Make 3 changes to the game

I’m curious with this one, why?

1: Bring back order halls and keep them integrated in the latest expansion. Doesn’t have to be the main focus like they were in Legion but they could offer interesting lore and storylines on how your class views the current events. Add with this the potential to give us unique class sets and mounts once or twice per expansion and you have a big win. (just no mission table please)

2: Player housing with full customization. You start with a 4x4 house you can place wherever in the world, as long as there’s no mob spawns near your house, or in an already established town. Other won’t see your house until you invite them. Make it upgradeable, but not as braindead like the garisson in WoD. Add stuff you can chase in the world or in raids - just not 1% RNG BS - like the ability to display your weapons and armor, stuff from your fav expansions, a teleport or portal to a city.

3: Integrate the support role like Aug Evokers into more classes. Disc priests could perfectly fill this role while retaining the healer role (maybe restrict their healing a bit to balance their support role), Moonkins… or give some classes a 4th spec that fills this role. Again doesn’t have to be dps.

A support DPS can afford to have less DPS, because in group content, it can buff several other players to compensate.
In a dungeon, raid or PvP setting, there are always other DPS players around.

A healer doing less healing is just going to be inferior to other healers in M+ and arena, where they are the only healer in their team.

Your words, not mine.
I don’t claim to be better. I just claim to have a different mindset.

The average person doesn’t play WoW.

Anyway… This is so far beyond the scope of what this thread was supposed to be… I’m going to drop it by saying: You are right.

Can we list fun dreams and hopes for the game now?

The average person isn’t female.
The average person isn’t European.

Where are we going with this?

Sure. Please do.

Not if disc is remade like they work in wrath. More focus on shields to mitigate damage and less healing. I’m sure they can balance it to make them on par with other healers. Disc is not the best to bring someone from 10% to 100%, but they are amazing in preventing damage. Easy to pair this with some other support stuff I think.

I know this won’t ever happen, blizz is too hard on the way disc works now, a spec I won’t touch.

EDIT: other thing they can do if they role becomes mainstream is to seperate it as a 4th role. I’m lowkey thinking they will go this route and that Aug was just a test.

It’s more the other way around; PvP’ers haven’t gotten any real content in a long while.

More dog breeds!
And have them as tameable hunter pets too!

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While I agree that it’s fun and good class fantasy, I believe they stopped doing this because in raid settings, other healers would keep players at max HP with regular healing, while Disc Priests would basically “grow extra HP” on players with their huge shields, allowing some mechanics to be nullified or too easily dealt with, which created issues when designing new PvE encounters.

Yeah I suspect the same. Still it was an interesting way to heal.

A Doberman Pinscher looking dog would be awesome.

Saying that though, my hunter has Skoll x2 and Loque x2 and I find it hard to not use them most of the time. I need to play my hunter again actually - he has been abandoned for some time.

Resto Shaman feels a bit like that, with all the passive healing from Earth Shield + Riptide ticks + Healing stream totem ticks + Earthen Wall Totem shields.

It makes you feel like you turn people into tanks.

Indeed it does
Basically every change in the skills or “balance” is not from the PvE palyers, but the PvP players who moans constantly and edding up ruining classes and spec for PvE

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What time and resources? They got one arena map this entire expansion. One map the size of a single PvE encounter room.

Balancing is only sort of true. PvP is definitely playing 2nd rate citizen though.

You’re genuinely starting to sound like a hoarder.

PvP is completely and utterly broken due to PvE related changes (because there are no PvE modifiers - every time they do a PvE change it affects PvP while the opposite is not true). They’re not even whining much anymore, they’re just gone lol.

No it’s not.
They’ll buff Mages by 8% and say: “Does not affect PvP combat” next to it.
The “Does not affect PvP combat” line pretty much solves the whole issue and it’s used every time there’s a new balance patch.

Yes that’d be cool.
My personal favorite breed is border collie, so I’d love to see them ingame, but I’d understand if they went for breeds that have a reputation for being ‘combat ready’ so to speak.

Oh that reminds me of another change I want to see:

Give hunters the ability back to spec their pets. So we can use the appearances that we love and still get the skills that we want. Just being able to choose between ferocity, cunning or tenacity would be enough.


I think she means time commitment.

But yeah it ain’t much.

I really don’t think there’s anything wrong at all with hoarding whatever you want in a videogame; do you?

If i could have 3 wishes…

Bring the old mage tower weps back
Bring the old mage tower weps back
Bring challange gear back

Way more time was wasted on garbage PvE game modes that people genuinely DO NOT engage with, such as Island Expeditions, Warfronts and Torghast, than on PvP - which is played by thousands of players every season.