Main problem with TBC pvp

good explained… i still see some rng within that system and the fact that there was different bg Groups confirms it too

Everyone is apparently a pvper that doesnt pvp in classic. Good luck getting 25-30 k per hour without having any mechanical skill or game sense.


A million percent true.
And u dont even need to do pve any more. So you dont do raiding. Consumes nerfed and not usable in arena so none of that.

You just sit there…outside Nagrand arena like a derp waiting on queues.


I was expecting the content of the original post to just say “Druids”.

I always preferred the wild west of classic PvP and didn’t enjoy the pressure of rated arenas but that’s just a personal preference.

What I will say though is by the mid/end of TBC resilience had gotten very out of hand (especially in 2s) to the extent that games would often hit the 45 minute time out. Not fun.

I also didn’t like that resilience (for most classes) completely separated PvE and PvP gearing. Part of the fun for many players in getting the best PvE gear is to go and smash the faces of under-geared fools in pvp.

Oh, and Druids.


Not true. Especially if you’re a DPS, you still need a few PvE pieces to be competitive.

We’ll see how many ppl find it fun in phase 6.

Well said. I PVP for PVP’s sake. Not for honor; not for rating.

Arena balance has always been bad. From day 1 to the latest retail patch. Where half the specs are taboo.

If only there was no flying, so world PVP could flourish in TBC. That would make everything so much better.

Remove flying, remove resiliance, keep arena with some minor gear rewards, make main cities for ally and horde in outland.
There i fixed tbc.

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You will be able to wpvp despite of flying, as there are spots where ppl want to land and you can engage them there.

Resilience is sorely needed, as the damage is already out of hand and we didn’t even see the gear form Naxx.

I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to reward players who do competitive small scale pvp, as it’s a much better measure of how capable someone is.

If you want to pvp for fun you will have a much better time, as bgs most likely will not be populated with premades.

There will be no capital city changes.

Moreover if Blizz didn’t screw up royally TBC will be a success inspite of all of this nonsens.

Edit: What is that nonsens you have started out with? If you replace TBC with Classic and Arena with BGs it fits like a glove. Yet I don’t see you saying that it’s bad for the game. If you don’t like arena/TBC nobody forces you to play them/it but don’t make up nonsens as it makes you look ignorant about the topic.

Try to go farm on Elemental Plateau on a balanced PvP server, and then tell me if there’s no WPvP in TBC.

Sounds like TBC isn’t for you then.

Vanilla is that way —>

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Just don’t play TBC then, stick to the dying classic servers as everyone moves to TBC.


i wonder one thing tho… as i changed my mind about tbc and willing to give it a try as a mage, do u Think blizzard will communicate more with Community by then? are we still gonna see bots everywhere ? even if blizzard release tbc there is a huge amount of things that has to improve that didnt work with this Classic launch. the thing about 2005 was we had a blizzard support system that was part of our journey, here is like, yeah yeah what ever ggief us cash

And then tell you if there’s no world pvp in tbc? As if I ever said there is none.

World pvp exists all around the world. Even the most boring zones see world pvp sometimes.

What I am saying is flying allows a lot of people to avoid it and less world pvp occurs.

All I am doing is trying to figure out ways to make tbc even better, and you come here hating on it.

For instance, I think MoP and Legion were the best expansions, but I don’t defend every single flaw they had. Mop had horrible pvp balance and was boring at times. Legion had the horrible legendary system and bad pve balance.

You should try to analyze tbc and find potential improvements. Unless, if you believe it is a perfect expansion in which case there is nothing to worry about.

  1. You can’t accomplish anything while flying (aside from collecting herbs as a druid, I guess). But if you intend to farm primals, do your daily quests, farm leather or even just fishing, then you need to stay on the ground, and that exposes you to world PvP. Especially since Outland is relatively smaller and less scattered than Azeroth, so unless you’re hiding in some pointless canyon in Blade’s Edge you will run into the other faction whether you like it or not

  2. Flying does not allow you to avoid world PvP. Unless you’re a druid (who can stealth anyway), flying is a 3 second cast. That means that, unless you’re already out of combat and you’re expecting it, there’s no way you can avoid a person with a 280% flying mount from literally jumping on you and killing you. What flying does, in fact, is not reducing world PvP, but giving a massive advantage to offense in any WPvP engagement. Because yes, if you do get killed you can flee more easily, but that also means that now you are the offense, and can jump the other guy as easily as he did to you before. Flying also allows people to more readily intervene in WPvP situations across the world, which again is an advantage to offense in most cases. And this is a good thing, because it makes it less likely for people to be able to “lock down” zones, mafia-style, and actually encourages ppl to fight back and forth for their objectives.

TBC does have its flaws IMO - for example, the fact Leatherworking is way too good for DPS compared to other professions (much like Engineering in Vanilla), or the fact Rogues were given little in terms of group buff/support compared to other classes, or the fact Druid HoTs are a bit too mana efficient (both PvP-wise and PvE-wise). But of all these flaws, flying is certainly not one of them.

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Atleast we get a rating system. The current pvp system has nothing to do with skill.

As a PvPer classic is very frustrating. Everything is scripted and mages beat everything.

Of course you can! When other people farm, I will gank em. They will use some cc, wait a bit, and then fly off. If I get em, they will ress and stay in the air; untouchable.

A lot of people will log in, fly to the raid, and that’s it. Can’t gank them either.

Avoid - likely not, but they will still see me jumping and have a couple of seconds to prepare. As a rogue, I want to do the first move, but I need to be in stealth. If they see me flying towards them, they will know and prepare.

No it doesn’t. Flying gives everyone a safe zone, and they refuse to fight. I’ve played both horde and alliance on some major pvp realms, and it has always been the same. A huge guild is occupying some area (like a raid entrance or farm spot), and the other faction people stay high in the sky and do nothing.

Throw flying into the list.

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Most classes/spec have ways of interrupting a CC from going off - if you attack them while they’re fighting a mob on top of that, they won’t manage to just get away (incidentally, they can’t get away of combat just by CCing you if they’re also fighting mobs)

I’m curious to see how those people will pay for their consumables and/or their craftables. Also, you’re not getting into SSC, Karazhan or SWP without fighting on a crowded and balanced realm. ZA would also be obviously tricky for the Alliance.

How’s it different from a guild controlling, say, Un’goro and other guilds being forced out of the zone? If anything, flying makes it easier to organize an ambush on the “grounded” faction.

No, if you want to play w/o flying, Vanilla is that way —> The game doesn’t revolve around WPvP (especially not the kind you seem to be fond of)

If I get em, they will ress and stay in the air; untouchable.

Some will play casually and won’t care much about farm. Others will go in groups and avoid fighting. Some will farm late during the night or early in the morning to avoid meeting other players. Most people will farm hard the first few weeks (where world pvp will happen a lot). After than, it’s log in, fly, raid, log off. World pvp will occur less and less. As for the few places, where it is impossible to simply fly in - good! That’s where world pvp will flourish. Good thing some raids will be in the old continents - the Classic continents.

If flying existed, players will usually stay in the air or fly away. If some big guild decides to fight, they will do it regardless of flying. On my realm, the ZG entrance is often a fighting ground. The alliance control it 10 minutes, then the horde, and so on. Since people don’t have flying mounts, they have to gather and attack. Flying mounts would have made world pvp almost nonexistent there. The same can happen in Un’Goro, if enough people gather.

Vanilla (classic) is here. These are the classic general discussion forums. The TBC forums are there somewhere >>>

Sure seems like it. The game revolves around different things (such as raiding and farming). I can always attack and disrupt all of them. Then, it will revolve around world pvp. With flying, most people will skip the pvp part and fly to wherever they want.

Good, then that means you’re farming undisturbed? How’s it different from them leaving the zone in Vanilla after getting killed? Or are you not happy unless you get to gank them for hours to come?

Then stop asking to fix a game you don’t care about? If you wanna play Classic then play it, nobody stops you from doing so.

Not on my server, at least.

I really dislike this “World PvP” euphemism you are using. Sounds to me you want to grief people. Flying allows for easy and plentiful “World PvP”, taking over farm spots and raid entrances, fighting over them. What it makes harder is grief people where they have no means to escape other than logging off. In that sense, it can’t come soon enough, so that people like you can no longer enjoy your “World PvP”.

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Hahahaha again with this “dying servers crap” from another kid that plays the game 24/7 :smiley: yes you are not able to find dungeon group for your lvl 37 alt at 9:00 am… nor is this game supposed to be for that. Doesnt mean it s dying…
Edit: I will play TBC and love it as I do.Classic, and ppl like you will still spit their venom here on forums