Make 3 changes to the game

Well it just means you have a thousand things of no value to you. I mean you can’t throw things away in WoW but it’s just this mentality, which I have heard from her many, many times before, of “I want X because I want X so I should get X and there’s no argument against me getting X because, like I said, I want X.”

And then the rest of us are just like “so where’s our rewards for a sense of accomplishment now?”

And the problem with that is that any content that traditionally gated anything to which this mentality is applied, such as old raids, are made completely trivial, and so basically the expansions cease to exist in any meaningful sense as new are added.

EDIT: So that’s why I take an issue with this. It just kills a metric ton of content outright, so I do not think it’s unhealthy for the game. PvP, by contrast, isn’t killing PvE.

Yes. And Warfronts should have been a PvP activity. It’s such a hilariously good fit it blows my mind.

The only content resources should be poured into are raids and m+ :sneezing_face:

In that case; I’m not even close to being a hoarder.
I only go after stuff that I like and/or think I would actually use.

And that’s a very elitist mindset. Which I take issue with.
That’s probably why we will never get along; a rare topic that we see eye-to-eye on being an exception.

I’m really surprised they haven’t allowed us to choose the spec of our hunter pets at this point. It’s something that I had hoped they’d have added by now. Having tenacity spirit beasts is cool, but ideally I’d have wanted them to be ferocity.

As a warlock main, I feel spoiled. They have given us a lot lately (which is amazing), and I would be surprised not to see that little bit of extra freedom with hunter pets at some point.


We used to be able to for several years. No clue why it was taken away.
But yeah; I hope with the devs new way of doing things; we’ll see a return of that.

Or they could actually re-design the whole hunter pet system. I personally wouldn’t mind a ‘collection’ like tab for pet appearances, that you could apply to one of 3 basic builds (those being based on tenacity, cunning and ferocity of course). That way we wouldn’t need the hassle that is ‘the stable’.


I was extremely hyped when they announced BFA, with the amazing cinematic.
Horde vs. Alliance again, I thought surely, this would mean a huge PvP focus!

Lmao. It’s the only expansion I’ve 100% skipped since I’m playing on retail.
They deleted PvP vendors, removed Legion templates, enables PvE trinkets in arena, and forced PvP players to grind M+ and corrupted gear in order to compete in PvP.

Not to mention the GCD they added on everything.
God, was a terrible expansion it was. And I thought it couldn’t get worse after Legion.

We used to have it but it has now gone for no real reason :frowning:


I thought it couldn’t get better after Legion.
And so far I’ve been right, sadly.

Legion was the closest we’ve ever come to a perfect expansion.

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Add Tinker class with 3 roles.

Bring back dinars and personal loot like SL season 4.

Bring back class centric campaigns/story.

1: Return all removed content. Whenever replaced by revamp, add the old version with all it’s content as a new phase. This means Zidormi in capital cities → phase into no-fly pre-Cataclysm Azeroth → all pre-cata dungeons and raids will be there as they were. This should also include old Nax.

2: Add open world gameplay options for zone scaling and leveling speed. Make it an option to remove level scaling and give players the opportunity to pick an experience gain that fits better with their leveling speed preference.

3: Revert the character level squish nonsense, level 70 is to become level 140.

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He got shafted to push sylvanas forward

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I am aware of this weird phenomenon.

An undead canabalistic dragon mutated possibly by old gods what a terrible return that would be /s

The stable is a monumental pain in the hoop. I change demons / pets all the time to match mogs or just my mood at that time. With demons, it’s great because I can change them right there and then; with pets though, I have to go and find a stable and it can be a real inconvenience sometimes.

I could definitely get behind the re-designed pet system. I have faith that we may see something like that eventually.

Legion was magnificent. I just wish that I hadn’t started playing WoW towards the end of what I think is my favourite part of WoW history.

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By discovering WoW in Legion, you received the Thanos treatment.

A player who knows not what was lost, only what has been given.
A grateful playerbase.

Nothing weird about it.

It’s about fun. And I had a LOT of fun in Legion for various reasons.

I hope they lean into the class/spec fantasy more again in the future; that was just pure awesomeness imo.

I was there before. And what we ‘lost’ was worth it, a hundred times fold.

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I received the BfA treatment.

Thankfully, Dragonflight is restoring my faith in the game.

Yet they all had high engagement. That’s regardless of my personal opinion of them.

PvP is awful content for me. But you don’t see me being going into brat mode and demanding it’s removal. I’ve been forced to engage in PvP several times for PvE and it has not done anything to make me enjoy taking part in it.

However I am perfectly happy to accept that others find this content fun but there is zero reason to bash other parts of WoW just because you personally don’t like them. It’s as ridiculous as Classic players coming here going my game’s better than your game.

With class halls, new questlines and lore items, and new visual effects? Sure.

With removing half of my class’ tools and mechanics and dumbing it down to Fury warrior levels of depth?
I’ll pass.

Indeed. Had. They no longer do, which is why PvE is the real waste of time from a development standpoint.

PvP is still being played on Vanilla maps.
PvE content from 2 years ago is completely and utterly irrelevant: entire continents, dungeons and raids are sitting there, empty.

I don’t think you are stupid. So why would even think to claim old content in a PvE context would be relevant now.