Mage tower sucks nerf it

Did you really? Congrats!

That’s the point. The content has been brought back and force scaled down so you can never outgear it.

I haven’t tried MT yet so I’ll have my POV this evening.

Same encounters design, same mobs, same abilities, same mechanics. If one ability not doing the exact same amount of damage and one mechanic not working the exact same as it did 4 years ago make you give up, then there is nothing that can help you. You don’t deserve to beat the challenge with your mind set.


When I can’t shackle mobs to force the allies to focus the mage, they’ve changed the mechanics.

When I have to keep dispelling the mage instead of chastising it once it gets too high stacks, they’ve changed the mobs as well. You can’t even let it get to 2 stacks now or it starts one shotting. In Legion you could let it get to 3 stacks and you didn’t have to touch the dispel button, ever. Now you’re spending GCDs on something you never had to do in Legion.

This is not the mage tower from Legion. It’s something else.

I won’t pretend to know what you’re talking about, I haven’t done the holy priest challenge. All I know is that people have already done it and there are already guides and kill videos.

If you want to give up and cry until they nerf it just because you’re expected to use your brain for once in this game and figure out a way beat a challenge, then I have nothing else to tell you. And yes, it is the mage tower. A dog without a tail is still a dog.

Yes they did change something, on the twins I remember that I used to kill the melee one in last phase and then finish off easily the caster, now I tried that and after killing the melee one the caster enrage basically takes like 25% of my hp every 2 seconds, which was absolutely not the case back in legion.

I want them to bring us what was advertised, Legion mage tower. Not this that is something else.


Went there with my hunter, bringing my clefthooves and what not. My pet gets oneshot all the time :rofl: I can’t even do any damage without it lol.

I went to check wowhead

  1. Best solution is to team up with a friend who has a 44 or 45 XP locked char, in chromietime and with the same armortype, and spam dungeons to trade you gear.

  2. Next best is to craft MoP PvP gear

  3. Oh you also need legacy enchants and consumables… and replacements for your leggo slots.

I am more than fine with that MT requires attention and a level of skill, but making it so that you have to either spend a TON of gold (Sellers have figured the need for lvl 50 gear, and prices are rising - atm up to 120k for a piece of gear on my realm)
Or grind your rear off to suit up to have a chance in the OLD challenge, because the gear you spend SL grinding for is just bad there… That is just horrible design.

Let it be a challenge, but let it be enough that we use our SL gear and consumables :roll_eyes:


Then you should also demand original Legion legendaries, Legion class design, Legion artifacts, Legion number tuning and everything else Legion. Because without them, the mage tower isn’t the same. Why can’t I cheese my shadow priest challenge with S2M? I can’t do the same thing I did in Legion, therefore it’s not the same experience for me.

Or you could stop making excuses and put some effort into figuring out a way to beat a challenge.

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Ya this exactly. It wasn’t designed with only core spec/class skills in mind. What people have now with this version is:

A) Far inferior rewards
B) Much harder to complete version than was in Legion.

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The only reason I was interested in this was because it was advertised as the mage tower coming back and it had a nice version of the priest tier set in it. But this isn’t the mage tower, it’s something else.

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U want solo challenge? Take it.

It’s absolutely OK for the game to have content you’re not skilled enough to do. Not necessarily talking about the mage tower either. There’s no fun if the game is a snoozefest anybody can just smash through. Sometimes you need to l2p and that’s alright.

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Well it isn’t the exact same for me because I can’t beat it the same way as last time, my class is changed, should I demand a refund? You aren’t consistent in your reasoning. It was never ever going to be the mage tower from Legion, because pretty much everything has changed since.

Trying to get the guardian druid aspect.

Nerf it.

Without alpha testing maybe, there are random crits that make it impossible

Can I have your monitor? :sunglasses:

Nope. Not worth it.

It needs a nerf. End of story.


The mobs breakpoints for damage and allies behaviour should have remained the same no matter what. Now you barely have time to actually do any damage because if you don’t keep the stacks off the mages, they will wipe you.

You or the allies could take 3 casts from the arcane blitz in Legion and then you had to start worrying about stopping it. 3 casts will wipe you now, 100%, if you’re not spending your GCDs dispelling the buff. But your damage output becomes significantly lower because of spending the GCDs on doing this, something you didn’t have to in Legion.

This is clearly tuned wrong and it’s not worth spending time on.

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Haha sorry no :stuck_out_tongue: 49 inch :smiley: