Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±



Never wrong your healerā€¦ :smirk:

(especially not on this weekā€¦ looks at Bursting)

Pizza with jelly babies kills people


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I visit 4chan since 2003.

Poolā€™s closed!


One day I was feeling poorly and my stomach was upset. I did 2 hours raid sat on the toilet with my laptop and a portable table back in BFA :neutral_face: ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ too dark? :sweat_smile:
My old guild was clueless as I kept the mic off :rofl:


i made a nightborne mage yesterday, leveled her to level 21 and binned her today.

nightbornes are just so damn fugly. i really want to like them but i cant, its my second attempt nowā€¦ they just look so off even with the new customisationsā€¦

i hope Luna doesnt find out about this :joy:


Donā€™t worryā€¦ Iā€™ll keep your secret.

@Lunaera , we have another lowborn scum here who doesnā€™t like the second prettiest Horde race!

Yours sincerely,
The one and only Thalassian Topmodel and Nightborne sympathizer.

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i said what i said.


I have a nightborne priest I unlocked the heritage armor with. Come 9.2.5, sheā€™ll be a mechagnome, and sheā€™ll finally look good.

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My favorite race is gnome.

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I have a severe dislike for mechagnomes and vulpera. I wish they were never implemented.

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I like the vulpera and mechagnomes, but Iā€™d never play them.

Iā€™ll take normal gnomes and goblins anyday.

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I purchased a yacht off Bobby K and found Dunkieeā€™s felweed stash hidden under the floorboards :laughing:

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I will stand with you, and so will Mr Floof.

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Luckily for her then I broke in earlier and made off with her other stash of questionable publications so you couldnā€™t embarrass her in public.


I crafted full set of plate 230 lvl gear - oh my - it wont fit :joy:

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I love exploding corpses whenever I find one.

That probably says something about me as a person.


It means youā€™re a Death Knight of culture. Most people donā€™t even know this spell exists. :grin:


You mean ā€˜50 Shades of Mageā€™ or her other ahem 'adult educational material ā€™

Not that I would publicly embarrass her, no way . Oh wait, I just might have doneā€¦

Iā€™m an innocent angel, no idea what youā€™re talking about :innocent: