we don’t all get to oneshot it just a few hours in.

That’s not my issue with it.

The issue that in the holy priest challenge, the mages are one shotting far earlier than they did in Legion. You can’t even handle them like you did in Legion because you don’t have time to dps as long time as you had in Legion, they will wipe you if you try.

The allies are also breaking shackles.

This changes everything about how you have to approach it and renders old tactic of forcing the allies to focus the mage null, because they’ll just break the shackle instead of switching.

I can confirm that I completed it in 50 pulls. I had to revisit my strategy and talents many times, but I did it on guardian druid earlier today.

To me it was a fun challenge :slight_smile:

it is free week not free months. 7 days compensation for ffxiv.

Making it a TW only event was a stupid decision from the start. Both the mage tower and the Legion M+

Take a different approach then. I think it’s fine that we can’t just do the exact same thing we did last time and one shot it.

Again, a challenge that is going to be repeatable for the next two weeks, and that will keep coming back with timewalking every couple months, hasn’t been done by everyone in the first few hours. I see no issue with this. It’s way too early to complain. None of you could have had more than a handful of attempts at it so far.

It’s not fine that they change around something that they introduced to us as the mage tower from Legion. This is not the mage tower from Legion, they’ve changed things around.

Yes it is. It just isn’t exactly the same to the dot. Now it’s up to you if you decide to adapt or give up after the first couple attempts and cry on the forum. People have done it already, so it’s possible.


If they change things around, it’s no longer what we had in Legion. It’s other content. It should never have been introduced as if it’s the mage tower from Legion with the changes they’ve made.